perl 3.0 bugs

Tony Sanders sanders at
Tue Nov 21 09:28:42 AEST 1989

Is this supposed to be fixed by patch#6 or is it known????
> make test
> [...]
> op.vec..........syntax error in file ./op.vec at line 21, next 2 tokens ");"
> Execution aborted due to compilation errors.
> FAILED on test 0
line 21:
> print ((ord(substr($foo,1,1)) & 255) == 0xf1 ? "ok 11\n" : "not ok 11\n");

I could have sworn that someone mentioned this a long time ago.
Am I experiencing UBD or is this a real problem?

I'm working on an IBM RT/AIX 2.2.1.  Well you can't have everything :-).

-- sanders

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