Flame: Problem with zoo: restoring times

Jacob Gore gore at eecs.nwu.edu
Wed Feb 22 09:04:01 AEST 1989

/ comp.sources.bugs / peter at sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) / Feb 21, 1989 /
> People in the past have written programs that expected a TZ variable on non-
> UNIX systems. People just never bothered to set it.
> There are two useful alternatives: (1) Store local time and GMT, or (2) Store
> local time and timezone. These alternatives are equivalent, and the second
> takes less space. QED.

I don't understand...  If you store your local time and timezone, you know
the timezone, right?  How is storing (local_time, time_zone) different from
storing (local_time - time_zone)?  And the latter equals GMT.


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