v07i001: ularn - ultra-larn, an enhancement of the larn adventure game, Part01/08

Dave Lampe djl at dplace.UUCP
Thu Jul 13 12:39:17 AEST 1989

kevin at kosman.UUCP (Kevin O'Gorman) writes:

>I could not compile this on my (SYSV) 3b1, because gcc could not find
>TCIFLUSH. what's tcflush()?  It's the function being called with the above
>symbol, but I don't know anything else.

What I changed it to was 
    ioctl(0, TCFLSH, 0);
That drains the input in stdin. I think that was what was desired,
anyway it works.

Dave Lampe
{ames | lll-tis | sun | pyramid}!pacbell!dplace!djl
(415) 455-1571 (H)
(408) 986-9770 (W)

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