Perl 3.0 PL 4 - Bad octal constant in perl.h

Gregory N. Bond gnb at bby.oz
Mon Nov 13 13:14:25 AEST 1989

Compiling the patchlebel 4 perl 3.0 on a Solbourne running OS/MP 4.0A
(a sun4 clone running SunOs4.0.1+a bit).

perl.h line 269: Bad octal constant 87654321

(This is part of the support for Cray long ints).  The SunOs 3.5
compiler didn't mind.  I just commented out that part of the #if
expression.  Next time, without the leading zeros?

Gregory Bond, Burdett Buckeridge & Young Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Internet: gnb at    non-MX: gnb%melba.bby.oz at
Uucp: {uunet,pyramid,ubc-cs,ukc,mcvax,prlb2,nttlab...}!munnari!melba.bby.oz!gnb

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