Flame: Problem with zoo: restoring times

Peter da Silva peter at sugar.uu.net
Mon Feb 20 07:41:50 AEST 1989

In article <1989Feb19.134220.29438 at gpu.utcs.toronto.edu>, woods at gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Greg Woods) writes:
> In article <3453 at sugar.uu.net> peter at sugar.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
> > In article <5930001 at eecs.nwu.edu>, gore at eecs.nwu.edu (Jacob Gore) writes:
> > > For those systems, is there any harm in pretending that they *are* on GMT?

> > Sure. I zoo up an archive on my Amiga, and unzoo it on a UNIX box. All the
> > times are now off.

> What would be a better solution, provided you absolutely must run your
> machine on local time ...

Distasteful, but true fact: most operating systems other than UNIX do this.

> I suggest that zoo archives (another thing I find very little use for)

So why do you care?

> store GMT internally, and for those O/S's that
> can't manage to relate to the rest of the world, zoo may be compiled
> with a local time conversion factor built in.

Because zoo doesn't know what the local time is, but the UNIX system does
have everythink it needs to convert between GMT and local time. QED.
Peter "Have you hugged your wolf today" da Silva  `-_-'  Hackercorp.
...texbell!sugar!peter, or peter at sugar.uu.net      'U`

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