ARC for Unix

Tom Neff tneff at bfmny0.UUCP
Wed May 24 02:48:13 AEST 1989

In article <644 at> hyc at (Howard Chu) writes:
	[about ARC]
>This will most likely be the last time I post a 5.21 based program. It'd be
>nice to get ZIP going instead...
>Just to remind you - this version runs on most BSD and SysV flavor systems,
>including Apollos, Suns, and Vaxen, and the Atari ST.

Just to remind everyone - ZOO already runs fine on all those systems,
has more features than ARC and is available from all the major FTP and UUCP
archive sites.  I use it for all my on-site archiving.  If Rahul were
as publicity hungry as what-his-name we would all be using ZOO by now.

Tom Neff				UUCP:     ...!uunet!bfmny0!tneff
    "Truisms aren't everything."	Internet: tneff at bfmny0.UU.NET

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