Perl 3.0 Beta, gethostent() and the DNS; also, make x2p

Steve Alexander stevea at
Tue Sep 12 23:21:33 AEST 1989

In article <7199 at> tale at writes:
>Perl wouldn't compile on our SunOS 4.0.3 Sun3 systems because we're
>using the resolver routines from UUNET.  gethostent() isn't provided
>so the loader bombed with undefined symbol _gethostent.

You ought to be able to use _gethtent instead of gethostent.  At least
this is true for 4.3BSD versions of the resolver.  _gethtent is what
the gethostby* routines use to look up hosts if the nameserver isn't up.

Steve Alexander, Software Technologies Group    | stevea at
Interactive Systems Corporation, Naperville, IL | ...!{sun,ico}!laidbak!stevea

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