Perl 3.0 Patchlevel 4 DIR not defined

Larry Wall lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Sat Nov 18 12:06:32 AEST 1989

In article <1989Nov13.172451.27895 at wash08.uucp> rae98 at wash08.uucp (Robert A. Earl) writes:
: On my NCR Tower 32/850 (SVR2) system, /usr/include/sys/dir.h
: doesn't define DIR at all, but perl.h and/or stab.h assume
: it is defined (i think it is supposed to be 'struct direct').
: Can this assumption be modified, or is this my problem to patch every
: time a new patch is released?

I think this will work better after patch 5, but you never know...

Patch 5(+6) is coming out as soon as my Pyramid passes it's upgrade.


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