Problem with Ease created

Bill Sears bills at sequent.UUCP
Wed Feb 22 14:36:16 AEST 1989

    I have compiled the Ease programs and have been running some tests on
our file and the file that Ease created and have
found some discrepancies.  Here is the scenario:

We have several machines here at work, call them

    sysmain, sys1, sys2, sys3, and sys4

The system contains the following line:

    CSsys1 sys2 sys3 sys4

and the sysmain.ease file contains the section:

	    S = { sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4 };

which compiles into as:

    CCsys1 sys2 sys3 sys4

Note: The system sysmain is not in this list.

Note: The Ease program does not assign the same class identifier to a
class as is specified in the Ease source file.  This, I am assuming,
is to get around the problem of referencing a class before it has been

(All of the following are executed on machine sys2)

Using to parse the address "bills at sysmain" yields

ruleset  0 returns: "^U" "ether" "^V" "sysmain" "^W" "bills" "<" "@" "sysmain" ">"

This is the correct parse.  Parsing the same address with (generated
with Ease) incorrectly yields

ruleset  0 returns: "^U" "local" "^W" "bills" "<" "@" "sysmain" ">"

Changing all references of class 'C' to 'S' in yields the desired

ruleset  0 returns: "^U" "ether" "^V" "sysmain" "^W" "bills" "<" "@" "sysmain" ">"

Basically what it boils down to is this:  Apparently, sendmail places a special
meaning upon class 'S' such that it understands more hosts than are explicitly
declared in the class statement.  What I'm wondering is:
    Should Ease treat class 'S' specially also?
    Should sendmail not be treating class 'S' specially?
    Should I add the system sysmain to my sysmain.ease source file and hope
    that there aren't any other hosts which are missing?
    Are there any other class identifiers that sendmail places special meaning
    upon that Ease does not?

I've tried to make this as clear as possible.  If anyone can shed some light
on what is actually happening I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.


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