bug in sc 6.8

Nick Andrew nick at kralizec.fido.oz.au
Sun Dec 9 23:18:50 AEST 1990

I find an annoying bug in sc6.8 (I think) ... that affects the output on my
Sun console under Cmdtool & Shelltool.

When scrolling down (say hitting the J key and the cursor is on the bottom
line) sometimes Sc or Curses gets itself mixed up when redrawing the
row numbers in inverse video on the left hand side. Specifically, somewhere
something sends a code which causes a half-linefeed on the console, and
some digits get misaligned. This is most disconcerting - an out-of-position
character in a text-based window.

Does anybody know why this is happening and what bug to fix to stop it?

Thanks, Nick.

< mail to nick at ultima.socs.uts.edu.au if mail to kralizec fails >

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