inconsistent behavior of sed

Glen Brydon glen at proexam.UUCP
Sun Jul 9 21:31:10 AEST 1989

Upon upgrading to 4.0.3 of SunOS (yes, another version of bsd unix)
we noticed that one of our many shell scripts stopped working.
Upon examination we found that it was a sed script which did the

	sed 's/.*/&/p;d'  (this is a minimal condensation)

It seems obvious to me that this should simply pass all information,
however, some versions of sed actually delete. This seems to be always
true of sysV sed and recently true of bsd sed (post 4.0 sunOS).

Is there anyone out there who has noticed this or disagrees with my
acessment of the situation (i.e. sysV sed has a bug!).

Please email me and I will summarize to the net.

Glen Brydon (glen at proexam.uucp)

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