missing elm patch #2

Kevin Pickard kevin at perle.UUCP
Mon May 1 02:32:29 AEST 1989

In article <1237 at lad.UUCP> lad at lad.UUCP (lad) writes:
>From article <5139 at pbhyf.PacBell.COM>, by kjk at PacBell.COM (Ken Keirnan):
>> Has anyone seen patch #2 for elm 2.2?  I've seen patches 0,1,3 and 4
>> but no 2.
>I have not seen patches 0, 1 or 2.  If anyone has them could you please mail
>them to me?
>         Lawrence A. Deleski             |       Silicon Compiler Systems
>         uunet!sdl!lad                   |       15 Independence Blvd.
>         Cash-We-Serve 76127,104         |       Warren, NJ 07060
>         MABELL:  (201) 580-0102         |       Ext. 283

     We also did not receive patches  0,  1  and  2.   Could
someone send them this way if they have them.

     Thanks in advance.

------------------------------ ~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------------
                              | o   o |     Kevin Pickard
                              |   .   |     UUCP: ...!uunet!mnetor!perle!kevin

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