Perl V3 side effect

Larry Wall lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Thu Oct 26 13:35:35 AEST 1989

In article <2800019 at kailand> pwolfe at writes:
: One side effect of Perl Version 3.0 that broke a number of our scripts has to
: do with the normal filehandle names being changed from lowercase to uppercase
: (eg. from stdout to STDOUT), which changed the default detail line format
: name, so scripts that depended on that name being "stdout" now produce NO
: output at all.
: I can't say that this is actually a bug, but it was an unexpected change, and
: will delay installation of version 3 on a number of our machines (until all
: broken scripts can be found and fixed).  The fix is to assign an detail record
: format name ($~ = "stdout";).  While you're at it, you might as well assign the
: header format name too, just in case that changes sometime in the future.

"format stdout" will be grandfathered in patch #1, when I get it together in
a day or two.

Larry Wall
lwall at

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