Patch (really enhancement) for `screen' V 2.0a (of 19-Oct-88)

Oliver Laumann net at tub.UUCP
Fri May 26 22:58:52 AEST 1989

In article <459 at mahendo.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> earle at mahendo.JPL.NASA.GOV writes:
> Haven't seen many `screen' related patches lately; here's my contribution:

There seem to be several problems with this patch.  I would have sent
this as a personal reply; but one of the problems is serious.

1)  A pipe to the "w" command is opened using "popen", but I don't
    see the corresponding pclose().

2)  Screen is usually installed as set-uid with owner root (e.g.
    to be able to call chown()).  Thus the "w" command must be
    started in a child process which properly resets it's uid
    (similar to the way the "hardcopy" files are created).

    Oliver Laumann, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
    ...!pyramid!tub!net   or   net at TUB.BITNET

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