Perl 3.0 dumps core on write(); patch

Larry Wall lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Fri Sep 15 04:27:08 AEST 1989

In article <399 at wrkof.UUCP> win at (Winfried Koenig) writes:
: --------------
: On my Interactive UNIX Rel. 2.0.2  Perl 3.0 dumps core
: on the command:
: write();	# no filehandle, write to stdout
: With my patch for eval.c it seems to work.
: ... 
: --------------
: *** eval.c.dist	Wed Sep  6 02:36:05 1989
: --- eval.c	Tue Sep 12 19:07:00 1989
: ***************
: *** 409,415 ****
:   	STABSET(str);
:   	break;
:       case O_WRITE:
: ! 	if (maxarg == 0)
:   	    stab = defoutstab;
:   	else if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_WORD)
:   	    stab = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab;
: --- 409,415 ----
:   	STABSET(str);
:   	break;
:       case O_WRITE:
: ! 	if (maxarg == 1)
:   	    stab = defoutstab;
:   	else if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_WORD)

A more correct patch would be:

*** eval.c.old	Wed Sep 13 13:20:22 1989
--- eval.c	Wed Sep 13 13:24:10 1989
*** 415,422 ****
      case O_WRITE:
  	if (maxarg == 0)
  	    stab = defoutstab;
! 	else if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_WORD)
! 	    stab = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab;
  	    stab = stabent(str_get(st[1]),TRUE);
  	if (!stab_io(stab)) {
--- 415,424 ----
      case O_WRITE:
  	if (maxarg == 0)
  	    stab = defoutstab;
! 	else if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_WORD) {
! 	    if (!(stab = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab))
! 		stab = defoutstab;
! 	}
  	    stab = stabent(str_get(st[1]),TRUE);
  	if (!stab_io(stab)) {

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