Missing elm 2.2 Patch #6

Jean-Pierre Radley jpr at dasys1.UUCP
Sat May 27 04:01:15 AEST 1989

In article <20 at loria.crin.fr> tombre at weissenburger.crin.fr (Karl Tombre) writes:
>I got patch #7 but I miss patch #6 of elm. Could somebody send it to
>me ? Thanks in advance.

Many people seem to have missed patch #6 for elm2.2.

It has just been reposted in comp.mail.elm, to which I suggest you

Dans le cas ou il ne vous est pas facile de recevoir les fichets de
comp.mail.elm, ecrivez-moi directement et je vous envoi le dit numero 6.
Jean-Pierre Radley		CIS: 72160,1341		jpr at jpradley.UUCP

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