SHAPE - Official Patch (PATCH#1)

Wolfgang Obst wolfgang at coma.UUCP
Mon Jul 10 20:42:20 AEST 1989

Here are the first official patches for the shape-toolkit.
Besides the fixing of several bugs, one enhancement of shape is included:
a special macro `hosttype' is supported for people working with a network
file system on different machines.
If this macro is set to a certain value, e.g.:

	hosttype = vax_ultrix_2_0

this value is used to mark the derived objects rather than the hostname.
So derived objects are `up to date' even if you change the host.
Make sure that your hosts are *really* compatible!! If you are working
with incompatible hosts (e.g. VAXEN and SUNS), you should use the
VARIANT SECTION within the Shapefile to define different variants and
define the value of `hosttype' dependent of the activated variant.

The shell archive below contains 4 files


Apply the patches sh_3.11.pat{1,2,3} within the subdirectory
.../src/shape, the patches vc_3.31.pat1 within the subdirectory
.../src/vc using the patch(1) command.

Keep on shapin'

Wolfgang Obst  					TU Berlin FB-20 Sekr. FR 5-6
UUCP: {unido!}coma!wolfgang			Franklinstr. 28/29
BITNET: wolfgang at db0tui62		 	D-1000 Berlin (West) 10

-------------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
#	sh_3.11.pat1
#	sh_3.11.pat2
#	sh_3.11.pat3
#	vc_3.31.pat1
# This archive created: Mon Jul 10 11:38:04 1989
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'sh_3.11.pat1'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'sh_3.11.pat1'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sh_3.11.pat1'
*** /tmp/attr.c	Mon Mar  6 13:08:27 1989
--- attr.c	Fri Mar  3 15:36:14 1989
*** 2467,2477 ****
  /* not yet complete ???? */
  /* a{bc,d,e}f mactches abcf adf & aef not implemented */
    int i,j;
!   char result[128];
    char tmp_result[64];
-   static char rechars[] = "^.$?*[]{}";
    j = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < strlen(patt); i++)
--- 2467,2475 ----
  /* not yet complete ???? */
  /* a{bc,d,e}f mactches abcf adf & aef not implemented */
    int i,j;
!   static char result[128];
    char tmp_result[64];
    j = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < strlen(patt); i++)
*** 2494,2504 ****
! (void) sprintf(result,"%s%s%s",(!(index(rechars,tmp_result[0]))) ? "^" : "",
! 	tmp_result, (!(index(rechars,tmp_result[strlen(tmp_result) - 1]))) ? 
! 	"$" : "");
--- 2492,2498 ----
! (void) sprintf(result,"^%s$",tmp_result);
*** /tmp/macro.c	Mon Mar  6 13:17:05 1989
--- macro.c	Mon Mar  6 13:21:58 1989
*** 137,143 ****
        line[len-1] = '\0';
        return (line);
--- 137,143 ----
        line[len-1] = '\0';
        return (line);
! return(NIL);
*** /tmp/version.c[1.54]	Thu Mar  9 20:50:08 1989
--- version.c	Thu Mar  9 20:52:35 1989
*** 24,27 ****
   * 		     Tel: +49-30-314-22972
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
! char *version () { static char ConfID[] =  "3.11 (Mon Feb 27 11:20:46 MET 1989 by wolfgang at coma )";  return ConfID; }
--- 24,27 ----
   * 		     Tel: +49-30-314-22972
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
! char *version () { static char ConfID[] =  "3.11 Patchlevel_1\n\tThu Mar  9 20:51:10 MET 1989 by wolfgang at coma ";  return ConfID; }
if test -f 'sh_3.11.pat2'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'sh_3.11.pat2'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sh_3.11.pat2'
*** misc.c	Tue Jun 13 11:08:10 1989
--- /tmp/misc.c	Tue Jun 13 11:16:32 1989
*** 25,117 ****
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
  #ifndef lint
! static char *RCSid = "$Header: misc.c,v 3.5 89/02/21 17:11:54 wolfgang Exp $";
- #ifndef lint
- static char *ConfFlg = CFFLGS;	/* should be defined from within Makefile */
- #endif
!  * $Log:	misc.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.5  89/02/21  17:11:54  wolfgang
!  * append_mtime changed
!  * 
!  * Revision 3.4  89/02/20  16:26:08  wolfgang
!  * 
!  * Revision 3.3  89/02/08  16:19:55  wolfgang
!  * one comment added for lint.
!  * ..
!  * 
!  * Revision 3.2  89/02/08  12:46:32  wolfgang
!  * performance improved.
!  * 
!  * Revision 3.1  89/02/06  14:26:41  wolfgang
!  * bug fixed.
!  * 
!  * Revision 3.0  89/01/24  11:36:12  wolfgang
!  * New System Generation
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.19  89/01/23  16:14:42  wolfgang
!  * inheritance of uda's is now suppressed
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.18  89/01/03  13:12:23  wolfgang
!  * changes done for lint
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.17  88/12/22  12:36:39  wolfgang
!  * dummy procedure free_linklist()m added.
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.16  88/12/21  15:11:10  wolfgang
!  * changes done for lint
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.15  88/12/19  13:21:27  wolfgang
!  * is_in_forcelist added().
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.14  88/11/23  12:35:48  wolfgang
!  * Another dorpkey added.
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.13  88/11/21  20:55:10  wolfgang
!  * changes done for sun
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.12  88/11/09  16:25:59  wolfgang
!  * bugs fixed
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.11  88/11/08  11:05:02  wolfgang
!  * This version is part of a release
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.10  88/11/03  17:29:46  wolfgang
!  * calls of af_dropset added in compare_attrstring().
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.9  88/10/10  16:54:43  wolfgang
!  * changed for the -t option. if (touchflg) nothing is restored.
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.8  88/09/23  15:54:20  wolfgang
!  * bug fixed in get_attr_type (retrn values).
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.7  88/09/22  16:15:06  wolfgang
!  * clleanup_links() changed (now recursive).
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.6  88/09/07  11:23:30  wolfgang
!  * unlinking of tmp file added to cleanup_links().
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.5  88/08/25  16:09:07  wolfgang
!  * Message: ... restored from bpool changed; [busy] is supreesed and if
!  * type = "" the "." is supressed.
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.4  88/08/22  15:30:43  wolfgang
!  * Two types added: syspath & host; are necessary for confid.
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.3  88/08/22  11:24:06  wolfgang
!  * Attribute string changed: added "." between name & type.
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.2  88/08/19  10:05:59  wolfgang
!  * bug fixed; if attrs were too long for bpool file, the identification
!  * of the busy version had not been correct.
!  * Furthermore the format of the string "... version restored ..." has
!  * been changed, so that -2 .-2 for busy Version is supressed.
!  * 
!  * Revision 2.1  88/08/18  13:19:41  wolfgang
!  * minor bug fixes; mtime added to identification string of derived objects
!  * 
  #include <sys/types.h>
--- 25,34 ----
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
  #ifndef lint
! static char *AFSid = "$__Header$";
!  * $__Log$
  #include <sys/types.h>
*** 471,479 ****
       Af_attrs *buf;
       int recdepth;
!   char attributes[MAX_ATTR];
!   (void) sprintf(attributes,"%s%s%s%s%s%d%d%d%d",
--- 388,406 ----
       Af_attrs *buf;
       int recdepth;
!   char attributes[MAXATTRLENGTH];
!   static char pnt[MAXNAMLEN];
!   char x[MAXNAMLEN];
!   int len = 0;
!   (void) sprintf(x,"%s%s%s%s",buf->af_syspath,buf->af_name,".",buf->af_type);
!   if (!strcmp(x,pnt))
!     return;
!   else
!     (void) (strcpy(pnt,x));
!   if (!strcmp(expandmacro("$(hosttype)","")))
!     {
!       (void) sprintf(attributes,"%s%s%s%s%s%d%d%d%d",
*** 496,514 ****
  	  buf->af_ltime */
  /*  i = 0;
    while(buf->af_udattrs[i] != NIL)
!       if ((strlen(attributes) + strlen(buf->af_udattrs[i])) >= MAX_ATTR)
        (void) strcat(attributes,buf->af_udattrs[i]);
!   if ((strlen(attributes) + strlen(longattrs[recdepth])) >= MAX_ATTR)
!     errexit(29,NIL);
    (void) strcat(longattrs[recdepth],attributes);
  #ifdef DEBUG_MISC
--- 423,470 ----
  	  buf->af_ltime */
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       (void) sprintf(attributes,"%s%s%s%s%s%d%d%d%d",
+ 	  buf->af_name,
+ 	  ".",
+ 	  buf->af_type,
+ 	  expandmacro("$(hosttype)"),
+ 	  buf->af_syspath,
+ 	  buf->af_gen,
+ 	  buf->af_rev,
+ 	  buf->af_state,
+ 	  buf->af_mtime /* ,
+ 	  buf->af_owner.af_username,
+ 	  buf->af_owner.af_userhost,
+ 	  buf->af_author.af_username,
+ 	  buf->af_author.af_userhost,
+ 	  buf->af_locker.af_username,
+ 	  buf->af_locker.af_userhost,
+  	  buf->af_size,
+ 	  buf->af_mode,
+ 	  buf->af_atime,
+ 	  buf->af_ctime,
+  	  buf->af_stime,
+ 	  buf->af_ltime */
+ 	  );
+     }
  /*  i = 0;
    while(buf->af_udattrs[i] != NIL)
!       if ((strlen(attributes) + strlen(buf->af_udattrs[i])) >= MAXATTRLENGTH)
        (void) strcat(attributes,buf->af_udattrs[i]);
!   len = strlen(longattrs[recdepth]);
!   if ((longattrs[recdepth] = realloc(longattrs[recdepth],
! 	     (unsigned) ( len + strlen(attributes) + sizeof(char)))) == NIL)
!     errexit(10,"realloc");
    (void) strcat(longattrs[recdepth],attributes);
  #ifdef DEBUG_MISC
*** 524,530 ****
    char time[64];
    /* (void) sprintf(time,"%d",testbuf->af_mtime);
!   (void) strcat(longattrs[recdepth],time); */
--- 480,486 ----
    char time[64];
    /* (void) sprintf(time,"%d",testbuf->af_mtime);
!      */
*** version.c	Tue Jun 13 11:35:08 1989
--- /tmp/version.c	Tue Jun 13 11:35:17 1989
*** 24,27 ****
   * 		     Tel: +49-30-314-22972
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
! char *version () { static char ConfID[] =  "3.11 Patchlevel_1\n\tThu Mar  9 20:51:10 MET 1989 by wolfgang at coma ";  return ConfID; }
--- 24,27 ----
   * 		     Tel: +49-30-314-22972
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
! char *version () { static char ConfID[] =  "3.11 Patchlevel_2\n\tTue Jun 13 11:34:10 MET DST 1989 by wolfgang at coma ";  return ConfID; }
*** /u/shape/shapetools/src/shape/produce.c	Mon Feb 27 17:16:59 1989
--- produce.c	Wed Jun 28 14:55:57 1989
*** 305,312 ****
  			  (void) strcat(comm," ");
  			  j = j + strlen(curdep) + 1;
- 		      k++;
  		      curdep = cur->deplist[k];
  	      i = i + 2;
--- 305,312 ----
  			  (void) strcat(comm," ");
  			  j = j + strlen(curdep) + 1;
  		      curdep = cur->deplist[k];
+ 		      k++;
  	      i = i + 2;
if test -f 'sh_3.11.pat3'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'sh_3.11.pat3'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sh_3.11.pat3'
*** /u/shape/shapetools/src/shape/shape.l	Mon Feb 27 18:59:29 1989
--- shape.l	Fri Jun 30 11:00:21 1989
*** 136,142 ****
  Macroname	[0-9a-zA-Z_-]
  Vcl		"::=".*
  Vclass		"vclass"{Layout}*{Ruledef}{Nocomment}
! Macrodef	{Macroname}+{Layout}*"="{Layout}*{Nocomment}
  Rulesecstart	"#%"{Layout}*"RULE-SECTION"{Layout}*
  Rulesecend	"#%"{Layout}*"END-RULE-SECTION"{Layout}*
  Selectionrule	{Rulesecstart}+{Any2}*{Rulesecend}+
--- 136,142 ----
  Macroname	[0-9a-zA-Z_-]
  Vcl		"::=".*
  Vclass		"vclass"{Layout}*{Ruledef}{Nocomment}
! Macrodef	{Layout}*{Macroname}+{Layout}*"="{Layout}*{Nocomment}
  Rulesecstart	"#%"{Layout}*"RULE-SECTION"{Layout}*
  Rulesecend	"#%"{Layout}*"END-RULE-SECTION"{Layout}*
  Selectionrule	{Rulesecstart}+{Any2}*{Rulesecend}+
*** /u/shape/shapetools/src/shape/produce.c	Mon Feb 27 17:16:59 1989
--- produce.c	Fri Jun 30 11:19:59 1989
*** 1126,1131 ****
--- 1126,1133 ----
    if (noexflg)
+       if(cmd[0] == '@')
+ 	cmd++;
        printf("%s\n", cmd);
        (void) fflush(stdout);
        reallydone = TRUE;
*** /u/shape/shapetools/src/shape/version.c	Fri Jun 30 11:58:20 1989
--- version.c	Fri Jun 30 12:00:05 1989
*** 24,27 ****
   * 		     Tel: +49-30-314-22972
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
! char *version () { static char ConfID[] =  "3.11 Patchlevel_2\n\tTue Jun 13 11:34:10 MET DST 1989 by wolfgang at coma ";  return ConfID; }
--- 24,27 ----
   * 		     Tel: +49-30-314-22972
   * 		     E-mail: shape at coma.uucp or shape at db0tui62.bitnet
! char *version () { static char ConfID[] =  "3.11 Patchlevel_3\n\tThu Mar  9 20:51:10 MET 1989 by wolfgang at coma ";  return ConfID; }
if test -f 'vc_3.31.pat1'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'vc_3.31.pat1'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'vc_3.31.pat1'
*** mkattr.c	Thu Mar  9 22:26:51 1989
--- /tmp/mkattr.c[3.8]	Thu Mar  9 22:41:29 1989
*** 1,5 ****
  #ifndef lint
! static char *AFSid = "$Header: mkattr.c[3.6] Thu Feb 23 18:13:34 1989 axel at coma published $";
  #ifdef CFFLGS
  static char *ConfFlg = CFFLGS;
  	/* should be defined from within Makefile */
--- 1,5 ----
  #ifndef lint
! static char *AFSid = "$Header: mkattr.c[3.8] Thu Mar  9 22:41:28 1989 axel at coma published $";
  #ifdef CFFLGS
  static char *ConfFlg = CFFLGS;
  	/* should be defined from within Makefile */
*** 6,18 ****
!  * Log for /u/shape/dist-tape/src/vc/mkattr.c[3.2]
!  * 	Thu Feb 23 18:13:34 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  mkattr.c[3.5] Thu Feb 23 18:13:34 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  mkattr.c[3.6] Thu Feb 23 18:13:34 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
--- 6,24 ----
!  * Log for /u/axel/shape/apps/PATCH/mkattr.c[3.2]
!  * 	Thu Mar  9 22:41:28 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  mkattr.c[3.5] Thu Mar  9 22:41:28 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  mkattr.c[3.6] Thu Mar  9 22:41:28 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
+  *  mkattr.c[3.7] Thu Mar  9 22:41:28 1989 axel at coma save $
+  *  --- empty log message ---
+  *  mkattr.c[3.8] Thu Mar  9 22:41:28 1989 axel at coma published $
+  *  Corrected the regexp(3) pattern for distinguishing genuine version-numbers
+  *  from symbolic names that contain numbers (e.g. rel1.0a).
+  *  
*** 40,46 ****
    char *emsg, *re_comp();
    int genno, revno, rc;
!   if (emsg = re_comp("[0-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9][0-9]*")) { /* quite liberal RE */
      logerr (emsg);
      return 0;
--- 46,52 ----
    char *emsg, *re_comp();
    int genno, revno, rc;
!   if (emsg = re_comp("^[0-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9][0-9]*$")) { /* quite liberal RE */
      logerr (emsg);
      return 0;
*** dosave.c	Fri Mar 10 20:03:02 1989
--- /tmp/dosave.c[3.22]	Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989
*** 1,5 ****
  #ifndef lint
! static char *AFSid = "$Header: dosave.c[3.21] Thu Feb 23 18:13:30 1989 axel at coma published $";
  #ifdef CFFLGS
  static char *ConfFlg = CFFLGS;
  	/* should be defined from within Makefile */
--- 1,5 ----
  #ifndef lint
! static char *AFSid = "$Header: dosave.c[3.22] Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989 axel at coma published $";
  #ifdef CFFLGS
  static char *ConfFlg = CFFLGS;
  	/* should be defined from within Makefile */
*** 6,30 ****
!  * Log for /u/shape/dist-tape/src/vc/dosave.c[3.8]
!  * 	Thu Feb 23 18:13:30 1989 axel at coma save $
   *  Intention for change:
   *  This is still a test. A minute ago, I was able to set an intention
   *  but now I doubt, that I'll be allowed to set a user defined attribute
   *  to the bus
!  *  dosave.c[3.9] Thu Feb 23 18:13:30 1989 axel at coma save $
   *  Intention for change:
   *  This is still a test. A minute ago, I was able to set an intention
   *  but now I doubt, that I'll be allowed to set a user defined attribute
   *  to the bus
!  *  dosave.c[3.15] Thu Feb 23 18:13:30 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  dosave.c[3.19] Thu Feb 23 18:13:30 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  dosave.c[3.20] Thu Feb 23 18:13:30 1989 axel at coma save $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  dosave.c[3.21] Thu Feb 23 18:13:30 1989 axel at coma published $
!  *  --- empty log message ---
  #include <strings.h>
--- 6,42 ----
!  * Log for /u/axel/shape/apps/PATCH/dosave.c[3.8]
!  * 	Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989 axel at coma save $
   *  Intention for change:
   *  This is still a test. A minute ago, I was able to set an intention
   *  but now I doubt, that I'll be allowed to set a user defined attribute
   *  to the bus
!  *  dosave.c[3.9] Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989 axel at coma save $
   *  Intention for change:
   *  This is still a test. A minute ago, I was able to set an intention
   *  but now I doubt, that I'll be allowed to set a user defined attribute
   *  to the bus
!  *  dosave.c[3.15] Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  dosave.c[3.19] Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  dosave.c[3.21] Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989 axel at coma published $
   *  --- empty log message ---
!  *  dosave.c[3.22] Fri Mar 10 20:04:16 1989 axel at coma published $
!  *  dosave.c[3.23] Fri Mar 10 16:21:55 1989 axel at coma save $
!  *   dosave.c[3.22]:
!  *   In case of 'sbmt' with the -setvnum option, there was a problem when
!  *   a version was unchanged, and the last saved version had status "published".
!  *   sbmt complained about "version number too small". It is a feature of
!  *   AFS, that version numbers of objects with a status > proposed are
!  *   inalterable. "dosave" now sets the version number *before* the status
!  *   is set to published.
!  *   
!  *   Fixed a similar bug as in the previous version. It hit when submitting
!  *   a version with setvnum and no other saved versions exist. I also improved
!  *   SaveAVersion's strange and inconsistent diagnostic behaviour.
!  *  
  #include <strings.h>
*** 75,81 ****
    char spath[MAXNAMLEN], origpath[MAXNAMLEN], name[MAXNAMLEN], 
    *afname, *aftype, *afvariant = NULL, str[80], messg[80], *note, 
    *getnote(), *gettxt(), *vnum(), *getattr(), *as;
!   int truth = TRUE;
    Af_attrs reqattrs, busyattrs, sattrs;
    Af_key busy, lastsave, skey, *newkey, ngkey, tmpkey;
    Af_set junkset;
--- 87,93 ----
    char spath[MAXNAMLEN], origpath[MAXNAMLEN], name[MAXNAMLEN], 
    *afname, *aftype, *afvariant = NULL, str[80], messg[80], *note, 
    *getnote(), *gettxt(), *vnum(), *getattr(), *as;
!   int truth = TRUE, chflag = TRUE;
    Af_attrs reqattrs, busyattrs, sattrs;
    Af_key busy, lastsave, skey, *newkey, ngkey, tmpkey;
    Af_set junkset;
*** 154,165 ****
      newkey = &skey;
      ThisTransaction.tr_done = TRUE;
-     if (options & SUBMIT) {
-       af_sstate (newkey, AF_PROPOSED);
-       af_sstate (newkey, AF_PUBLISHED);
-     }
-     (void)sprintf (messg, "saved version %s", vnum (newkey));
-     logmsg (messg);
    }    /* This was handling of newly created archive */
    else {
  #ifdef PROJIMPL
--- 166,171 ----
*** 172,178 ****
  	af_dropkey (&busy);
  	abort_this (FALSE);
!     if (changed (&busy, &lastsave, &truth)) { 
        /* Version alias problem: copy or ref */
        if (options & TXTFSET) {
  	note = gettxt (tfname);
--- 178,184 ----
  	af_dropkey (&busy);
  	abort_this (FALSE);
!     if (chflag = changed (&busy, &lastsave, &truth)) { 
        /* Version alias problem: copy or ref */
        if (options & TXTFSET) {
  	note = gettxt (tfname);
*** 197,239 ****
        newkey = &skey;
        ThisTransaction.tr_done = TRUE;
        af_sudattr (newkey, AF_REMOVE, INTENT);
-       if (options & NEWGEN) {
- 	if (myproject(proj)) {
- 	  af_newgen (newkey, &ngkey);
- 	  (void)sprintf (messg, 
- 		   "saved version %s (aliassed by ",
- 		   vnum (newkey));
- 	  (void)sprintf (messg, "%s%s due to new generation)", messg, vnum(&ngkey)); 
- 	  logmsg (messg);
- 	  af_dropkey (newkey);
- 	  newkey = &ngkey;
- 	  if (options & SUBMIT)
- 	    setpublished (newkey);
- 	}
- 	else {
- 	  logmsg ("You must be project-admin to increase generation number.");
- 	}
-       }
-       else {
- 	(void)sprintf (messg, "saved version %s", vnum (newkey));
- 	logmsg (messg);
- 	if (options & SUBMIT) 
- 	  setpublished (newkey);
-       }
!     else {
        if (options & SUBMIT) {
  	char *intent = (char *)0;
! 	intent = af_rudattr (&busy, INTENT);
! 	note = getnote ("Do you want to comment your modifications ?", truth,
  			FALSE, intent);
  	if (intent) free (intent);
- 	af_sudattr (&busy, AF_REMOVE, INTENT);
- 	setpublished (&lastsave);
- 	(void)sprintf 
- 	  (messg, "%s set to state \"published\" (no changes to be saved)",
- 	   fname);
- 	logmsg (messg);
  	newkey = &lastsave;
        else {
--- 203,215 ----
        newkey = &skey;
        ThisTransaction.tr_done = TRUE;
        af_sudattr (newkey, AF_REMOVE, INTENT);
!     else { /* version is unchanged */
        if (options & SUBMIT) {
  	char *intent = (char *)0;
! 	note = getnote ("Do you want to state a comment ?", truth,
  			FALSE, intent);
  	if (intent) free (intent);
  	newkey = &lastsave;
        else {
*** 253,258 ****
--- 229,244 ----
      as = str;
      af_sudattr (newkey, AF_ADD, as);
+   if (options & NEWGEN) {
+     if (myproject(proj)) {
+       af_newgen (newkey, &ngkey);
+       af_dropkey (newkey);
+       newkey = &ngkey;
+     }
+     else {
+       logmsg ("You must be project-admin to increase generation number.");
+     }
+   }
    if (options & SETVNUM) {
      if (!(mkvno(vnum(newkey)) == newvnum)) { /* do nothing */
        if (af_svnum (newkey, gen(newvnum), rev(newvnum)) < 0) {
*** 262,267 ****
--- 248,257 ----
+   if (options & SUBMIT) setpublished (newkey);
+   (void)sprintf (messg, "%s version %s%s.", (options & SUBMIT) ? "published" :
+ 		 "saved", vnum (newkey), truth ? "" : " (no changes)");
+   logmsg (messg);
    if (options & ATTRDEF) {
      as = getattr (atr_fname, proj, aftype, REWIND);
      af_sudattr (newkey, AF_ADD, as);
*** version.c	Thu Mar  9 22:38:31 1989
--- /tmp/version.c[3.32]	Thu Mar  9 22:42:20 1989
*** 2,7 ****
   *  Prototype version procedure
  char *version () { 
!   static char ConfID[] =  "3.31 (Wed Feb 22 16:31:32 1989 by axel at coma)";
    return ConfID;
--- 2,7 ----
   *  Prototype version procedure
  char *version () { 
!   static char ConfID[] =  "3.31 Patchlevel_1\n\tThu Mar  9 22:34:20 MET 1989 by axel at coma)";
    return ConfID;

*** Makefile	Tue Mar 14 18:14:31 1989
--- /tmp/Makefile[1.3]	Tue Mar 14 18:21:00 1989
*** 1,18 ****
! # $Header: Makefile[1.2] Thu Feb 23 18:13:23 1989 axel at coma published $
! # Log for /u/shape/dist-tape/src/vc/Makefile[1.0]
! # 	Thu Feb 23 18:13:23 1989 axel at coma save $
  #  This Makefile is solely intended for the bootstrap installation
  #  of the SHAPE version-control system. It should be invoked by a 
  #  master Make 'install' process defining the macros BASE, SYSTEM, and
  #  possibly CONFIG from the commandline.
! #  Makefile[1.1] Thu Feb 23 18:13:23 1989 axel at coma published $
  #  added target 'depend:'. Works very nice.
! #  Makefile[1.2] Thu Feb 23 18:13:23 1989 axel at coma published $
  #  --- empty log message ---
  #  Makefile for Version Control System
--- 1,22 ----
! # $Header: Makefile[1.3] Tue Mar 14 18:21:00 1989 axel at coma save $
! # Log for /u/axel/shape/apps/PATCH/Makefile[1.0]
! # 	Tue Mar 14 18:21:00 1989 axel at coma save $
  #  This Makefile is solely intended for the bootstrap installation
  #  of the SHAPE version-control system. It should be invoked by a 
  #  master Make 'install' process defining the macros BASE, SYSTEM, and
  #  possibly CONFIG from the commandline.
! #  Makefile[1.1] Tue Mar 14 18:21:00 1989 axel at coma published $
  #  added target 'depend:'. Works very nice.
! #  Makefile[1.2] Tue Mar 14 18:21:00 1989 axel at coma published $
  #  --- empty log message ---
+ #  Makefile[1.3] Tue Mar 14 18:21:00 1989 axel at coma save $
+ #  Fixed the rule for the installation. It installed in the wrong place
+ #  and made the wrong (if any) links.
+ #  
  #  Makefile for Version Control System
*** 45,54 ****
- BUCKS = $$
- CC = cc -DCFFLGS='"$(BUCKS)Flags: <$<> $(CFLAGS) $$"'
  LDFLAGS = -g
--- 49,54 ----
*** 151,157 ****
  install: all
  	@echo -n installing version control system in $(INSTALDIR)...; \
! 	(cd $(BASE)/bin; rm -f save retrv vadm vl sbmt vcat vlog) ; \
  	echo -n .; \
  	install -c -m 755 save $(INSTALDIR); \
  	echo -n .; \
--- 151,157 ----
  install: all
  	@echo -n installing version control system in $(INSTALDIR)...; \
! 	(cd $(INSTALDIR); rm -f save retrv vadm vl sbmt vcat vlog) ; \
  	echo -n .; \
  	install -c -m 755 save $(INSTALDIR); \
  	echo -n .; \
*** 161,171 ****
  	echo -n .; \
  	install -c -m 755 vl $(INSTALDIR); \
  	echo -n .; \
  	ln save sbmt; \
  	echo -n .; \
  	ln retrv vcat; \
  	echo -n .; \
! 	ln vl vlog; \
  	echo done
--- 161,172 ----
  	echo -n .; \
  	install -c -m 755 vl $(INSTALDIR); \
  	echo -n .; \
+ 	(cd $(INSTALDIR); \
  	ln save sbmt; \
  	echo -n .; \
  	ln retrv vcat; \
  	echo -n .; \
! 	ln vl vlog); \
  	echo done
exit 0
#	End of shell archive

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