My screen diffs (part 2 of 2)

Wayne Davison davison at drivax.DRI
Wed Mar 8 14:30:12 AEST 1989

Part two of the screen diffs.  See part 1 for a description.
-----------------------------------Cut Here-----------------------------------
*** orig/screen.c	Wed Feb  8 20:18:38 1989
--- ./screen.c	Tue Feb 22 18:49:21 1989
*** 7,13 ****
   * software, alterations are clearly marked as such, and this notice is
   * not modified.
! static char ScreenVersion[] = "screen 2.0a 19-Oct-88";
  #include <stdio.h>
--- 7,15 ----
   * software, alterations are clearly marked as such, and this notice is
   * not modified.
+  *
+  * Modifed by Wayne Davison (...amdhal!drivax!davison)
! static char ScreenVersion[] = "screen 2.0wd 22-Feb-89";
  #include <stdio.h>
*** 55,59 ****
  extern char AnsiVersion[];
  extern short ospeed;
! extern flowctl;
  extern errno;
  extern sys_nerr;
--- 57,61 ----
  extern char AnsiVersion[];
  extern short ospeed;
! extern flowctl, wrap;
  extern errno;
  extern sys_nerr;
*** 60,65 ****
  extern char *sys_errlist[];
  extern char *index(), *rindex(), *malloc(), *getenv(), *MakeTermcap();
! extern char *getlogin(), *ttyname();
! static AttacherFinit(), Finit(), SigHup(), SigChld();
  static char *MakeBellMsg(), *Filename(), **SaveArgs(), *GetTtyName();
--- 62,67 ----
  extern char *sys_errlist[];
  extern char *index(), *rindex(), *malloc(), *getenv(), *MakeTermcap();
! extern char *getlogin(), *ttyname(), *ParseChar();
! static AttacherFinit(), Finit(), SigHup(), SigChld(), SigInt();
  static char *MakeBellMsg(), *Filename(), **SaveArgs(), *GetTtyName();
*** 89,93 ****
  static char *LoginName;
  static char *BellString = "Bell in window %";
! static mflag, nflag, fflag, rflag;
  static char HostName[MAXSTR];
  static Detached;
--- 91,96 ----
  static char *LoginName;
  static char *BellString = "Bell in window %";
! static mflag, nflag, fflag, rflag, iflag;
! static intrc, startc, stopc;
  static char HostName[MAXSTR];
  static Detached;
*** 128,133 ****
  } OldMode, NewMode;
! static struct win *curr, *other;
! static CurrNum, OtherNum;
  static struct win *wtab[MAXWIN];
--- 131,136 ----
  } OldMode, NewMode;
! static struct win *curr;
! static CurrNum, WinList = -1;
  static struct win *wtab[MAXWIN];
*** 159,163 ****
  #define KEY_QUIT          25
  #define KEY_DETACH        26
! #define KEY_CREATE        27
  struct key {
--- 162,171 ----
  #define KEY_QUIT          25
  #define KEY_DETACH        26
! #define KEY_WRAP          27
! #define KEY_FLOW          28
! #define KEY_TOGGLE        29
! #define KEY_CLEAR         30
! #define KEY_RESET         31
! #define KEY_CREATE       255
  struct key {
*** 171,174 ****
--- 179,183 ----
      "select4", "select5", "select6", "select7", "select8", "select9",
      "xon", "xoff", "info", "termcap", "quit", "detach",
+     "wrap", "flow", "toggle", "clear", "reset",
*** 176,180 ****
  main (ac, av) char **av; {
      register n, len;
!     register struct win **pp, *p;
      char *ap;
      int s, r, w, x = 0;
--- 185,189 ----
  main (ac, av) char **av; {
      register n, len;
!     register struct win *p;
      char *ap;
      int s, r, w, x = 0;
*** 200,206 ****
--- 209,223 ----
  	    case 'n':
  		nflag = 1;
+ 		flowctl = 1;
  	    case 'f':
  		fflag = 1;
+ 		if (ap[2] != '/')
+ 		    flowctl = 2;
+ 		else
+ 		    flowctl = 3;
+ 		break;
+ 	    case 'i':
+ 		iflag = 1;
  	    case 'r':
*** 220,227 ****
  		    ap = *++av;
! 		if (strlen (ap) != 2)
  		    Msg (0, "Two characters are required with -e option.");
- 		Esc = ap[0];
- 		MetaEsc = ap[1];
--- 237,242 ----
  		    ap = *++av;
! 		if (!ParseEscape (ap))
  		    Msg (0, "Two characters are required with -e option.");
*** 264,269 ****
      strcat (SockPath, "/");
      SockNamePtr = SockPath + strlen (SockPath);
-     if ((DevTty = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR|O_NDELAY)) == -1)
- 	Msg (errno, "/dev/tty");
      if (rflag) {
  	Attach (MSG_ATTACH);
--- 279,282 ----
*** 273,280 ****
      if (GetSockName ()) {
  	s = MakeClientSocket (1);
! 	SendCreateMsg (s, ac, av, aflag);
  	close (s);
  	exit (0);
      switch (fork ()) {
      case -1:
--- 286,295 ----
      if (GetSockName ()) {
  	s = MakeClientSocket (1);
! 	SendCreateMsg (s, ac, av, aflag, flowctl);
  	close (s);
  	exit (0);
+     if ((DevTty = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR|O_NDELAY)) == -1)
+ 	Msg (errno, "/dev/tty");
      switch (fork ()) {
      case -1:
*** 290,297 ****
      ServerSocket = s = MakeServerSocket ();
      InitTerm ();
-     if (fflag)
- 	flowctl = 1;
-     else if (nflag)
- 	flowctl = 0;
      MakeNewEnv ();
      GetTTY (0, &OldMode);
--- 305,308 ----
*** 302,306 ****
      signal (SIGHUP, SigHup);
!     signal (SIGINT, Finit);
      signal (SIGQUIT, Finit);
      signal (SIGTERM, Finit);
--- 313,317 ----
      signal (SIGHUP, SigHup);
!     signal (SIGINT, SigInt);
      signal (SIGQUIT, Finit);
      signal (SIGTERM, Finit);
*** 310,318 ****
      sprintf (rc, "%.*s/.screenrc", 245, home);
      ReadRc (rc);
!     if ((n = MakeWindow (*av, av, aflag, 0, (char *)0)) == -1) {
! 	SetTTY (0, &OldMode);
! 	FinitTerm ();
! 	Kill (AttacherPid, SIGHUP);
! 	exit (1);
      SetCurrWindow (n);
--- 321,327 ----
      sprintf (rc, "%.*s/.screenrc", 245, home);
      ReadRc (rc);
!     if ((n = MakeWindow (*av, av, aflag, flowctl, 0, (char *)0)) == -1) {
! 	Finit ();
      SetCurrWindow (n);
*** 335,346 ****
  	    r |= 1 << 0;
! 	for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) {
! 	    if (!(p = *pp))
! 		continue;
! 	    if ((*pp)->active && status)
! 	    if ((*pp)->outlen > 0)
! 	    r |= 1 << (*pp)->ptyfd;
  	r |= 1 << s;
--- 344,354 ----
  	    r |= 1 << 0;
! 	for (n = WinList; n != -1; n = p->WinLink) {
! 	    p = wtab[n];
! 	    if (p->active && status)
! 	    if (p->outlen > 0)
! 	    r |= 1 << p->ptyfd;
  	r |= 1 << s;
*** 351,358 ****
  	if (select (32, &r, &w, &x, status ? &tv : (struct timeval *)0) == -1) {
! 	    if (errno == EINTR)
! 	    HasWindow = 0;
! 	    Msg (errno, "select");
--- 359,368 ----
  	if (select (32, &r, &w, &x, status ? &tv : (struct timeval *)0) == -1) {
! 	    if (errno == EINTR) {
! 		errno = 0;
! 	    }
! 	    perror ("select");
! 	    Finit ();
*** 376,379 ****
--- 386,393 ----
  	    if (inlen > 0)
  		inlen = ProcessInput (inbuf, inlen);
+ 	    else {
+ 		perror ("read");
+ 		Finit ();
+ 	    }
  	    if (inlen > 0)
*** 393,399 ****
! 	for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) {
! 	    if (!(p = *pp))
! 		continue;
  	    if (p->outlen) {
  		WriteString (p, p->outbuf, p->outlen);
--- 407,412 ----
! 	for (n = WinList; n != -1; n = p->WinLink) {
! 	    p = wtab[n];
  	    if (p->outlen) {
  		WriteString (p, p->outbuf, p->outlen);
*** 408,412 ****
  	    if (p->bell) {
  		p->bell = 0;
! 		Msg (0, MakeBellMsg (pp-wtab));
--- 421,425 ----
  	    if (p->bell) {
  		p->bell = 0;
! 		Msg (0, MakeBellMsg (n));
*** 432,447 ****
  static DoWait () {
!     register pid;
!     register struct win **pp;
      union wait wstat;
      while ((pid = wait3 (&wstat, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED, NULL)) > 0) {
! 	for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) {
! 	    if (*pp && pid == (*pp)->wpid) {
  		if (WIFSTOPPED (wstat)) {
! 		    (void) killpg (getpgrp ((*pp)->wpid), SIGCONT);
  		} else {
! 		    KillWindow (pp);
--- 445,465 ----
+ static SigInt () {
+     inlen = 0;
+     write (curr->ptyfd, "\003", 1);
+ }
  static DoWait () {
!     register n, next, pid;
      union wait wstat;
      while ((pid = wait3 (&wstat, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED, NULL)) > 0) {
! 	for (n = WinList; n != -1; n = next) {
! 	    next = wtab[n]->WinLink;
! 	    if (pid == wtab[n]->wpid) {
  		if (WIFSTOPPED (wstat)) {
! 		    (void) killpg (getpgrp (wtab[n]->wpid), SIGCONT);
  		} else {
! 		    KillWindow (n);
*** 451,498 ****
! static KillWindow (pp) struct win **pp; {
!     if (*pp == curr)
  	curr = 0;
!     if (*pp == other)
! 	other = 0;
!     FreeWindow (*pp);
!     *pp = 0;
  static CheckWindows () {
!     register struct win **pp;
!     /* If the current window disappeared and the "other" window is still
!      * there, switch to the "other" window, else switch to the window
!      * with the lowest index.
!      * If there current window is still there, but the "other" window
!      * vanished, "SetCurrWindow" is called in order to assign a new value
!      * to "other".
       * If no window is alive at all, exit.
!     if (!curr && other) {
! 	SwitchWindow (OtherNum);
! 	return;
!     }
!     if (curr && !other) {
! 	SetCurrWindow (CurrNum);
! 	return;
!     }
!     for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) {
! 	if (*pp) {
! 	    if (!curr)
! 		SwitchWindow (pp-wtab);
! 	    return;
! 	}
!     }
!     Finit ();
  static Finit () {
!     register struct win *p, **pp;
!     for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) {
! 	if (p = *pp)
! 	    FreeWindow (p);
      SetTTY (0, &OldMode);
--- 469,508 ----
! static KillWindow (n) {
!     register i;
!     /*
!      * Remove window from linked list.
!      */
!     if (n == WinList) {
! 	WinList = curr->WinLink;
  	curr = 0;
!     } else {
! 	i = WinList;
! 	while (wtab[i]->WinLink != n)
! 	    i = wtab[i]->WinLink;
! 	wtab[i]->WinLink = wtab[n]->WinLink;
!     }
!     FreeWindow (wtab[n]);
!     wtab[n] = 0;
  static CheckWindows () {
!     /* If the current window disappeared check the head of the linked
!      * list of windows for the most recently used window.
       * If no window is alive at all, exit.
!     if (WinList == -1)
! 	Finit ();
!     if (!curr)
! 	SwitchWindow (WinList);
  static Finit () {
!     register n, next;
!     for (n = WinList; n != -1; n = next) {
! 	next = wtab[n]->WinLink;
! 	FreeWindow (wtab[n]);
      SetTTY (0, &OldMode);
*** 522,525 ****
--- 532,540 ----
      ktab[Ctrl('\\')].type = KEY_QUIT;
      ktab['d'].type = ktab[Ctrl('d')].type = KEY_DETACH;
+     ktab['r'].type = ktab[Ctrl('r')].type = KEY_WRAP;
+     ktab['f'].type = ktab[Ctrl('f')].type = KEY_FLOW;
+     ktab['/'].type = KEY_TOGGLE;
+     ktab['C'].type = KEY_CLEAR;
+     ktab['Z'].type = KEY_RESET;
      ktab[Esc].type = KEY_OTHER;
      for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
*** 530,534 ****
      register n, k;
      register char *s, *p;
-     register struct win **pp;
      for (s = p = buf; len > 0; len--, s++) {
--- 545,548 ----
*** 558,562 ****
  		    p = buf;
  		    if ((n = MakeWindow (ShellProg, ShellArgs,
! 			    0, 0, (char *)0)) != -1)
  			SwitchWindow (n);
--- 572,576 ----
  		    p = buf;
  		    if ((n = MakeWindow (ShellProg, ShellArgs,
! 			    0, flowctl, 0, (char *)0)) != -1)
  			SwitchWindow (n);
*** 573,585 ****
  		case KEY_KILL:
  		    p = buf;
! 		    FreeWindow (wtab[CurrNum]);
! 		    if (other == curr)
! 			other = 0;
! 		    curr = wtab[CurrNum] = 0;
  		    CheckWindows ();
  		case KEY_QUIT:
- 		    for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp)
- 			if (*pp) FreeWindow (*pp);
  		    Finit ();
--- 587,594 ----
  		case KEY_KILL:
  		    p = buf;
! 		    KillWindow (CurrNum);
  		    CheckWindows ();
  		case KEY_QUIT:
  		    Finit ();
*** 590,594 ****
  		    p = buf;
! 		    Activate (wtab[CurrNum]);
  		case KEY_WINDOWS:
--- 599,603 ----
  		    p = buf;
! 		    Activate (curr);
  		case KEY_WINDOWS:
*** 607,611 ****
  		    p = buf;
  		    if (MoreWindows ())
! 			SwitchWindow (OtherNum);
  		case KEY_XON:
--- 616,620 ----
  		    p = buf;
  		    if (MoreWindows ())
! 			SwitchWindow (curr->WinLink);
  		case KEY_XON:
*** 618,624 ****
  		    p = buf;
  		    if ((n = MakeWindow (ktab[*s].args[0], ktab[*s].args,
! 			    0, 0, (char *)0)) != -1)
  			SwitchWindow (n);
  	    } else ESCseen = 1;
--- 627,656 ----
  		    p = buf;
  		    if ((n = MakeWindow (ktab[*s].args[0], ktab[*s].args,
! 			    0, flowctl, 0, (char *)0)) != -1)
  			SwitchWindow (n);
+ 		case KEY_WRAP:
+ 		    curr->wrap = !curr->wrap;
+ 		    Msg (0, "%cwrap", curr->wrap ? '+' : '-');
+ 		    break;
+ 		case KEY_FLOW:
+ 		    ToggleFlow (curr);
+ 		    goto flow_msg;
+ 		case KEY_TOGGLE:
+ 		    if ((curr->toggle = !curr->toggle) != 0
+ 		     && curr->flow == curr->keypad)
+ 			ToggleFlow (curr);
+ 		flow_msg:
+ 		    Msg (0, "%c%sflow", curr->flow ? '+' : '-',
+ 			curr->toggle ? "/" : "");
+ 		    break;
+ 		case KEY_CLEAR:
+ 		    if (curr->state == LIT)
+ 			WriteString (curr, "\033[2J\033[H", 7);
+ 		    break;
+ 		case KEY_RESET:
+ 		    if (curr->state == LIT)
+ 			WriteString (curr, "\033c", 2);
+ 		    break;
  	    } else ESCseen = 1;
*** 629,636 ****
  static SwitchWindow (n) {
!     if (!wtab[n])
      SetCurrWindow (n);
!     Activate (wtab[n]);
--- 661,670 ----
  static SwitchWindow (n) {
!     if (!wtab[n]) {
! 	Msg (0, "No such window.");
+     }
      SetCurrWindow (n);
!     Activate (curr);
*** 637,647 ****
  static SetCurrWindow (n) {
!      * If we come from another window, this window becomes the
!      * "other" window:
      if (curr) {
  	curr->active = 0;
- 	other = curr;
- 	OtherNum = CurrNum;
      CurrNum = n;
--- 671,678 ----
  static SetCurrWindow (n) {
!      * If we come from another window, make it inactive.
      if (curr) {
  	curr->active = 0;
      CurrNum = n;
*** 649,659 ****
      curr->active = 1;
!      * If the "other" window is currently undefined (at program start
!      * or because it has died), or if the "other" window is equal to the
!      * one just selected, we try to find a new one:
!     if (other == 0 || other == curr) {
! 	OtherNum = NextWindow ();
! 	other = wtab[OtherNum];
--- 680,691 ----
      curr->active = 1;
!      * Place the window at the head of the most-recently-used list.
!     if ((n = WinList) != CurrNum) {
! 	while (wtab[n]->WinLink != CurrNum)
! 	    n = wtab[n]->WinLink;
! 	wtab[n]->WinLink = curr->WinLink;
! 	curr->WinLink = WinList;
! 	WinList = CurrNum;
*** 684,697 ****
  static MoreWindows () {
!     register struct win **pp;
!     register n;
!     for (n = 0, pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp)
! 	if (*pp) ++n;
!     if (n <= 1)
! 	Msg (0, "No other window.");
!     return n > 1;
  static FreeWindow (wp) struct win *wp; {
      register i;
--- 716,730 ----
  static MoreWindows () {
!     if (curr->WinLink != -1)
! 	return 1;
!     Msg (0, "No other window.");
!     return 0;
+ void Free (p) register char *p; {
+     if (p)
+ 	free (p);
+ }
  static FreeWindow (wp) struct win *wp; {
      register i;
*** 702,716 ****
      close (wp->ptyfd);
      for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
! 	free (wp->image[i]);
! 	free (wp->attr[i]);
! 	free (wp->font[i]);
!     free (wp->image);
!     free (wp->attr);
!     free (wp->font);
      free (wp);
! static MakeWindow (prog, args, aflag, StartAt, dir)
  	char *prog, **args, *dir; {
      register struct win **pp, *p;
--- 735,750 ----
      close (wp->ptyfd);
      for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
! 	Free (wp->image[i]);
! 	Free (wp->attr[i]);
! 	Free (wp->font[i]);
!     Free (wp->image);
!     Free (wp->attr);
!     Free (wp->font);
!     Free (wp->tabs);
      free (wp);
! static MakeWindow (prog, args, aflag, flowflag, StartAt, dir)
  	char *prog, **args, *dir; {
      register struct win **pp, *p;
*** 739,748 ****
      (void) fcntl (f, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);
      if ((p = *pp = (struct win *)malloc (sizeof (struct win))) == 0) {
  	Msg (0, "Out of memory.");
  	return -1;
-     if ((p->image = (char **)malloc (rows * sizeof (char *))) == 0)
- 	goto nomem;
      for (cp = p->image; cp < p->image+rows; ++cp) {
  	if ((*cp = malloc (cols)) == 0)
--- 773,800 ----
      (void) fcntl (f, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);
      if ((p = *pp = (struct win *)malloc (sizeof (struct win))) == 0) {
+ 	close (f);
+ 	Msg (0, "Out of memory.");
+ 	return -1;
+     }
+     bzero (p, sizeof (struct win));
+     p->ptyfd = f;
+     p->aflag = aflag;
+     if (!flowflag)
+ 	flowflag = flowctl;
+     p->flow = (flowflag != 1);
+     p->toggle = (flowflag == 3);
+     strncpy (p->cmd, Filename (args[0]), MAXSTR-1);
+     strncpy (p->tty, TtyName, MAXSTR-1);
+     (void) chown (TtyName, getuid (), getgid ());
+     (void) chmod (TtyName, TtyMode);
+     p->slot = SetUtmp (TtyName);
+     if ((p->image = (char **)malloc (rows * sizeof (char *))) == 0) {
+ 	FreeWindow (p);
+ 	*pp = 0;
  	Msg (0, "Out of memory.");
  	return -1;
      for (cp = p->image; cp < p->image+rows; ++cp) {
  	if ((*cp = malloc (cols)) == 0)
*** 767,785 ****
  	goto nomem;
      ResetScreen (p);
-     p->aflag = aflag;
-     p->active = 0;
-     p->bell = 0;
-     p->outlen = 0;
-     p->ptyfd = f;
-     strncpy (p->cmd, Filename (args[0]), MAXSTR-1);
-     p->cmd[MAXSTR-1] = '\0';
-     strncpy (p->tty, TtyName, MAXSTR-1);
-     (void) chown (TtyName, getuid (), getgid ());
-     (void) chmod (TtyName, TtyMode);
-     p->slot = SetUtmp (TtyName);
      switch (p->wpid = fork ()) {
      case -1:
  	Msg (errno, "fork");
! 	free ((char *)p);
  	return -1;
      case 0:
--- 819,826 ----
  	goto nomem;
      ResetScreen (p);
      switch (p->wpid = fork ()) {
      case -1:
  	Msg (errno, "fork");
! 	FreeWindow (p);
  	return -1;
      case 0:
*** 817,820 ****
--- 858,869 ----
  	exit (1);
+     /*
+      * Place the newly created window at the head of the most-recently-used
+      * list.  Since this spot is reserved for the "curr"ent window, you MUST
+      * call SetCurrWindow (with "n" or "CurrNum") when you finish creating
+      * your windows.
+      */
+     p->WinLink = WinList;
+     WinList = n;
      return n;
*** 910,915 ****
      register char *s;
      register struct win **pp, *p;
!     for (s = buf, pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) {
  	if ((p = *pp) == 0)
--- 959,965 ----
      register char *s;
      register struct win **pp, *p;
+     register i, OtherNum = curr->WinLink;
!     for (i = 0, s = buf, pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++i, ++pp) {
  	if ((p = *pp) == 0)
*** 919,926 ****
  	    *s++ = ' '; *s++ = ' ';
! 	*s++ = pp - wtab + '0';
! 	if (p == curr)
  	    *s++ = '*';
! 	else if (p == other)
  	    *s++ = '-';
  	*s++ = ' ';
--- 969,976 ----
  	    *s++ = ' '; *s++ = ' ';
! 	*s++ = i + '0';
! 	if (i == CurrNum)
  	    *s++ = '*';
! 	else if (i == OtherNum)
  	    *s++ = '-';
  	*s++ = ' ';
*** 960,965 ****
      p = buf + strlen (buf);
!     sprintf (p, " (%d,%d) %cflow %cins %corg %cwrap %cpad", wp->y, wp->x,
! 	flowctl ? '+' : '-',
  	wp->insert ? '+' : '-', wp->origin ? '+' : '-',
  	wp->wrap ? '+' : '-', wp->keypad ? '+' : '-');
--- 1010,1015 ----
      p = buf + strlen (buf);
!     sprintf (p, " (%d,%d) %c%sflow %cins %corg %cwrap %cpad", wp->y, wp->x,
! 	wp->flow ? '+' : '-', wp->toggle ? "/" : "",
  	wp->insert ? '+' : '-', wp->origin ? '+' : '-',
  	wp->wrap ? '+' : '-', wp->keypad ? '+' : '-');
*** 982,987 ****
--- 1032,1042 ----
      strcpy (TtyName, TtyProto);
      for (p = PtyName, i = 0; *p != 'X'; ++p, ++i) ;
+ #ifdef sequent
+     for (l = "p"; *p = *l; ++l) { /*}*/
+ 	for (d = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; p[1] = *d; ++d) { /*}*/
+ #else
      for (l = "qpr"; *p = *l; ++l) {
  	for (d = "0123456789abcdef"; p[1] = *d; ++d) {
+ #endif
  	    if ((f = open (PtyName, O_RDWR)) != -1) {
  		TtyName[i] = p[0];
*** 1016,1024 ****
  static SetMode (op, np) struct mode *op, *np; {
      *np = *op;
      np->m_ttyb.sg_flags &= ~(CRMOD|ECHO);
      np->m_ttyb.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
-     np->m_tchars.t_intrc = -1;
      np->m_tchars.t_quitc = -1;
!     if (!flowctl) {
  	np->m_tchars.t_startc = -1;
  	np->m_tchars.t_stopc = -1;
--- 1071,1085 ----
  static SetMode (op, np) struct mode *op, *np; {
      *np = *op;
+     startc = op->m_tchars.t_startc;
+     stopc = op->m_tchars.t_stopc;
+     if (iflag)
+ 	intrc = op->m_tchars.t_intrc;
+     else
+ 	intrc = np->m_tchars.t_intrc = -1;
      np->m_ttyb.sg_flags &= ~(CRMOD|ECHO);
      np->m_ttyb.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
      np->m_tchars.t_quitc = -1;
!     if (flowctl == 1) {
! 	np->m_tchars.t_intrc = -1;
  	np->m_tchars.t_startc = -1;
  	np->m_tchars.t_stopc = -1;
*** 1030,1033 ****
--- 1091,1107 ----
+ SetFlow (on) {
+     if (on) {
+ 	NewMode.m_tchars.t_intrc  = intrc;
+ 	NewMode.m_tchars.t_startc = startc;
+ 	NewMode.m_tchars.t_stopc  = stopc;
+     } else {
+ 	NewMode.m_tchars.t_intrc  = -1;
+ 	NewMode.m_tchars.t_startc = -1;
+ 	NewMode.m_tchars.t_stopc  = -1;
+     }
+     ioctl (0, TIOCSETC, &NewMode.m_tchars);
+ }
  static char *GetTtyName () {
      register char *p;
*** 1103,1106 ****
--- 1177,1181 ----
  static Attacher () {
      signal (SIGHUP, AttacherFinit);
+     signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
      signal (SIGCONT, ReAttach);
      while (1)
*** 1109,1113 ****
  static Detach (suspend) {
!     register struct win **pp;
      if (Detached)
--- 1184,1188 ----
  static Detach (suspend) {
!     register n;
      if (Detached)
*** 1117,1124 ****
      FinitTerm ();
      if (suspend) {
  	Kill (AttacherPid, SIGTSTP);
      } else {
! 	for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp)
! 	    if (*pp) RemoveUtmp ((*pp)->slot);
  	printf ("\n[detached]\n");
  	Kill (AttacherPid, SIGHUP);
--- 1192,1200 ----
      FinitTerm ();
      if (suspend) {
+ 	(void) fflush (stdout);
  	Kill (AttacherPid, SIGTSTP);
      } else {
! 	for (n = WinList; n != -1; n = wtab[n]->WinLink)
! 	    RemoveUtmp (wtab[n]->slot);
  	printf ("\n[detached]\n");
  	Kill (AttacherPid, SIGHUP);
*** 1129,1132 ****
--- 1205,1209 ----
      close (2);
      ioctl (DevTty, TIOCNOTTY, (char *)0);
+     close (DevTty);
      Detached = 1;
      do {
*** 1133,1139 ****
  	ReceiveMsg (ServerSocket); 
      } while (Detached);
      if (!suspend)
! 	for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp)
! 	    if (*pp) (*pp)->slot = SetUtmp ((*pp)->tty);
      signal (SIGHUP, SigHup);
--- 1210,1218 ----
  	ReceiveMsg (ServerSocket); 
      } while (Detached);
+     if ((DevTty = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR|O_NDELAY)) == -1)
+ 	Msg (errno, "/dev/tty");
      if (!suspend)
! 	for (n = WinList; n != -1; n = wtab[n]->WinLink)
! 	    wtab[n]->slot = SetUtmp (wtab[n]->tty);
      signal (SIGHUP, SigHup);
*** 1205,1209 ****
! static SendCreateMsg (s, ac, av, aflag) char **av; {
      struct msg m;
      register char *p;
--- 1284,1288 ----
! static SendCreateMsg (s, ac, av, aflag, flowflag) char **av; {
      struct msg m;
      register char *p;
*** 1221,1224 ****
--- 1300,1304 ----
      m.m.create.nargs = n;
      m.m.create.aflag = aflag;
+     m.m.create.flowflag = flowflag;
      if (getwd (m.m.create.dir) == 0)
  	Msg (0, "%s", m.m.create.dir);
*** 1274,1278 ****
  	if (Detached) {
  	    if (kill (m.m.attach.apid, 0) == 0 &&
! 		    open (m.m.attach.tty, O_RDWR) == 0) {
  		(void) dup (0);
  		(void) dup (0);
--- 1354,1358 ----
  	if (Detached) {
  	    if (kill (m.m.attach.apid, 0) == 0 &&
! 		    open (m.m.attach.tty, O_RDWR|O_NDELAY) == 0) {
  		(void) dup (0);
  		(void) dup (0);
*** 1282,1286 ****
  		SetMode (&OldMode, &NewMode);
  		SetTTY (0, &NewMode);
! 		Activate (wtab[CurrNum]);
  	} else {
--- 1362,1366 ----
  		SetMode (&OldMode, &NewMode);
  		SetTTY (0, &NewMode);
! 		Activate (curr);
  	} else {
*** 1307,1312 ****
      *pp = 0;
!     if ((n = MakeWindow (mp->m.create.line, args, mp->m.create.aflag, 0,
! 	    mp->m.create.dir)) != -1)
  	SwitchWindow (n);
--- 1387,1392 ----
      *pp = 0;
!     if ((n = MakeWindow (mp->m.create.line, args, mp->m.create.aflag,
! 	    mp->m.create.flowflag, 0, mp->m.create.dir)) != -1)
  	SwitchWindow (n);
*** 1318,1322 ****
      char buf[256];
      char *args[MAXARGS];
!     int key;
      ap = args;
--- 1398,1402 ----
      char buf[256];
      char *args[MAXARGS];
!     char key, flowflag;
      ap = args;
*** 1331,1339 ****
  	if (strcmp (ap[0], "escape") == 0) {
! 	    p = ap[1];
! 	    if (argc < 2 || strlen (p) != 2)
  		Msg (0, "%s: two characters required after escape.", fn);
! 	    Esc = *p++;
! 	    MetaEsc = *p;
  	} else if (strcmp (ap[0], "chdir") == 0) {
  	    p = argc < 2 ? home : ap[1];
--- 1411,1417 ----
  	if (strcmp (ap[0], "escape") == 0) {
! 	    if (argc < 2 || !ParseEscape (ap[1]))
  		Msg (0, "%s: two characters required after escape.", fn);
! 	    ktab[Esc].type = KEY_OTHER;
  	} else if (strcmp (ap[0], "chdir") == 0) {
  	    p = argc < 2 ? home : ap[1];
*** 1354,1358 ****
--- 1432,1485 ----
  		strcpy (BellString, ap[1]);
+ 	} else if (strcmp (ap[0], "wrap") == 0) {
+ 	    num = 0;
+ 	    if (argc == 2 && ap[1][0] == 'o') {
+ 		if (ap[1][1] == 'f')
+ 		    num = 1;
+ 		else if (ap[1][1] == 'n')
+ 		    num = 2;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (!num) {
+ 		Msg (0, "%s: wrap: invalid argument.", fn);
+ 	    } else {
+ 		wrap = num-1;
+ 	    }
+ 	} else if (strcmp (ap[0], "flow") == 0) {
+ 	    flowflag = 0;
+ 	    if (argc == 2) {
+ 		if (ap[1][0] == 'o') {
+ 		    if (ap[1][1] == 'f')
+ 			flowflag = 1;
+ 		    else if (ap[1][1] == 'n')
+ 			flowflag = 2;
+ 		} else if (ap[1][0] == 't')
+ 		    flowflag = 3;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (!flowflag) {
+ 		Msg (0, "%s: flow: invalid argument.", fn);
+ 	    } else {
+ 		flowctl = flowflag;
+ 	    }
  	} else if (strcmp (ap[0], "screen") == 0) {
+ 	    flowflag = flowctl;
+ 	    while (argc > 1 && ap[1][0] == '-') {
+ 		switch (ap[1][1]) {
+ 		case 'n':
+ 		    flowflag = 1;
+ 		    break;
+ 		case 'f':
+ 		    if (ap[1][2] != '/')
+ 			flowflag = 2;
+ 		    else
+ 			flowflag = 3;
+ 		    break;
+ 		case 'a':
+ 		    break;
+ 		default:
+ 		    Msg (0, "%s: screen: invalid option -%c.", fn, ap[1][1]);
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ 		--argc; ++ap;
+ 	    }
  	    num = 0;
  	    if (argc > 1 && IsNum (ap[1], 10)) {
*** 1366,1370 ****
  	    ap[argc] = 0;
! 	    (void) MakeWindow (ap[1], ap+1, 0, num, (char *)0);
  	} else if (strcmp (ap[0], "bind") == 0) {
  	    p = ap[1];
--- 1493,1497 ----
  	    ap[argc] = 0;
! 	    (void) MakeWindow (ap[1], ap+1, 0, flowflag, num, (char *)0);
  	} else if (strcmp (ap[0], "bind") == 0) {
  	    p = ap[1];
*** 1371,1386 ****
  	    if (argc < 2 || *p == '\0')
  		Msg (0, "%s: key expected after bind.", fn);
! 	    if (p[1] == '\0') {
! 		key = *p;
! 	    } else if (p[0] == '^' && p[1] != '\0' && p[2] == '\0') {
! 		c = p[1];
! 		if (isupper (c))
! 		    p[1] = tolower (c);    
! 		key = Ctrl(c);
! 	    } else if (IsNum (p, 7)) {
! 		(void) sscanf (p, "%o", &key);
! 	    } else {
  		Msg (0,
! 		    "%s: bind: character, ^x, or octal number expected.", fn);
  	    if (argc < 3) {
--- 1498,1504 ----
  	    if (argc < 2 || *p == '\0')
  		Msg (0, "%s: key expected after bind.", fn);
! 	    if (!(p = ParseChar (p, &key)) || *p) {
  		Msg (0,
! 		    "%s: bind: character, ^x, or (octal) \\032 expected.", fn);
  	    if (argc < 3) {
*** 1430,1433 ****
--- 1548,1576 ----
+ static int ParseEscape (p) char *p; {
+     if (!(p = ParseChar (p, &Esc)) || !(p = ParseChar (p, &MetaEsc)) || *p)
+ 	return 0;
+     return 1;
+ }
+ static char *ParseChar (p, cp) char *p, *cp; {
+     if (*p == '^') {
+ 	if (*++p == '?')
+ 	    *cp = '\177';
+ 	else if (*p >= '@')
+ 	    *cp = Ctrl(*p);
+ 	else
+ 	    return 0;
+ 	++p;
+     } else if (*p == '\\' && *++p <= '7' && *p >= '0') {
+ 	*cp = 0;
+ 	do
+ 	    *cp = *cp * 8 + *p - '0';
+ 	while (*++p <= '7' && *p >= '0');
+     } else
+ 	*cp = *p++;
+     return p;
+ }
  static char **SaveArgs (argc, argv) register argc; register char **argv; {
      register char **ap, **pp;
*** 1459,1463 ****
  	if (!IsSymbol (*op, "TERM") && !IsSymbol (*op, "TERMCAP")
! 		&& !IsSymbol (*op, "STY"))
  	    *np++ = *op;
--- 1602,1606 ----
  	if (!IsSymbol (*op, "TERM") && !IsSymbol (*op, "TERMCAP")
! 		&& !IsSymbol (*op, "STY") && !IsSymbol (*op, "WINDOW"))
  	    *np++ = *op;
*** orig/screen.h	Wed Feb  8 20:19:02 1989
--- ./screen.h	Fri Feb 17 16:46:27 1989
*** 43,47 ****
      char tty[MAXSTR];
      int args[MAXARGS];
-     char GotArg[MAXARGS];
      int NumArgs;
      int slot;
--- 43,46 ----
*** 72,75 ****
--- 71,77 ----
      int vbwait;
      int bell;
+     int flow;
+     int toggle;
+     int WinLink;
*** 86,89 ****
--- 88,92 ----
  	struct {
  	    int aflag;
+ 	    int flowflag;
  	    int nargs;
  	    char line[MAXLINE];
-----------------------------------Cut Here-----------------------------------
 Wayne Davison                                        ...amdahl!drivax!davison

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