Patches to shadow login wanted

Michael H. Warfield Mike mhw at wittsend
Tue Mar 28 04:28:19 AEST 1989

     I missed patches 1 through 4 to the shadow login package that were posted
to comp.sources.bugs.  I did get patches 5 and 6.  Was my own fault, I wasn't
keeping a close eye on the news group.  Could some kind soul on the network
email them to me?  Would be greatly appreciated.

     Many thanks in advance

Michael H. Warfield  (The Mad Wizard)	|!galbp!wittsend!mhw
  (404)  270-2123 / 270-2098		| mhw at wittsend.LBP.HARRIS.COM
An optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds.
A pessimist is sure of it!

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