Ispell Bug

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Wed Sep 20 12:29:13 AEST 1989

In article <12707 at eddie.MIT.EDU> eliot%lees-rif at eddie.MIT.EDU
(Eliot Frank) writes:

> In Article 1976 of comp.sources.bugs, Frank Kolakowski writes:
> > Has anyone noticed that when ispell is running on more that one file
> > it forgets the ~/.ispell_words contents and continually thinks those
> > words are mispelled, so I fixed this by a for f in *; do ispell $f
> > loop. 

This has long ago been fixed by patch #2 to ispell, which is available
from at least some of the archives (e.g., osu-cis) or from me.  I have
sent a copy to Eliot Frank and will send one to anyone else who wants
one;  just write.
	Geoff Kuenning   geoff at   uunet!desint!geoff

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