Conquer4.5 & ATT 6386

James Cummings gonzo at attctc.Dallas.TX.US
Wed Oct 25 01:51:18 AEST 1989

	Question...does anyone have Conquer 4.5 running on one of the
AT&T 6386 machines?  I'm posting this for myself as well as the person
who really is having the problem... He has the 6386, he can compile,
make a world, build nations, etc....but the updates core dump on him.
I can run the same code on a variety of machines ATT 3B2/700, 3B2/400,
and even a PC7300 without a hitch.  The exact code that he used is the
same code that I used on the 400(only directory name modifications).
	If you are running Conquer 4.5 on a 6386 without any probs, please
e-mail me a note and if you had probs what were they and how did you 
fix least we'll know it's fixable.

					Thanks in advance,
					James Cummings

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