perl 3.0 dumps core

Larry Wall lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Fri Sep 8 14:27:26 AEST 1989

In article <550 at caldwr.UUCP> rfinch at caldwr.UUCP (Ralph Finch) writes:
: I'm running SunOS 4.0.1 on a Sun 4/260.  Got perl 3.0 (beta),
: ran configure, make depend, make, then make test.  On the
: latter it gives the message:
: sh: 24615 Memory fault - core dumped

As a temporary workaround on Sun4, you need to
	#define vfork fork

The problem is that on a Sun4, even registers are shared between parent and
child after a vfork, I am told.  I've got a rewritten mypopen(), and several
other patches which I may send out soon, including one to keep shift and pop
from doing a double free when used on @_, and one which lets the idiom
	chop($foo = <STDIN>);
work without trying to input an entire array, sigh.

Larry Wall
lwall at

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