perl3, PL4 test problems

Alexander Vonk alex at
Tue Nov 14 23:04:49 AEST 1989

OK guys, this seems like a sort of one person net discussion, but it
seems to me that the solution I worked out this morning could be of
interest, so here I go...

alex at (Alexander Vonk) writes:

>Does anyone have any problems with the perl tests. I seem to have a
>strange problem, related with the 'compiler' (?) part of perl.
>Any ideas (before I gonna dive into thousands of source code lines :-)?

>Here is a version info on perl, compiled on a IBM PC/RT with AIX 2.2.1:

>$Header: perly.c,v 89/11/11 04:50:04 lwall Locked $
>Patch level: 4

>And the test errors I got (ok messages left out):

>cmd.subval......syntax error in file ./cmd.subval at line 91, next 2 tokens ");"
>Execution aborted due to compilation errors.
>FAILED on test 0
>op.dbm..........syntax error in file ./op.dbm at line 14, next 2 tokens ");"
>syntax error in file ./op.dbm at line 17, next 2 tokens ");"
>syntax error in file ./op.dbm at line 21, next 2 tokens ");"
>syntax error in file ./op.dbm at line 43, next 2 tokens ");"
>syntax error in file ./op.dbm at line 89, next 2 tokens ");"
>syntax error in file ./op.dbm at line 93, next 2 tokens ");"
>Execution aborted due to compilation errors.
>FAILED on test 0

... other failed tests, including op.index, op.mkdir, op.pack,
	op.sort, op.substr and op.vec ...

>Failed 10 tests.

Well, I fixed the problem by deleting space between 'print' and '(' in all
cases but the cmd.subval file, which I fixed by deleting space between
'return' and '('. After these fixes, everything runned just fine.

And now for the final questions:
1) Has anyone else encountered this problem?
2) Can it be fixed (maybe by the great Wall himself, after resting a while :-)?

Alexander Vonk.

+++	Alexander Vonk - Technical Univ. Delft, Netherlands	+++
+++Phone:	(NL) 015 - 78 64 12	(world) 31 15 78 64 12	+++
+++Mail:	alex at	or alex at dutirt2.UUCP	+++

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