elm/mailx incompability

John Cowan cowan at marob.MASA.COM
Sat May 20 05:28:08 AEST 1989

In article <38100001 at modcomp> joe at modcomp.UUCP writes:
>I'm having a bit of a problem with mail, sent via elm, being read by
>mailx users.  The mailx users hang when doing a group reply ('r' cmd)
>to headers of a certain syntax.

You're stuck with it.  The only workaround is to use the 'R' command
exclusively and forget about group replies.  I automatically use the 'R'
command for all messages when running mailx.
John Cowan <cowan at marob.masa.com> or <cowan at magpie.masa.com>
UUCP mailers:  ...!uunet!hombre!{marob,magpie}!cowan
Fidonet (last resort): 1:107/711
Aiya elenion ancalima!

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