Bug in csh (history, "!a%100s"). Report and Fix.

Michael Greim greim at sbsvax.UUCP
Mon Jul 3 23:46:20 AEST 1989

In article <192 at dg.dg.com> in comp.bugs.sys5 rec at dg.dg.com (Robert Cousins)
reported a bug in csh.
Here is a description of it and a fix.

Absorb, apply and enjoy,


>I have found that there are several basic bugs in the Cshell history
>mechanism which can be quite problematic.  These were originally called
>to my attention by the work of a couple of researchers at the U of W in
>Madison.  Bug 1:
>	!a%999999999f
>which causes 999999999 spaces to be output to the screen.  (Fewer on
>16 bit machines.)  It seems that the error message in the history
>module goes through the first argument of a printf() call and can be
>interpreted as a format.  A second bug, which happens on fewer machines
>takes place with:
>	!a%f%f
>which can cause csh to dump core from a floating point error.  


	When printing an error message the csh function "error" passes
	its first argument to its printf. If this string contains a "%",
	printf tries to evaluate the following as a format accessing its
	argument list, which is empty quite probably. This will cause
	unpredictable behaviour, like core dumps, strange numbers, ...

	Apply the following context diff to your source of 43BSD csh.
	This fix works like this:
	- in error only a string ending in "@" is passed as format string
		to printf.
	- only internal error messages needing arguments need format specifiers,
		so I add a trailing "@" to any such message
	- any string not ending with "@" is passed to printf with "%s" as first

*** sh.dol.c.old	Mon Jul  3 15:18:22 1989
--- sh.dol.c	Mon Jul  3 15:12:39 1989
*** 159,165
  			if (c == c1)
  			if (c == '\n' || c == DEOF)
! 				error("Unmatched %c", c1);
  			if ((c & (QUOTE|TRIM)) == ('\n' | QUOTE))
  				--wp, ++i;
  			if (--i <= 0)

--- 159,165 -----
  			if (c == c1)
  			if (c == '\n' || c == DEOF)
! 				error("Unmatched %c@", c1);		/* mg 3-jul-89 */
  			if ((c & (QUOTE|TRIM)) == ('\n' | QUOTE))
  				--wp, ++i;
  			if (--i <= 0)
*** sh.err.c.old	Mon Jul  3 15:18:36 1989
--- sh.err.c	Mon Jul  3 15:16:10 1989
*** 34,39
  	register char **v;
  	register char *ep;
  	 * Must flush before we print as we wish output before the error

--- 34,40 -----
  	register char **v;
  	register char *ep;
+ 	register int i;		/* mg 3-jul-89 */
  	 * Must flush before we print as we wish output before the error
*** 53,58
  	 * A zero arguments causes no printing, else print
  	 * an error diagnostic here.
  	if (s)
  		printf(s, arg), printf(".\n");

--- 54,65 -----
  	 * A zero arguments causes no printing, else print
  	 * an error diagnostic here.
+ 	 * mg 3-jul-89 : If error is called with s containing a part of
+ 	 * the users input, and if this contains a "%", printf tries to evaluate
+ 	 * this as a format reference. Try : "!a%100s".
+ 	 * I fixed this: internal error messages which should be processed as
+ 	 * format strings, will end in "@", all else is NOT interpreted as a
+ 	 * format string.
  	if (s) {
  		i = strlen (s) - 1;
*** 54,61
  	 * A zero arguments causes no printing, else print
  	 * an error diagnostic here.
! 	if (s)
! 		printf(s, arg), printf(".\n");
  	didfds = 0;		/* Forget about 0,1,2 */
  	if ((ep = err) && errspl) {

--- 61,74 -----
  	 * format strings, will end in "@", all else is NOT interpreted as a
  	 * format string.
! 	if (s) {
! 		i = strlen (s) - 1;
! 		if (s[i] == '@') {
! 			s[i] = '\0';
! 			printf(s, arg), printf(".\n");
! 		} else
! 			printf("%s\n", s);
! 	}
  	didfds = 0;		/* Forget about 0,1,2 */
  	if ((ep = err) && errspl) {
*** sh.func.c.old	Mon Jul  3 15:18:55 1989
--- sh.func.c	Mon Jul  3 15:12:55 1989
*** 1004,1010
  	while (*cp && *cp == *str)
  		cp++, str++;
  	if (*cp)
! 		error("Bad scaling; did you mean ``%s''?", str0);
  plim(lp, hard)

--- 1004,1010 -----
  	while (*cp && *cp == *str)
  		cp++, str++;
  	if (*cp)
! 		error("Bad scaling; did you mean ``%s''?@", str0); /* mg 3-jul-89 */
  plim(lp, hard)
*** sh.glob.c.old	Mon Jul  3 15:19:06 1989
--- sh.glob.c	Mon Jul  3 15:13:10 1989
*** 139,145
  			if (gpathp != gpath + 1) {
  				*gpathp = 0;
  				if (gethdir(gpath + 1))
! 					error("Unknown user: %s", gpath + 1);
  				(void) strcpy(gpath, gpath + 1);
  			} else
  				(void) strcpy(gpath, value("home"));

--- 139,145 -----
  			if (gpathp != gpath + 1) {
  				*gpathp = 0;
  				if (gethdir(gpath + 1))
! 					error("Unknown user: %s@", gpath + 1); /* mg 3-jul-89 */
  				(void) strcpy(gpath, gpath + 1);
  			} else
  				(void) strcpy(gpath, value("home"));
*** sh.sem.c.old	Mon Jul  3 15:19:21 1989
--- sh.sem.c	Mon Jul  3 15:13:22 1989
*** 401,405
  	if ((stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR)
! 	error("%s: File exists", cp);

--- 401,405 -----
  	if ((stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFCHR)
! 	error("%s: File exists@", cp);	/* mg 3-jul-89 */
Michael Greim    Email : greim at sbsvax.informatik.uni-saarland.dbp.de
                 or    : ...!uunet!unido!sbsvax!greim
# include <disclaimers/std.h>

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