Extraction problem with ARC v 5.21 for Unix(tm)

Ralph P. Sobek ralph at nastassia.laas.fr
Thu Oct 5 20:50:52 AEST 1989

I just tried to extract from dvidsk.arc posted to
comp.binaries.atari.st.  Arc on Unix (Version 5.21, created on
04/22/87 at 15:05:21) refused to extract USERGUIDE.TXT, giving the
message "Cannot create USERGUIDE.TXT".  On the other hand, the older
arc.5.12 (Archive Utility, 5.12 System V Version 1.1a, 4/30/87) had no
problem with this archive.

Is there a newer arc?  Thanx.  Follow-ups are to comp.sources.bugs!

Ralph P. Sobek			  Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own.
ralph at laas.laas.fr			   Addresses are ordered by importance.
ralph at laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!mcvax!laas!ralph		If all else fails, try:
SOBEK at FRMOP11.BITNET				      sobek at eclair.Berkeley.EDU
Upon the instruments of death the sunlight brightly gleams.   --   King Crimson

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