curses/termcap vs. autowrap on DEC terminals

Peter da Silva peter at
Wed May 3 23:08:04 AEST 1989

In article <853 at per2.UUCP>, dag at per2.UUCP (Daniel A. Glasser) writes:
> the TERMCAP entry for the terminal has auto margins false and that the
> terminal itself has autowrap turned off (this should actually not
> be required).

This is in fact required... suppose 'vi' is displaying a long line. It gets to
column 80 and wants to put the next character at column 1 on the next line. If
autowrap is on, it's there. If autowrap is off, it has to send a CR and an LF.

If you tell vi the terminal has no autowrap when it in fact does, it will put
a blank line in the middle of any line longer than 80 characters.
Peter da Silva, Xenix Support, Ferranti International Controls Corporation.

Business:!ficc!peter, peter at, +1 713 274 5180.
Personal: ...!texbell!sugar!peter, peter at

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