Flame: Problem with zoo: restoring times

Johan Vromans jv at mhres.mh.nl
Thu Feb 16 06:36:11 AEST 1989

In article <5698 at bsu-cs.UUCP> dhesi at bsu-cs.UUCP (Rahul Dhesi) writes:
>The code that stores the timezone into the archive is in function
>newdir() in file zooadd2.c:
>   long gettz();
>   direntry->tz = (uchar) (gettz() / (15 * 60)); /* seconds => 15-min units */
>The gettz() function, found in bsd.c and sysv.c, must return the
>timezone, in seconds west of GMT, as a long value.  The above code
>scales this value to to 15-minute units, casts the result to unsigned
>char (which is typedef'd as uchar), and assigns it to direntry->tz.

Flame On!

Did you ever notice that the world does not stop at Greenwich?
In other words: how about timezones that are EAST of GMT?

	WET = Western European Time equal to GMT
	MET = Middle  European Time is GMT + 1 hour
	EET = Eastern European Time is GMT + 2 hours

Another Flame On!

Why do you adjust file times according to timezones?
A file created at 12:00 GMT will have its time stamped 12:00 GMT
whatever timezone it was created, archived or extracted.
File times are stored internally relative to GMT. When stored
this way, they should be retrieved this way. No need to change it.

Both Flames Off!

Apart from this problem, zoo appears to be a good program.
Johan Vromans			 jv at mh.nl via european backbone (mcvax)
Multihouse [A-Za-z ]* [NB]V			uucp: ..!mcvax!mh.nl!jv
Gouda - The Netherlands				  phone: +31 1820 62944

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