Nethack 3 PL5 on SCO Xenix 286

Jay Libove libove at
Sun Oct 22 05:06:22 AEST 1989

On SCO Xenix 286, at patchlevel 5, what used to be a nuisance is
now a real problem:

It used to be that the sources had to be hacked slightly so
that the "delay" attempts didn't leave sh*t on the screen, but
now the code has to be hacked (in the same manner) to avoid
the code _core dumping_ whenever the delay routine is called
(typically when anything is thrown or kicked across a room).

In termcap.c in delay_output() there needs to be a special
case for #ifdef M_XENIX  /* do nothing */ rather than some
kind of bogus attempt to waste time.

Jay Libove			Internet: libove at
5731 Centre Avenue, Apt 3	BITNET: libove at drycas
Pittsburgh, PA 15206		UUCP: uunet!!libove!root
(412) 362-8983			UUCP: psuvax1!pitt!darth!libove!root

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