PAX bugs

Mark H. Colburn mark at jhereg.Jhereg.MN.ORG
Tue Mar 21 01:17:48 AEST 1989

In article <9938 at bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU> jik at (Jonathan I. Kamens) writes:
>I have sent several bug reports to the author of pax.  He responded to
>the first one, but failed to respond to any after that, and has not
>posted any of the patches I sent him to the network.  I've waited
>about two months to see them posted, but this hasn't happened, so I no
>longer feel it is necessary to wait for him to post the fixes,
>especially since he no longer responds to my mail.

I am sorry that I have not gotten back to the authors of ssome of the bug 
reports.  I got over 200 comments to Pax.  Some were bugs, some comments, 
others about documentation.  It was difficult to respond to them all.  For 
a number of reasons, I have been quite busy and have not gotten back to Pax.  
I am, however, working on it again.

A number of the bugs which you had listed were fixed in a set of patches
which were posted to this newsgroup in February.  If you, or others, cannot
find these, please let me know.  I can either repost them, or mail them out
to people, depending on the volume.

I am currently working on a complete new release for Pax.  It will have a
number of organizational changes, and all of the bug reports that I got
from the net (responded to or not) will be included.

If you, or others, have comments or suggestions for Pax, I would love to
hear them.  All comments/bug fixes that I get will be ack'ed (sorry 

Mark H. Colburn                  "Look into a child's eye;
Minnetech Consulting, Inc.        there's no hate and there's no lie;
mark at                there's no black and there's no white."

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