B news 2.11 patch 18 considered harmful

Mark Williams miw at bunyip.cc.uq.oz
Thu Oct 5 20:28:18 AEST 1989

gst at gnosys.UUCP (Gary S. Trujillo) writes:

>Well, I naively patched my sources, which were at patchlevel 17, and got
>a very corrupted situation in my /usr/spool/news/* directories.  Here's
>the sort of thing I found:

[horrendous situation caused by a corrupt active file]

I had this problem, too. I got around it by blowing away my active file
entirely, running expire -r, and then putting a current checkgroups
through the thing. The make update script failed because a regular
expression was too long for ULTRIX 3.1 sed. I also had to back out one
of the patches to ifuncs.c
	Apart from that, everything ran smoothly. :-)

Mark Williams

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