bug in unzipbsd + fix

George Phillips phillips at faculty.cs.ubc.ca
Mon Nov 13 17:51:40 AEST 1989

Unzipbsd (a pkzip unzipper) assumes a particular implementation of memcpy
which made it fail on our Sun 3's.  The cheap fix is to define a version
of memcpy that keeps unzipbsd happy.  The real fix should get rid of the
memcpy assumption.  I put the following bit of code at the start of 
unzipbsd.c and it works now.

memcpy(s1, s2, n)
register char* s1;
register char* s2;
register int n;
	while (n-- > 0)
		*s1++ = *s2++;

I haven't been able to report the bug to the author, so if he's listening...

George Phillips phillips at cs.ubc.ca {alberta,uw-beaver,uunet}!ubc-cs!phillips

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