File times (was: Zoo and Timezones)

Rahul Dhesi dhesi at bsu-cs.UUCP
Sun Feb 19 06:06:10 AEST 1989

In article <2888 at> jv at (Johan Vromans) writes:
     SInce most systems do not know about timezones (e.g. MSDOS, VMS),
     it were better for a real good exchangeable archiving program like
     zoo to ignore timezones, store local times only, and document that
     it is done this way.

My feeling exactly, which is why the default action, in the absence of
the symbol GETTZ being defined, is to do the above.  I quote from the
zoo manual:

	  The file time listed is, however, always the original
	  timestamp of the archived file, as observed by the user who
	  archived the file, expressed as that user's local time.
	  (Timezone information is stored and displayed only if the
	  underlying operating system knows about timezones.)

I'll keep the other major suggestion (maintain timezone as a signed
number) in mind.
Rahul Dhesi         UUCP:  <backbones>!{iuvax,pur-ee}!bsu-cs!dhesi
                    ARPA:  bsu-cs!dhesi at

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