Perl problems/bugs

Tony Sanders sanders at sanders.uucp
Tue Nov 28 10:58:04 AEST 1989

I'm having a coupla problems with perl RT/AIX 2.2.1.  Perl 3.0 is the
first version I've used so I know not if this is new:
    sanders:pts0 % perl -v
    $Header: perly.c,v 89/11/17 15:34:42 lwall Locked $
    Patch level: 6

1)  The that comes with perl reads:
	sub Complete {
	    local ($prompt) = shift (@_);
	    local ($c, $cmp, $l, $r, $ret, $return, $test, $x);
	    @_ = sort @_;

    However the "@_ = sort @_;" seems to nuke the @_ array, leaving
    it null.  I worked around this by simply changing all @_ references
    in the sub to @x and that works great.  Bug or feature?
2)  When I do a "make test" various tests fail:
	cmd.subval, op.dbm, op.index, op.mkdir, op.pack,, op.sort, op.substr, op.vec

    sanders:pts0 % perl cmd.subval
    syntax error in file cmd.subval at line 91, next 2 tokens ");"
    Execution aborted due to compilation errors.

    I found that line 91:
	return (1,2,3);
    when changed to:
	return(1,2,3);        # no space after keyword
    works DFK.

    This is also true for the other tests mostly print statements.
    Again, bug or feature that you cannot have a space after a keyword?

-- sanders
"Submitted for your approval,
 A lone programmer, enticed away from a high tech company in Dallas, journeys
 to Austin in search of cutting edge hardware and software.  Instead finds
 himself trapped in an cubicle with a one way ticket to . . .
			the AIX Zone.  -- Anon (w/BIG :-)

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