Possible HP-UX compiler optimizer bug (found while making Perl)

Bruce Wehr wehr at fmeed1.UUCP
Wed Nov 8 04:14:30 AEST 1989

We just got Perl 3.0 from c.s.u.  Making it on our HP 9000/370 running
HP-UX 6.5 with the optimizer caused the compiler to hang on these files:
eval.c (&& teval.c), toke.c (&& ttoke.c), x2p/walk.c.  These files had
to be manually compiled without the optimizer (we told Configure to use

Has anyone else experienced this, or should I start looking for
something I did wrong?  Any help would be appreciated.
	       Bruce Wehr (wehr%dptc.decnet at srlvx0.srl.ford.com)
    (...!mailrus!sharkey!fmeed1!wehr) (wehr%fmeed1.uucp at mailgw.cc.umich.edu)
		   Ford Motor Company - Electronics Division
  17000 Rotunda Drive, ETC Room LN081, Dearborn, Michigan 48121 (313)845-3039

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