Problem with Ease created

Bruce Barnett barnett at
Fri Mar 3 02:24:36 AEST 1989

In article <11529 at sequent.UUCP>, bills at sequent (Bill Sears) writes:
>    I have compiled the Ease programs and have been running some tests on
>our file and the file that Ease created and have
>found some discrepancies.

I have been fixed Ease 2.0 for weeks now, and have fixed about
one hundred bugs. When ease 2.1 comes out, it will solve all of your
problems. (I hope).

I have tested cfc/ease 2.1, and consider the CFC/ease programs working
properly when the input to cfc is identical to the output of ease.

As far as I know, I have achieved this for the Berkeley, SunOS and Ultrix sendmails.
I have it working for most of the IDA sendmail enhancements.

>    Should Ease treat class 'S' specially also?

Ease 2.1 will select the same letter as the identifer if the
identifier is a single letter, and the letter has not already been
assigned to another identifier.

Class S is not special. I think it is a bug in CFC 2.0

	Bruce G. Barnett 	barnett at ge-crd.ARPA, barnett at

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