trn and crossposting

Sean Eric Fagan seanf at sco.COM
Tue Dec 11 08:02:43 AEST 1990

The version of trn I have does not appear to support crossposting.  This
makes it very annoying, as I keep reading the same article over and over and

Anybody else notice this, and is there a fix available?  (I need my fix,
*now*! 8-))


Sean Eric Fagan  | "*Never* knock on Death's door:  ring the bell and 
seanf at sco.COM    |   run away!  Death hates that!"
uunet!sco!seanf  |     -- Dr. Mike Stratford (Matt Frewer, "Doctor, Doctor")
(408) 458-1422   | Any opinions expressed are my own, not my employers'.

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