Bug in csh (history, "!a%100s"). Report and Fix.

Allyn Fratkin allyn at hp-sdd.hp.com
Mon Jul 10 03:26:11 AEST 1989

In article <769 at sbsvax.UUCP>, greim at sbsvax.UUCP (Michael Greim) writes:
> 	This fix works like this:
> 	- in error only a string ending in "@" is passed as format string
> 		to printf.
> 	- only internal error messages needing arguments need format specifiers,
> 		so I add a trailing "@" to any such message
> 	- any string not ending with "@" is passed to printf with "%s" as first
> 		parameter.

nothing personal, but what a disgusting hack.  you use @ as the *last* 
character of the string to indicate the presence of a second parameter?
wouldn't it have been much easier to use the first char?

but why didn't you just change the calls
	error("%s", singlearg);

seems like it would have been much cleaner.

(you could have done it with sed!  but i won't get into that now :-) )
 From the virtual mind of Allyn Fratkin            allyn at sdd.hp.com
                          San Diego Division       - or -
                          Hewlett-Packard Company  uunet!ucsd!hp-sdd!allyn

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