screen bugs/features

Brandon S. Allbery allbery at ncoast.ORG
Tue Mar 14 12:25:44 AEST 1989

As quoted from <2800015 at kailand> by pwolfe at kailand.KAI.COM:
| /* Written by davison at drivax.DRI in kailand:comp.sources.bugs */
| > In article <2800013 at kailand> pwolfe at kailand.KAI.COM writes:
| > >The two different cursor movement commands after the two ClearScreen calls
| > >in ansi.c are correct.
| > 
| > have just called ClearScreen() which outputs the termcap variable  `cl'.
| > This variable by definition both homes the cursor and clears the screen.
| On the BSD TERMCAP(5) manpage, "cl" is defined as "clear the screen".  It
| does not mention "and homes the cursor" anywhere.  Maybe on the terminal you

Beg your pardon, but...

(1) Xenix termcap and Xenix and System V terminfo man pages all say that
    "cl" homes the cursor.

(2) If it doesn't, then why do even BSD termcaps (so you can't argue that SV
    != BSD, which is irrelevant anyway because all SV termcap stuff comes
    from BSD; AT&T endorses terminfo, PERIOD) output BOTH sequences for
    common terminals where it takes separate sequences to clear the screen
    and home the cursor (ex: all DEC terminals)?

I think this argument leaks somewhat.

Brandon S. Allbery, moderator of comp.sources.misc	     allbery at
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