Flame: Problem with zoo: restoring times

Rahul Dhesi dhesi at bsu-cs.UUCP
Sun Feb 19 06:11:27 AEST 1989

In article <5930001 at eecs.nwu.edu> gore at eecs.nwu.edu (Jacob Gore) writes:
     For [systems that do not maintain timezone information], is there
     any harm in pretending that they *are* on GMT?

There is possible confusion if the same person has access to multiple
systems, some of which keep track of timezone and some of which don't.
Suppose you took an archive created on a UNIX system and transferred it
to your microcomputer running MS-DOS.  If the archive created on UNIX
had timestamps recorded in GMT, the timestamps you would see on your
MS-DOS system would be off by the amount you are away from GMT.
Rahul Dhesi         UUCP:  <backbones>!{iuvax,pur-ee}!bsu-cs!dhesi
                    ARPA:  bsu-cs!dhesi at iuvax.cs.indiana.edu

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