pcomm 1.1 patch 9

Rick Richardson rick at pcrat.uucp
Fri Sep 22 21:51:14 AEST 1989

In article <11200006 at fthood> egray at fthood.UUCP writes:
>I mailed the Pcomm v1.2 distribution package to Rich Salz (the moderator
>of comp.sources.unix) on the 4th of Feb 89.  I have also mailed him the
>4 patches as they came out.  He has acknowledged that he does indeed
>have the code, and that it is "in the queue".

With that kind of delay "in the queue", it seems to me that you ought
to send Rich a completely patched Pcomm v1.2.

I just can't see why comp.sources.unix should publish a program with
known patches (and the headaches they create) unless the patches
"cross in the mail", so to speak.  These patches couldn't have crossed
in the mail, even if one of the links was doing 0.1 baud!

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