Official patch #4 for mp v2.0, please apply it.

David Fiedler david at infopro.UUCP
Wed May 3 17:39:14 AEST 1989

>From article <879 at sunchat.oz>, by richb at sunchat.oz (Rich Burridge):
> It makes the following changes:

There's a whole lot of stuff here I've never seen. In fact, here is patch
#4 when I never saw numbers 1,2 and 3. Can anyone mail them to me so patch
#4 will make sense? I have mp v2.0 but not these files, etc. Or
am I missing part of the distribution? Help!

David Fiedler {ames,attmail,hoptoad,pyramid}!infopro!david
USMail: InfoPro Systems, PO Box 220, Rescue CA 95672 Phone: 916/677-5870
"I can't answer the door, my wife is taking a bath in the sink."-Ralph Kramden

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