Sun4os4 /bin/sh dumps core. (was: perl 3.0 dumps core)

Josh Diamond jmd at ursa.UUCP
Wed Sep 13 02:18:02 AEST 1989

In article <2431 at> guy at (Guy Harris) writes:
>>Probably not so.  I have perl 3.0-beta running on Sun 3's (under SunOS 4.0.3)
>>but it (or actually sh) dumps core
>Uhh, excuse me, but please do NOT assume that because the string "sh:"
>appears in the "core dumped" message that it's the shell that's dumping
>core.  In fact, in the case I saw when running "make test" on a Sun-4,
>it's the shell that's telling you that something *else*, namely Perl,
>dumped core - yes, even if your shell is the C shell, since "make" is
>running Perl from the Makefile and it uses the Bourne shell for
>everything on SunOS. 
>If you want to know what program generated a core file on SunOS 3.x or
>4.x, do "file core".

Ah, but I _have_ managed to get /bin/sh to core dump with a segmentation
fault under SunOS 4.0*.  "file core" tells me that the core file is indeed
from /bin/sh.  It occurs when either the command line is very long or the
environment is very large.   It has bitten me several times in "make".  
Sun sent us a patched version of /bin/sh to fix it, and I beleive it has 
fixed the problem.  If you are running into this, you should probably get
in touch with Sun about it...

						Josh Diamond
						AKA Spidey!!!

 /\ \  / /\  Josh Diamond       {,}!gotham!ursa!jmd
//\\ .. //\\ AKA Spidey!!!    ...!{sun, pwcmrd, philabs, pyrnj}!gotham!ursa!jmd
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/  < `' >  \         Beauty is the purgation of superfluities. -- Michaelangelo

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