C News patch of 1-Dec-1990

Henry Spencer henry at zoo.toronto.edu
Sun Dec 2 13:48:57 AEST 1990

This is the first of a series of several patches catching up on work done
over the last couple of months.  This one is entirely concerned with the
simple user interface we ship.  It has been overhauled extensively to work
better and be less system-dependent.  The basic objective was to make it
better suited for what we consider its primary role:  a simple reader for
naive users.  This means, in particular, that functionality was deleted
rather than fixed if it wasn't something a novice was likely to use much
and it was a nuisance to make it work right.

Postnews has acquired a -h option for pre-supplied headers, for use by
readnews followups.  Checknews now tries to deal well with rn users,
whose complex .newsrc files tend to baffle readnews.  Readnews has had
a major overhaul and cleanup...  Much dead code has been eliminated,
and the sources have shrunk substantially.  Ranlib is no longer needed
to compile it.  It no longer alters the tty modes and consequently is
no longer a problem on System V.  It is now integrated with the C News
configuration machinery (although one or two details won't show up until
later patches update said machinery).  In NEWSCTL, news.help has moved
to readnews.help.  Much compiled-in configuration information is no longer
needed, and what little remains is now in NEWSCTL/readnews.ctl instead.
Dates show in headers.  Everything now works.  The manpage is now accurate.

start of patch 1-Dec-1990
(suggested archive name: `pch1Dec90.Z')
this should be run with   patch -p0 <thisfile

Please do the following (there is no easy way we can convince
patch to do this automatically):
rm rna/at.h
rm rna/history.c
rm rna/lib/bsearch.c
rm rna/lib/itoa.c
rm rna/lib/makefile
rm rna/lib/memset.c
rm rna/lib/strpbrk.c
rm rna/maketime.c

The following is a complete list of patches to date.

Prereq: 23-Jun-1989
Prereq: 7-Jul-1989
Prereq: 23-Jul-1989
Prereq: 22-Aug-1989
Prereq: 24-Aug-1989
Prereq: 14-Sep-1989
Prereq: 13-Nov-1989
Prereq: 10-Jan-1990
Prereq: 16-Jan-1990
Prereq: 17-Jan-1990
Prereq: 18-Jan-1990
Prereq: 12-Mar-1990
Prereq: 14-Apr-1990
Prereq: 15-Apr-1990
Prereq: 16-Apr-1990
Prereq: 25-May-1990
Prereq: 1-Sep-1990
Prereq: 7-Sep-1990
*** PATCHDATES.old	Sat Dec  1 20:54:30 1990
--- PATCHDATES	Sat Dec  1 20:54:30 1990
*** 1,18 ****
--- 1,19 ----
+ 1-Dec-1990

Changed files, if any:

*** cnpatch/old/rna/README	Sat Dec  1 20:54:39 1990
--- rna/README	Wed Nov 21 15:12:46 1990
*** 1,8 ****
! This is the "Australian readnews", written by Michael Rourke at UNSW.
  It's a simple and reasonably well-put-together news reader suitable for
  giving to naive users who aren't going to be reading news much.
! You'll need to fiddle defs.h for your machine, then type "make".
  Note that README.aus assumes you are installing the entire UNSW news
! system, not just readnews; some of it is inapplicable.
--- 1,11 ----
! This is the "Australian readnews", written by Michael Rourke at UNSW,
! extensively hacked for C News.  A number of simplifications have been
! made, and some features deleted.
  It's a simple and reasonably well-put-together news reader suitable for
  giving to naive users who aren't going to be reading news much.
! You may need to modify defs.h (although this isn't likely, any more).
  Note that README.aus assumes you are installing the entire UNSW news
! system, not just readnews.  Much of it is inapplicable or obsolete.

*** cnpatch/old/rna/active.c	Sat Dec  1 20:54:46 1990
--- rna/active.c	Mon Nov 19 17:20:05 1990
*** 9,51 ****
  #include "defs.h"
- static char actname[]	 = ACTIVE;
  static int lineno;
  static active	*alist;
- /*
-  * getseq - Get next sequence number for this group
-  *	    and update active file.
-  *	    If group missing append to file.
-  */
- char *
- getseq(group)
- char *group;
- {
- 	register FILE	*f;
- 	register long l;
- 	char gbuf[BUFSIZ / 2], dbuf[BUFSIZ / 4], dbuf2[BUFSIZ / 4];
- 	extern char *itoa(), *ltoa();
- 	f = fopenl(actname);
- 	lineno = 0;
- 	while (getline(f, gbuf, dbuf, dbuf2))
- 		if (CMP(gbuf, group) == 0) {
- 			l = atol(dbuf) + 1;
- 			(void) fseek(f, -(long)(2*(10+1)), 1);	/* TODO: fix this */
- 			(void) fprintf(f, "%010d", l);		/* TODO: fix this */
- 			(void) fclose(f);
- #if !AUSAM
- 			unlock(actname);
- #endif
- 			return ltoa(l);
- 		}
- 	(void) fprintf(f, "%s 0000000000 0000000001 y\n", group);
- 	fclose(f);
- #if !AUSAM
- 	unlock(actname);
- #endif
- 	return itoa(1);
- }
  getline(f, g, d, d2)
--- 9,15 ----
*** 80,84 ****
  	if (c != EOF && (c != '\n' || !*d || !*d2))
! 		error("%s: bad format: line %d", actname, lineno);
  	return c != EOF;
--- 44,48 ----
  	if (c != EOF && (c != '\n' || !*d || !*d2))
! 		error("%s: bad format: line %d", "active", lineno);
  	return c != EOF;
*** 96,100 ****
  	alist = last = NULL;
! 	f = fopenf(actname, "r");
  	lineno = 0;
  	while (getline(f, gbuf, dbuf, dbuf2)) {
--- 60,64 ----
  	alist = last = NULL;
! 	f = fopenf(ctlfile("active"), "r");
  	lineno = 0;
  	while (getline(f, gbuf, dbuf, dbuf2)) {
*** 128,178 ****
  	return ap;
- }
- /*
-  * setlow - set the low number for this group
-  */
- setlow(group, low)
- char *group;
- int low;
- {
- 	register FILE	*f;
- 	char gbuf[BUFSIZ / 2], dbuf[BUFSIZ / 4], dbuf2[BUFSIZ / 4];
- 	extern char *itoa();
- 	f = fopenl(actname);
- 	lineno = 0;
- 	while (getline(f, gbuf, dbuf, dbuf2))
- 		if (CMP(gbuf, group) == 0) {
- 			fseek(f, -(long)(10+1), 1);	/* TODO: fix this */
- 			(void) fprintf(f, "%010d", low); /* TODO: fix this */
- 			break;
- 		}
- 	fclose(f);
- #if !AUSAM
- 	unlock(actname);
- #endif
- }
- /*
-  * initgrp - initialise an entry for this group
-  */
- initgrp(group)
- char *group;
- {
- 	register FILE	*f;
- 	char gbuf[BUFSIZ / 2], dbuf[BUFSIZ / 4], dbuf2[BUFSIZ / 4];
- 	f = fopenl(actname);
- 	lineno = 0;
- 	while (getline(f, gbuf, dbuf, dbuf2))
- 		if (CMP(gbuf, group) == 0) {
- #if !AUSAM
- 			unlock(actname);
- #endif
- 			return;
- 		}
- 	(void) fprintf(f, "%s 0000000000 0000000001\n", group);
--- 92,94 ----

*** cnpatch/old/rna/checknews	Sat Dec  1 20:54:52 1990
--- rna/checknews	Fri Nov 23 15:46:08 1990
*** 1 ****
! exec readnews -c
--- 1,7 ----
! #! /bin/sh
! if test -r $HOME/.rnlast
! then
! 	exec rn -c -s3
! else
! 	exec readnews -c
! fi

*** cnpatch/old/rna/defs.h	Sat Dec  1 20:54:53 1990
--- rna/defs.h	Wed Nov 21 14:32:14 1990
*** 1,5 ****
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/dir.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
--- 1,4 ----
*** 9,61 ****
  #include <signal.h>
- #include <sgtty.h>
- #include "at.h"
! #define NEWSVERSION	 "B UNSW 1.1 19 Sep 1984"
  /* Things that very well may require local configuration */
- #define TIMEZONE	"EST"		/* name of time zone */
- #define DFLTSUB "general,general.all"	/* default subscription list	*/
- #define	ADMSUB	"general"		/* Mandatory subscription list */
- #define MODGROUPS "mod.all,all.mod,all.announce"	/* Moderated groups */
- #define DFLTGRP	"general"		/* default newsgroup (for postnews) */
- /* #define MANGRPS	 1		/* if you have mandatory subscriptions
- 					   tailored per-person (uses
- 					   getclasses()) */
- /*#define OZ	1*/			/* if on Australian network, used
- 					   in readnews to get correct return
- 					   address */
- /*#define AUSAM	1*/			/* hashed passwd file, locked files */
- #if AUSAM
- #include <passwd.h>
- #else
- #include <pwd.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef vax
- /* #define NETPATH	1		/* if you have path finding program
- 					   /bin/netpath */
- #endif
  /*#define UNSWMAIL 1*/			/* if you have UNSW "mail" which
  					   allows "-s subject -i include_file"
  					   arguments */
- #define NETID "utstat"
- #ifndef NETID
- #define NETID "utstat"			/* else define it here */
- #endif
- #ifndef NETID
- #include <table.h>			/* UNSW only */
- #endif
- /* #define MC "/usr/bin/p"			/* pager */
- #define UUNAME "/usr/bin/uuname"
- #define RNEWS	"exec rnews"		/* rnews for uurec to fork */
- #define POSTNEWS "/usr/bin/inews"
- #define CHOWN	"/etc/chown"		/* pathname of chown command */
- #define SHELL	"/bin/sh"		/* if not bourne shell see postnews.c */
- #define MKDIR	"/bin/mkdir"
  #define MAIL	"/bin/mail"
--- 8,22 ----
  #include <signal.h>
! /* C News header(s) */
! #include <config.h>
+ #define NEWSVERSION	 "B UNSW 1.1 19 Sep 1984, heavily hacked for C News"
  /* Things that very well may require local configuration */
  /*#define UNSWMAIL 1*/			/* if you have UNSW "mail" which
  					   allows "-s subject -i include_file"
  					   arguments */
  #define MAIL	"/bin/mail"
*** 65,91 ****
- #define HELP	"/usr/lib/news/help.readnews"		/* Help text */
- #define SEQ	"/usr/lib/news/seq"		/* Next sequence number */
- #define SYS	"/usr/lib/news/sys"		/* System subscription lists */
- #define ACTIVE	"/usr/lib/news/active"		/* Active newsgroups */
- #define HISTORY "/usr/lib/news/history"		/* Current articles */
- #define MYDOMAIN "uucp"			/* Local domain */
- #define MYORG	"U of Toronto Statistics" /* My organization */
- #define NEWSROOT "news"			/* news editor */
  /* Things you might want to change */
  #define NEWSRC  ".newsrc"		/* name of .newsrc file */
  #define	PAGESIZE 24			/* lines on screen */
  #define ARTICLES "articles"		/* default place to save articles */
- #define NEGCHAR	'!'			/* newsgroup negation character	*/
- #define NEGS	"!"			/* ditto (string) */
- #define BADGRPCHARS "/#!"		/* illegal chars in group name */
  #define BUFLEN	256			/* standard buffer size */
- #define ED	"/bin/ed"		/* default, if $EDITOR not set */
  /* Things you probably won't want to change */
  #define	NGSEPCHAR ','	/* delimit character in news group line		*/
  #define NGSEPS	","	/* ditto */
--- 26,45 ----
  /* Things you might want to change */
+ /* #define MANGRPS	 1		/* if you have mandatory subscriptions
+ 					   tailored per-person (uses
+ 					   getclasses()) */
  #define NEWSRC  ".newsrc"		/* name of .newsrc file */
  #define	PAGESIZE 24			/* lines on screen */
  #define ARTICLES "articles"		/* default place to save articles */
  #define BUFLEN	256			/* standard buffer size */
  /* Things you probably won't want to change */
+ #define NEGCHAR	'!'			/* newsgroup negation character	*/
+ #define NEGS	"!"			/* ditto (string) */
+ #define BADGRPCHARS "/#!"		/* illegal chars in group name */
  #define	NGSEPCHAR ','	/* delimit character in news group line		*/
  #define NGSEPS	","	/* ditto */
*** 92,96 ****
  #define PSEPS "!"	/* separator in Path: */
  #define PSEPCHAR '!'	/* ditto */
- #define PATHPREF "..!"	/* prefix for addresses worked out from Path: */
  #define TRUE	1
  #define FALSE	0
--- 46,49 ----
*** 158,161 ****
--- 111,115 ----
+ /* some of these may not exist any more */
  char	*strrchr(), *strchr(), *strcat(), *strcpy(), *strpbrk();
  char	*itoa(), *ltoa(), *convg(), *ngsquash(), *ttoa(), *mgets(), *rconvg();
*** 175,180 ****
  #define CMPN(a, b, n)	(*(a) != *(b) ? *(a) - *(b) : strncmp(a, b, n))
! /* bw 9/15/84 */
! #define uid_t int
! #define index strchr
! #define rindex strrchr
--- 129,131 ----
  #define CMPN(a, b, n)	(*(a) != *(b) ? *(a) - *(b) : strncmp(a, b, n))
! extern char mailvia[];

*** cnpatch/old/rna/funcs.c	Sat Dec  1 20:54:55 1990
--- rna/funcs.c	Wed Nov 21 14:55:52 1990
*** 186,313 ****
- /*
-  * return new newsgroup composed of only those from 'nglist'
-  * subscribed to by 'sublist'
-  * return NULL for empty list
-  */
- char *
- ngsquash(nglist, sublist)
- register char *nglist, *sublist;
- {
- 	register char *delim;
- 	register char *newg;
- 	newg = NIL(char);
- 	while (*nglist) {
- 		if (delim = strchr(nglist, NGSEPCHAR))
- 			*delim = '\0';
- 		if (ngmatch(nglist, sublist))
- 			newg = (newg ? catstr2(newg, NGSEPS, nglist) : newstr(nglist));
- 		if (delim)
- 			*delim = NGSEPCHAR, nglist = delim + 1;
- 		else
- 			break;
- 	}
- 	return newg;
- }
-  * get unique sequence number from SEQ
-  */
- char *
- getunique()
- {
- 	register long number;
- 	register FILE *f;
- 	static char buf[12];
- 	f = fopenl(SEQ);
- 	if (fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, f) > 0)
- 		number = atol(buf);
- 	else
- 		number = 1;
- 	rewind(f);
- 	(void) fprintf(f, "%ld\n", number + 1);
- 	(void) fclose(f);
- #if !AUSAM
- 	unlock(SEQ);
- #endif
- 	sprintf(buf, "%ld", number);
- 	return buf;
- }
- /*
-  * open a locked file (or create) for reading and writing
-  */
- FILE *
- fopenl(fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- 	register FILE *f;
- #ifdef AUSAM
- 	struct stat sbuf;
- #endif
- 	extern uid_t newsuid;
- 	if ((f = fopen(fname, "r+")) == NULL &&
- 	    (f = fopen(fname, "w+")) == NULL)
- 		error("Can't open %s", fname);
- #if AUSAM
- 	if (fstat(fileno(f), &sbuf) != 0)
- 		error("Can't stat %s", fname);
- 	if ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFALK &&
- 	    (chmod(fname, (int)(sbuf.st_mode&~S_IFMT) | S_IFALK) != 0 ||
- 	    chown(fname, (int)newsuid, (int)newsuid) != 0 ||
- 	    fclose(f) == EOF ||
- 	    (f = fopen(fname, "r+")) == NULL))
- 		error("Can't create %s", fname);
- #else
- 	chown(fname, (int) newsuid, (int) newsuid);
- 	lock(fname);
- #endif
- 	return f;
- }
- #if !AUSAM
- #define LSUFFIX	".lock"		/* suffix for lock files */
- lock(fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- 	register char *lname;
- 	register int i, f;
- 	lname = newstr2(fname, LSUFFIX);
- 	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- 		if ((f = creat(lname, 0)) != -1) {
- 			close(f);
- 			free(lname);
- 			return;
- 		}
- 		sleep(2);
- 	}
- 	error("Can't creat %s after %d tries", lname, i);
- }
- unlock(fname)
- char *fname;
- {
- 	register char *lname;
- 	lname = newstr2(fname, LSUFFIX);
- 	unlink(lname);
- 	free(lname);
- }
- #endif
- /*
   * open a file
--- 186,191 ----
*** 341,360 ****
-  * replace all '/''s with '.'
-  */
- char *
- rconvg(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- 	register char *sav;
- 	sav = s;
- 	while (s = strchr(s, '/'))
- 		*s = '.';
- 	return sav;
- }
- /*
   * get a line from stdin
   * trim leading and trailing blanks
--- 219,222 ----
*** 385,411 ****
- readln(f)
- FILE *f;
- {
- 	register int c;
- 	if (feof(f) || ferror(f))
- 		return;
- 	while ((c = getc(f)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
- 		;
- }
-  * compare string pointers
-  */
- strpcmp(a, b)
- char **a, **b;
- {
- 	return CMP(*a, *b);
- }
- /*
   * apply the given function to each member in the newsgroup
--- 247,251 ----
*** 442,449 ****
  	register char *ra;
! 	extern char *getpath(), *exaddress();
! #ifdef NETPATH
! 	extern char *getnetpath();
! #endif
  	if (hp->h_replyto)
--- 282,286 ----
  	register char *ra;
! 	extern char *exaddress();
  	if (hp->h_replyto)
*** 454,462 ****
  		ra = NIL(char);
  	if (hp->h_path && !ra)
! 		ra = getpath(hp->h_path);
! #ifdef NETPATH
! 	if (CMPN(ra, PATHPREF, sizeof(PATHPREF) - 1) == 0)
! 		ra = getnetpath(ra);
! #endif
  	return ra;
--- 291,295 ----
  		ra = NIL(char);
  	if (hp->h_path && !ra)
! 		ra = hp->h_path;
  	return ra;
*** 472,561 ****
  	register char *space, *dot, *at;
  	register char *raddr;
  	raddr = NIL(char);
  	if (space = strchr(addr, ' '))
  		*space = '\0';
! 	if (at = strchr(addr, '@')) {
  		*at = '\0';
! 		if (dot = strchr(at + 1, '.')) {
! 			*dot = '\0';
! #if OZ
! 			if (CMP(dot + 1, MYDOMAIN) == 0)
! 				raddr = newstr3(addr, ":", at + 1);
! 			else
! #endif
! 				raddr = newstr4(PATHPREF, at + 1, PSEPS, addr);
! 			*dot = '.';
! 		}
  		*at = '@';
! 	}
  	if (space)
  		*space = ' ';
  	return raddr;
- /*
-  * return the last two components of the path
-  */
- char *
- getpath(path)
- char *path;
- {
- 	register char *exlast, *ex;
- 	register char *raddr;
- 	if (exlast = strrchr(path, PSEPCHAR)) {
- 		*exlast = '\0';
- 		if (ex = strrchr(path, PSEPCHAR))
- 			raddr = newstr4(PATHPREF, ex + 1, PSEPS, exlast + 1);
- 		else
- 			raddr = newstr3(path, PSEPS, exlast + 1);
- 		*exlast = PSEPCHAR;
- 	} else
- 		raddr = NIL(char);
- 	return raddr;
- }
- #ifdef NETPATH
- /*
-  * try and work out a path from our "netpath" database
-  */
- char *
- getnetpath(path)
- char *path;
- {
- 	FILE *f;
- 	register char *ex1, *ex2, *com, *new;
- 	char buf[BUFSIZ];
- 	if ((ex1 = strchr(path, PSEPCHAR)) && (ex2 = strchr(ex1 + 1, PSEPCHAR))) {
- 		*ex2 = '\0';
- 		com = newstr4("exec ", NETPATH, " mulga ", ex1 + 1);
- 		if ((f = popen(com, "r")) == NIL(FILE))
- 			(void) printf("Couldn't run \"%s\"\n", com);
- 		else {
- 			fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, f);
- 			if (pclose(f) != 0) {
- 				(void) printf("Error in running \"%s\"\n", com);
- 				fflush(stdout);
- 			} else if (CMPN(buf, "mulga!", 6) == 0) {
- 				if (ex1 = strchr(buf, '\n'))
- 					*ex1 = '\0';
- 				new = newstr4(buf + 6, PSEPS, ex2 + 1, ":mulga");
- 				free(path);
- 				path = new;
- 			}
- 		}
- 		free(com);
- 		*ex2 = PSEPCHAR;
- 	}
- 	return path;
- }
- #endif
--- 305,326 ----
  	register char *space, *dot, *at;
  	register char *raddr;
+ 	extern char mailvia[];
  	raddr = NIL(char);
+ 	if (strcmp(mailvia, "<path>") == 0)
+ 		return raddr;
  	if (space = strchr(addr, ' '))
  		*space = '\0';
! 	if (mailvia[0] != '\0' && (at = strchr(addr, '@')) != NULL) {
  		*at = '\0';
! 		raddr = newstr5(mailvia, PSEPS, at + 1, PSEPS, addr);
  		*at = '@';
! 	} else
! 		raddr = newstr(addr);
  	if (space)
  		*space = ' ';
  	return raddr;

*** cnpatch/old/rna/header.c	Sat Dec  1 20:54:58 1990
--- rna/header.c	Tue Nov 20 13:41:17 1990
*** 4,17 ****
  #include "defs.h"
- #if AUSAM
- extern struct pwent pe;
- #else
- extern struct passwd *pp;
- #endif
  extern char systemid[];
  extern long now;
- char tzone[]		 = TIMEZONE;
  char hform[]		 = "%s: %s\n";
--- 4,12 ----
  #include "defs.h"
+ #include <sys/timeb.h>
  extern char systemid[];
  extern long now;
  char hform[]		 = "%s: %s\n";
*** 203,207 ****
  header *hp;
  FILE *f;
! pheadcom com;
  	register char *s;
--- 198,202 ----
  header *hp;
  FILE *f;
! pheadcom com;			/* actually ignored now */
  	register char *s;
*** 209,290 ****
  	extern char *getenv();
! 	if (hp->h_relayversion && com == printing)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_relayversion, hp->h_relayversion);
- 	else if (com != printing)
- 		(void) fprintf(f, "%s: version %s; site %s.%s\n", t_relayversion, NEWSVERSION,
- 		     systemid, MYDOMAIN);
  	if (hp->h_postversion)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_postversion, hp->h_postversion);
- 	else if (com == making)
- 		(void) fprintf(f, "%s: version %s; site %s.%s\n", t_postversion, NEWSVERSION,
- 		     systemid, MYDOMAIN);
  	if (hp->h_from)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_from, hp->h_from);
- 	else if(com == making) {
- 		if(s = getenv("NAME"))
- 			(void) fprintf(f, "%s: %s@%s.%s (%s)\n", t_from,
- #if AUSAM
- 				pe.pw_strings[LNAME],
- #else
- 				pp->pw_name,
- #endif
- 				systemid, MYDOMAIN, s);
- 		else
- 			(void) fprintf(f,
- #if AUSAM
- 				"%s: %s@%s.%s (%s %s)\n",
- #else
- 				"%s: %s@%s.%s\n",
- #endif
- 				t_from,
- #if AUSAM
- 				pe.pw_strings[LNAME],
- #else
- 				pp->pw_name,
- #endif
- 				systemid, MYDOMAIN
- #if AUSAM
- 				,
- 				pe.pw_strings[FIRSTNAME],
- 				pe.pw_strings[LASTNAME]
- #endif
- 			);
- 	}
  	if (hp->h_date)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_date, hp->h_date);
- 	else if (com == making)
- 		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_date, ttoa(now));
  	if (hp->h_newsgroups)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_newsgroups, hp->h_newsgroups);
- 	else if (com == making)
- 		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_newsgroups, DFLTGRP);
  	if (hp->h_subject)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_subject, hp->h_subject);
- 	else if (com == making)
- 		error("No subject field.");
  	if (hp->h_messageid)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_messageid, hp->h_messageid);
- 	else if (com == making)
- 		error("No messageid.");
! 	if (hp->h_path && com == passing)
! 		(void) fprintf(f, "%s: %s!%s\n", t_path, systemid, hp->h_path);
! 	else if (hp->h_path)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_path, hp->h_path);
- 	else if(com == making)
- 		(void) fprintf(f, "%s: %s!%s\n", t_path, systemid,
- #if AUSAM
- 			pe.pw_strings[LNAME]
- #else
- 			pp->pw_name
- #endif
- 		);
  	/* optional */
--- 204,230 ----
  	extern char *getenv();
! 	if (hp->h_relayversion)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_relayversion, hp->h_relayversion);
  	if (hp->h_postversion)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_postversion, hp->h_postversion);
  	if (hp->h_from)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_from, hp->h_from);
  	if (hp->h_date)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_date, hp->h_date);
  	if (hp->h_newsgroups)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_newsgroups, hp->h_newsgroups);
  	if (hp->h_subject)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_subject, hp->h_subject);
  	if (hp->h_messageid)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_messageid, hp->h_messageid);
! 	if (hp->h_path)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_path, hp->h_path);
  	/* optional */
*** 299,306 ****
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_followupto, hp->h_followupto);
! 	if (hp->h_datereceived && com == printing)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_datereceived, hp->h_datereceived);
- 	else if (com != printing)
- 		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_datereceived, ttoa(now));
  	if (hp->h_expires)
--- 239,244 ----
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_followupto, hp->h_followupto);
! 	if (hp->h_datereceived)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_datereceived, hp->h_datereceived);
  	if (hp->h_expires)
*** 318,324 ****
  	if (hp->h_organisation)
  		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_organization, hp->h_organisation);
- 	else if (com == making)
- 		(void) fprintf(f, hform, t_organization, (s = getenv("ORGANIZATION")) ?
- 		    s : MYORG);
  	if (hp->h_lines)
--- 256,259 ----
*** 426,449 ****
- /*
-  * time to ascii
-  *	leave time in static var
-  */
- char *
- ttoa(t)
- long t;
- {
- 	static char buf[40];
- 	struct tm *tp;
- 	extern struct tm *localtime();
- 	tp = localtime(&t);
- 	sprintf(buf, "%s, %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %s", weekdays[tp->tm_wday],
- 	     tp->tm_mday, months[tp->tm_mon], tp->tm_year, tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min,
- 	     tp->tm_sec, tzone);
- 	return buf;
- }
   * ascii to time
--- 361,365 ----
*** 454,472 ****
  char *s;
! 	char *argv[4];
! 	int day, year, hour, min, sec;
! 	char month[10], sday[10], stime[10], syear[10];
! 	extern long maketime();
! 	if (sscanf(s, "%*s %d %*[ -] %9[^ -] %*[ -] %d %2d:%2d:%2d", &day, month,
! 	     &year, &hour, &min, &sec) != 6)
! 		return 0L;
! 	sprintf(sday, "%d", day);
! 	sprintf(stime, "%d:%d:%d", hour, min, sec);
! 	sprintf(syear, "%d", 1900 + year);
! 	argv[0] = sday;
! 	argv[1] = month;
! 	argv[2] = stime;
! 	argv[3] = syear;
! 	return maketime(4, argv, STIMES);
--- 370,377 ----
  char *s;
! 	struct timeb ftnow;
! 	extern long getdate();
! 	ftime(&ftnow);
! 	return getdate(s, &ftnow);

*** cnpatch/old/rna/makefile	Sat Dec  1 20:55:04 1990
--- rna/makefile	Sat Dec  1 20:51:32 1990
*** 11,15 ****
  INSTALL=:# install bigpdp
--- 11,15 ----
! CFLAGS=$(COPTS) $(DEFINES) -I../include
  INSTALL=:# install bigpdp
*** 17,21 ****
! LIBS=lib/lib.a ../libcnews.a
--- 17,21 ----
! LIBS=../libcnews.a bsearch.o
*** 27,31 ****
  PFILES = header.c funcs.c active.c history.c maketime.c
  RFILES = header.c readnews.c funcs.c active.c newsrc.c history.c maketime.c
! ROFILES= header.o readnews.o funcs.o active.o newsrc.o history.o maketime.o
  EFILES = expire.c funcs.c active.c
--- 27,31 ----
  PFILES = header.c funcs.c active.c history.c maketime.c
  RFILES = header.c readnews.c funcs.c active.c newsrc.c history.c maketime.c
! ROFILES= header.o readnews.o funcs.o active.o newsrc.o
  EFILES = expire.c funcs.c active.c
*** 42,46 ****
  all: readnews checknews postnews
  	chmod +x checknews postnews
- 	: warning, defs.h may not be right for your system
  readnews: $(ROFILES) defs.h $(LIBS)
--- 42,45 ----
*** 49,64 ****
  	: "install all control files; don't overwrite any!"
! 	-if test ! -r $(NEWSCTL)/news.help; then cp news.help $(NEWSCTL); fi
  # bininstall: make directories, install programs
! bininstall: install
! install: $(BINDIR)/readnews $(BINDIR)/checknews $(BINDIR)/postnews
! $(BINDIR)/readnews: readnews
  	cp readnews $(BINDIR)
- 	: "$(INSTALL) - readnews bin 711 $(BINDIR)/readnews $(BINDIR)/news"
- $(BINDIR)/checknews:	checknews
  	cp checknews $(BINDIR)
- $(BINDIR)/postnews:	postnews
  	cp postnews $(BINDIR)
  cmp:	readnews checknews postnews
--- 48,59 ----
  	: "install all control files; don't overwrite any!"
! 	-if test ! -r $(NEWSCTL)/readnews.help; then cp news.help $(NEWSCTL)/readnews.help; fi
  # bininstall: make directories, install programs
! bininstall:	readnews postnews checknews
  	cp readnews $(BINDIR)
  	cp checknews $(BINDIR)
  	cp postnews $(BINDIR)
+ 	cp postnews $(NEWSBIN)/inject
  cmp:	readnews checknews postnews
*** 66,73 ****
  	cmp $(BINDIR)/checknews checknews
  	cmp $(BINDIR)/postnews postnews
- defs.h:	at.h # $C
- 	touch defs.h
  lint: $(LCOMMANDS)
--- 61,66 ----
  	cmp $(BINDIR)/checknews checknews
  	cmp $(BINDIR)/postnews postnews
+ 	cmp $(NEWSBIN)/inject/postnews postnews
  lint: $(LCOMMANDS)
*** 117,119 ****
  	rm -f *.o core a.out readnews
- 	(cd lib ; make clean)
--- 110,111 ----

*** cnpatch/old/rna/news.help	Sat Dec  1 20:55:07 1990
--- rna/news.help	Tue Nov 20 14:24:19 1990
*** 1,5 ****
  Commands to read news:
! RETURN	    either print current article or go to next article and print header
  .	    print current article	+ or n	  go to next article
--- 1,5 ----
  Commands to read news:
! RETURN	    print current article or go to next article and print header
  .	    print current article	+ or n	  go to next article
*** 6,23 ****
  - 	    go to previous article	s [file]  save current article
  h	    print current header	H	  print current header in full
! u	    unsubscribe from followups	U	  unsubscribe from current group
! q or EOT    quit			x	  exit (as if no articles seen)
! <number>    go to article <number>	!cmd	  shell escape
! N [newsgrp] go to next newsgroup	DEL	  break to command level
! Commands to post/reply/cancel news:
! c	    cancel article 		r	  reply to sender (by mail)
! f	    post a followup article	p	  post new article
! m person    mail to person
! Commands when posting/replying (p, r, f and m commands):
! . or EOT    terminate article		.e	  edit article
! .!cmd	    shell escape		.i	  interpolate current item
! DEL	    abort posting/mailing
--- 6,15 ----
  - 	    go to previous article	s [file]  save current article
  h	    print current header	H	  print current header in full
! N [newsgrp] go to next newsgroup	U	  unsubscribe from this group
! <number>    go to article <number>	!cmd	  do Unix command
! q	    quit			x	  exit (as if nothing read)
! Commands to post/reply/followup news:
! p	    post new article 		r	  reply to sender (by mail)
! f	    post a followup article

*** cnpatch/old/rna/newsrc.c	Sat Dec  1 20:55:11 1990
--- rna/newsrc.c	Tue Nov 20 13:55:12 1990
*** 20,24 ****
  	register FILE *f;
  	static char option[] = "options";
! 	char word[BUFSIZ], rest[BUFSIZ];
  	extern char *getenv();
--- 20,24 ----
  	register FILE *f;
  	static char option[] = "options";
! 	char word[BUFSIZ], rest[BUFSIZ];	/* getline knows sizes */
  	extern char *getenv();
*** 50,65 ****
  	register int c;
  	register char *s;
  	s = w;
  	while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF && c != ' ' && c != '\t')
! 		*s++ = c;			/* stash first word */
  	*s = '\0';
  	if (c != EOF) {
  		s = r;
  		while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF && c != '\n')
! 			*s++ = c;		/* stash the rest */
  		*s = '\0';
--- 50,78 ----
  	register int c;
  	register char *s;
+ 	register int n;
  	s = w;
+ 	n = BUFSIZ-1;
  	while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF && c != ' ' && c != '\t')
! 		if (n > 0) {
! 			*s++ = c;			/* stash first word */
! 			n--;
! 		}
  	*s = '\0';
+ 	if (n <= 0)
+ 		error("%s line %d too long", rcname, rclineno);
  	if (c != EOF) {
  		s = r;
+ 		n = BUFSIZ-1;
  		while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF && c != '\n')
! 			if (n > 0) {
! 				*s++ = c;		/* stash the rest */
! 				n--;
! 			}
  		*s = '\0';
+ 		if (n <= 0)
+ 			error("%s line %d too long", rcname, rclineno);
*** 261,268 ****
  	register newsrc	*np;
  	register int i;
- 	extern char **uflag;
  	extern int usize;
! 	if (!rc && !uflag && (!rcgrps || !*rcgrps))
--- 274,280 ----
  	register newsrc	*np;
  	register int i;
  	extern int usize;
! 	if (!rc && (!rcgrps || !*rcgrps))
*** 273,282 ****
  	if (rcgrps && *rcgrps)
  		(void) fprintf(f, "options -n %s\n", rcgrps);
- 	if (uflag) {
- 		scanhist(uflag, usize);		/* forget id's not in history */
- 		for (i = 0; i < usize; i++)	/* print whats left */
- 			if (uflag[i])
- 				(void) fprintf(f, "options -u %s\n", uflag[i]);
- 	}
  	if (sortrc) {
--- 285,288 ----

*** cnpatch/old/rna/postnews	Sat Dec  1 20:55:14 1990
--- rna/postnews	Mon Nov 19 18:15:52 1990
*** 5,9 ****
  . ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
! PATH=$NEWSCTL/bin:$NEWSBIN:$NEWSPATH	# but do not export it
  umask 077				# private
--- 5,9 ----
  . ${NEWSCONFIG-/usr/lib/news/bin/config}
! PATH=$NEWSCTL/bin:$NEWSBIN/inject:$NEWSBIN:$NEWSPATH	# but do not export it
  umask 077				# private
*** 20,26 ****
! case $# in
! 0)
! 	if test -r $NEWSCTL/postdefltgroup
  		defg="`cat $NEWSCTL/postdefltgroup`"
--- 20,25 ----
! case "$1" in
! '')	if test -r $NEWSCTL/postdefltgroup
  		defg="`cat $NEWSCTL/postdefltgroup`"
*** 43,70 ****
! 	echo "Newsgroups: $ans" >>$tmp
! 1)
! 	echo "Newsgroups: $1" >>$tmp
! *)
! 	echo 'Usage: postnews [newsgroups]' >&2
! 	exit 2
! subj=
! while test " $subj" = " "
! do
! 	echo 'Subject: ' | tr -d '\012'
! 	read subj
! done
! echo "Subject: $subj" >>$tmp
! if test -r $NEWSCTL/postdefltdist
! then
! 	echo "Distribution: `cat $NEWSCTL/postdefltdist`" >>$tmp
! fi
  echo >>$tmp
--- 42,71 ----
! 	echo "Newsgroups: $ans" >$tmp
! -h)	cat $2 >$tmp
! *)	echo "Newsgroups: $1" >$tmp
! case "$1" in
! -h)	;;
! *)	subj=
! 	while test " $subj" = " "
! 	do
! 		echo 'Subject: ' | tr -d '\012'
! 		read subj
! 	done
! 	echo "Subject: $subj" >>$tmp
! 	if test -r $NEWSCTL/postdefltdist
! 	then
! 		echo "Distribution: `cat $NEWSCTL/postdefltdist`" >>$tmp
! 	fi
! 	;;
! esac
  echo >>$tmp

*** cnpatch/old/rna/readnews.1	Sat Dec  1 20:55:18 1990
--- rna/readnews.1	Wed Nov 21 15:27:29 1990
*** 1,3 ****
! .TH READNEWS 1 "4 July 1990"
  .BY "C News"
--- 1,3 ----
! .TH READNEWS 1 "21 Nov 1990"
  .BY "C News"
*** 11,16 ****
  .RB [ -s [ -+?
  .RI [ group ]]]
- .RB [ -u
- messageid]
  .I Readnews
--- 11,14 ----
*** 90,100 ****
  file. It is not read or updated.
  This allows selection of articles that have already been read.
! .TP
! \fB-u \fImessageid\fR
! Unsubscribe to followup articles referring to
! .IR messageid .
! (This flag is usually only placed in the
  .I .newsrc
! file as a result of the `u' command.)
  This section details the commands available when
--- 88,116 ----
  file. It is not read or updated.
  This allows selection of articles that have already been read.
! .P
! Some overall parameters are set by a control file,
! .IR NEWSCTL/readnews.ctl ,
! which contains control lines (each a keyword followed by white space followed
! by a value) and comments (each starting with `#').
! .P
! If no
! .B \-n
! option is specified, either by the user or his
  .I .newsrc
! file, the value specified on the
! .B defsub
! line of the control file is used as the list of newsgroups to be presented.
! A single mandatory newsgroup may be specified as the value of the
! .B mustsub
! control line; in the absence of a command-line
! .B \-n
! (not one from a
! .IR .newsrc ),
! that newsgroup is always presented to the user even if he did not ask for it.
! Both
! .B defsub
! and
! .B mustsub
! default to ``general''.
  This section details the commands available when
*** 143,149 ****
  \fBs \fR[\fIfile\fR]
! Save the current article, either in the specified file, or
! in
! .BR $HOME/articles .
  .B h
--- 159,165 ----
  \fBs \fR[\fIfile\fR]
! Save the current article, appending it to the specified file
! (default
! .BR $HOME/articles ).
  .B h
*** 156,162 ****
  Go to the next newsgroup, or to the specified newsgroup.
- .B u
- Unsubscribe from all further followup articles on this topic.
- .TP
  .B U
  Unsubscribe from this newsgroup, and go to the next newsgroup.
--- 172,175 ----
*** 183,201 ****
  .I .newsrc
  is left unchanged (as if no articles had been read).
- .TP
- .B DEL
- An interrupt will cause
- .I readnews
- to terminate its current activity and return to command mode.
- An interrupt in command mode will cause `Interrupt' to be printed,
- and a subsequent interrupt will cause immediate exit (as in the `x' command).
! Some commands are available to send/reply or cancel news articles:
- .B c
- Cancel article. Only the author, or news administrator can do this.
- .IR postnews (1)
- is called to do the actual cancelling.
- .TP
  .B r
  Reply to sender of the current article by mail.
--- 196,202 ----
  .I .newsrc
  is left unchanged (as if no articles had been read).
! Some commands are available to send/reply or post news articles:
  .B r
  Reply to sender of the current article by mail.
*** 203,207 ****
--- 204,223 ----
  sets up the appropriate headers, and then calls
  .IR mail (1)
+ (or $MAILER, if there is such an environment variable)
  to send a reply to the sender.
+ If there is no
+ .B mailvia
+ line in the control file, the address is taken from the ``From'' header
+ of the article, and is in Internet form.
+ If the value in the
+ .B mailvia
+ line is ``<path>'', the address is taken from the ``Path'' header and is
+ in UUCPnet form.
+ If the value of
+ .B mailvia
+ is something else, the ``From'' address is transformed to UUCPnet syntax
+ (``site.x.y!user'' rather than ``user at site.x.y''), and the
+ .B mailvia
+ value is prepended to it, with an intervening ``!''.
  .B f
*** 215,256 ****
  Post an article on a new topic.
  .IR postnews (1)
! is called to post the new article.
! .TP
! \fBm \fIperson\fB
! Mail to
! .IR person .
- When replying by mail, or posting an article, the user
- is prompted for certain headers, and then the text of the article or mail
- item is entered until a `.' or EOT is entered alone on a line.
- Then the article/mail is posted/mailed.
- Other commands are available:
- .TP
- \&\fB.e\fR
- Edit the message/article collected so far (see
- .IR ed (1)).
- The 'To:' or 'cc:' fields may be changed if mailing.
- After editing further lines may be appended to the message.
- .TP
- \&\fB.i\fR
- Interpolate
- the current news article onto the end of the message.
- The interpolated item
- is indented by four spaces.
- .TP
- \&\fB.!\fIcmd\fR or \fB!\fIcmd\fR
- Shell escape.
- .IR Cmd
- is executed.
- .TP
- .B DEL
- Causes posting/mailing to be aborted, and the article entered so far
- is saved in
- .B $HOME/dead.article
- or
- .BR $HOME/dead.letter .
- .P
  In order to permanently resubscribe to a newsgroup denied by `U',
! or a series of followups denied by `u' it is necessary to understand
  the format of the
  .I .newsrc
--- 231,238 ----
  Post an article on a new topic.
  .IR postnews (1)
! is called to post the new article, in the current newsgroup by default.
  In order to permanently resubscribe to a newsgroup denied by `U',
! it is necessary to understand
  the format of the
  .I .newsrc
*** 265,270 ****
  .I readnews
  command on the command line.
- Followups are denied with `option -u <messageid>'.
- To resubscribe to further followups, the correct options line must be deleted.
  read newsgroup lines
--- 247,250 ----
*** 274,296 ****
  To resubscribe the `!' must be changed back to a `:'.
! .ta 24
  $HOME/.newsrc	options and list of previously read articles
! %news	where the articles are kept
! /usr/lib/news/active	current newsgroups
! /usr/lib/news/help	help file
! postnews(1), mail(1), ed(1), uusend(8), uurec(8).
! .I Readnews
! with the
! .B -c
! flag may say "You have news.", when the available article is a unsubscribed
! followup article.
! .P
! You may see followups, even if you have used the `u' command.
! This is because many sites have faulty news programs, which do
! not follow the correct protocol, or the sender did not use the `r' command.
! Michael Rourke, University of N.S.W (decvax!mulga!michaelr:elecvax)
--- 254,277 ----
  To resubscribe the `!' must be changed back to a `:'.
! .ta \w'NEWSBIN/inject/postnews'u+2n
  $HOME/.newsrc	options and list of previously read articles
! NEWSCTL/active	current newsgroups
! NEWSCTL/readnews.ctl	control file
! NEWSCTL/readnews.help	help file
! NEWSBIN/inject/postnews	for postings
! postnews(1), mail(1), ed(1)
! Originally written by
! Michael Rourke, University of N.S.W (decvax!mulga!michaelr:elecvax).
! Modified and simplified for the C News project.
! The
! .B mustsub
! control line really ought to be able to specify a subscription,
! i.e. multiple groups.
! .PP
! This program is about as simple as they come.
! Almost any seasoned news user will want something more complex.

*** cnpatch/old/rna/readnews.c	Sat Dec  1 20:55:25 1990
--- rna/readnews.c	Wed Nov 21 14:32:37 1990
*** 9,15 ****
  #define ARTSEP "/"
! char postnews[]	 = POSTNEWS;
! char admsub[]	 = ADMSUB;
! char dfltsub[]	 = DFLTSUB;
  char *mailpath	 = MAIL;
--- 9,15 ----
  #define ARTSEP "/"
! char admsub[BUFLEN]	 = "general";
! char dfltsub[BUFLEN]	 = "general";
! char mailvia[BUFLEN]	 = "";
  char *mailpath	 = MAIL;
*** 16,25 ****
  #define	MAXARGV	10		/* used in building argv[]s below */
- #ifndef NETID
- char systemid[DIRSIZ];
- #else
- char systemid[] = NETID;
- #endif
  bool iflag;		/* -i ignore .newsrc */
  bool lflag;		/* -l print headers only */
--- 16,19 ----
*** 26,31 ****
  bool cflag;		/* -c check for news only */
  bool pflag;		/* -p print everything selected */
- char **uflag;		/* -u messagid (unsubscribe from followups) */
- int usize;		/* number of uflag entries */
  bool Cflag;		/* -C verbose -c */
  bool sflag;		/* -s print newsgroup subscription list */
--- 20,23 ----
*** 46,59 ****
- #if AUSAM
- struct pwent pe;		/* current user passwd struct */
- char sbuf[SSIZ];	/* passwd strings */
- #else
- struct passwd *pp;		/* current user passwd struct */
- #endif
  long now;		/* current time */
  bool interrupt;		/* if interrupt hit */
  char *newsdir;		/* %news */
- uid_t newsuid;		/* %news uid (not used) */
  bool su;		/* if super user (not used) */
--- 38,44 ----
*** 66,69 ****
--- 51,56 ----
+ char *progname;
  main(argc, argv)
  int argc;
*** 72,76 ****
  	char buf[BUFSIZ], *p;
! 	setbuf(stdout, buf);			/* TODO: remove this? */
  	if (options(--argc, ++argv, true)) {
  		(void) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: readnews [-n newsgroups] [-i] [-clpC] [-s[-+? [group]]] [-u messageid]\n");
--- 59,64 ----
  	char buf[BUFSIZ], *p;
! 	progname = argv[0];
! 	setbuf(stdout, buf);
  	if (options(--argc, ++argv, true)) {
  		(void) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: readnews [-n newsgroups] [-i] [-clpC] [-s[-+? [group]]] [-u messageid]\n");
*** 79,111 ****
  	now = time(&now);
! #if AUSAM
! 	pe.pw_strings[LNAME] = NEWSROOT;
! 	if (getpwuid(&pe, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)) == PWERROR)
! 		error("Password file error.");
! 	newsdir = newstr(pe.pw_strings[DIRPATH]);
! 	newsuid = pe.pw_limits.l_uid;
! #else
! 	if ((pp = getpwnam(NEWSROOT)) == NULL)
! 		error("Password file error.");
! 	newsdir = newstr(pp->pw_dir);
! 	newsuid = pp->pw_uid;
! #endif
- #if AUSAM
- 	pe.pw_limits.l_uid = getuid();
- 	if (getpwlog(&pe, NIL(char), 0) == PWERROR)	/* want pw_cmask */
- 		error("Password file error.");
- #endif
- 	pwclose();
- #else
- 	pp = NIL(struct passwd );
- 	endpwent();
- #endif
- #ifndef NETID
- 	getaddr(G_SYSNAME, systemid);
- #endif
  	if (!iflag)
--- 67,73 ----
  	now = time(&now);
! 	newsdir = newstr(fullartfile((char *)NULL));
! 	getctl();
  	if (!iflag)
*** 129,134 ****
  	if ((int) sflag + (int) lflag + (int) cflag + (int) pflag > 1)
  		error("-clpsC flags are mutually exclusive.");
- 	if (uflag)
- 		qsort((char *) uflag, (unsigned) usize, sizeof(char *), strpcmp);
  	/* user has private mailer? */
--- 91,94 ----
*** 156,159 ****
--- 116,120 ----
+ 	fflush(stdout);
*** 263,274 ****
  				argc--, argv++; 
- 			case 'u':
- 				usize++;
- 				uflag = (uflag? (char **)myrealloc((char *)uflag,
- 						(int)sizeof(char *) * usize):
- 					(char **)myalloc((int)sizeof(char *)));
- 				uflag[usize - 1] = newstr(argv[1]);
- 				argc--, argv++; 
- 				break;
  			case 'i':
  				iflag = true; 
--- 224,227 ----
*** 335,354 ****
  		(void) printf("Active newsgroups:\n");
  		(void) fflush(stdout);
! #ifdef	MC			/* gok. probably a local paginator */
! 		com = newstr2("exec ", MC);
! 		if ((f = popen(com, "w")) == NULL)
! 			f = stdout;
! 		free(com);
! #else
  		f = stdout;
  		com = 0;		/* for lint */
  		com = com;		/* for lint */
- #endif
  		for (ap = alist; ap; ap = ap->a_next)
  			(void) fprintf(f, "%s\n", ap->a_name);
- #ifdef	MC
- 		if (f != stdout)
- 			pclose(f);
- #endif
  		return false;
  	} else if (splus || sminus) {
--- 288,297 ----
  		(void) printf("Active newsgroups:\n");
  		(void) fflush(stdout);
! 		/* possibly vestigial code here, old #ifdefs deleted */
  		f = stdout;
  		com = 0;		/* for lint */
  		com = com;		/* for lint */
  		for (ap = alist; ap; ap = ap->a_next)
  			(void) fprintf(f, "%s\n", ap->a_name);
  		return false;
  	} else if (splus || sminus) {
*** 441,444 ****
--- 384,397 ----
+ char *
+ ltoa(l)
+ long l;
+ {
+ 	static char buf[30];
+ 	sprintf(buf, "%ld", l);
+ 	return buf;
+ }
   * list titles command (-l)
*** 465,472 ****
  		return next;
  	gethead(f, &h);
- 	if (uflag && h.h_references && ureject(&h)) {
- 		freehead(&h);
- 		return next;
- 	}
  	if (first) {
  		(void) printf("News articles:\n");
--- 418,421 ----
*** 507,510 ****
--- 456,460 ----
  	} else {
  		(void) printf("You have news.\n");
+ 		fflush(stdout);
  		/* NOTREACHED */
*** 519,525 ****
   * n 		go to next article
   * q		quit
-  * c		cancel
   * r		reply
-  * m [person]	mail
   * f 		followup
   * p 		postnews
--- 469,473 ----
*** 526,530 ****
   * N [newsgrp]	next newsgroup
   * s [file]	save
-  * u		unsubscribe from followup
   * U		unsubscribe from group
   * !stuff	shell escape
--- 474,477 ----
*** 558,562 ****
  	bool printed, pheader, verbose, hadinterrupt;
  	applycom	nextact;
! 	static char errmess[] = "Incorrect command; Type `?' for help.\n";
  	static char form[]    = "%s: %s\n";
  	static char savedsys[BUFSIZ / 2];
--- 505,509 ----
  	bool printed, pheader, verbose, hadinterrupt;
  	applycom	nextact;
! 	static char errmess[] = "Unknown command; type `?' for help.\n";
  	static char form[]    = "%s: %s\n";
  	static char savedsys[BUFSIZ / 2];
*** 607,618 ****
  	gethead(f, &h);
- 	if (!pushed && uflag && h.h_references && ureject(&h)) {
- 		/* unsubscribed followup */
- 		freehead(&h);
- 		np->n_last++;
- 		(void) fclose(f);
- 		free(fname);
- 		return next;
- 	}
  	(void) printf("\n");
--- 554,557 ----
*** 619,623 ****
  	interrupt = hadinterrupt = verbose = false;
  	if (last) {
! 		(void) printf("No more articles.\n");
  		printed = pheader = true;
  	} else
--- 558,562 ----
  	interrupt = hadinterrupt = verbose = false;
  	if (last) {
! 		(void) printf("No more articles (press RETURN again to quit).\n");
  		printed = pheader = true;
  	} else
*** 636,639 ****
--- 575,579 ----
  		lastap = ap;
  		if (!pheader) {
+ 			time_t itsdate;
  			(void) printf("Article %ld of %ld (%s)",
  				np->n_last + 1, ap->a_seq, ap->a_name);
*** 640,644 ****
  			if (h.h_lines != 0)
  				(void) printf(" (%s lines)", h.h_lines);
! 			(void) printf("\n");
  			(void) printf(form, t_subject, h.h_subject);
  			(void) printf(form, t_from, h.h_from);
--- 580,585 ----
  			if (h.h_lines != 0)
  				(void) printf(" (%s lines)", h.h_lines);
! 			itsdate = atot(h.h_date);
! 			(void) printf(" %s", ctime(&itsdate));
  			(void) printf(form, t_subject, h.h_subject);
  			(void) printf(form, t_from, h.h_from);
*** 745,760 ****
- 		case 'c':
- 			cancelarticle(&h);
- 			continue;
  		case 'r':
  			reply(&h, fname);
- 		case 'm':
- 			if (!arg || !*arg)
- 				(void) printf("Person argument missing.\n");
- 			else
- 				mail(&h, fname, arg);
- 			continue;
  		case 'f':
  			followup(&h, fname);
--- 686,692 ----
*** 761,768 ****
  		case 'p':
! 			pnews(fname);
  		case 'U':
! 			if (ngmatch(np->n_name, ADMSUB)
  			 || ngmatch(np->n_name, mangrps))
--- 693,700 ----
  		case 'p':
! 			pnews(ap->a_name);
  		case 'U':
! 			if (ngmatch(np->n_name, admsub)
  			 || ngmatch(np->n_name, mangrps))
*** 779,786 ****
  			nextact = nextgroup;
- 		case 'u':
- 			unsubscribe(h.h_references);
- 			nextact = next;
- 			break;
  		case 'N':			/* B compatible */
  			if (!*arg) {
--- 711,714 ----
*** 806,809 ****
--- 734,738 ----
  		case 'x':
+ 			fflush(stdout);
  		case 'h':
*** 887,922 ****
- /*
-  * see if this is a followup we are ignoring
-  */
- bool
- ureject(hp)
- register header *hp;
- {
- 	register bool found;
- 	register char *rp, *ids, c;
- 	char *key[1];
- 	found = false;
- 	rp = hp->h_references;
- 	while (*rp && !found) {
- 		if (ids = strpbrk(rp, " ,")) {
- 			c = *ids;
- 			*ids = '\0';
- 		}
- 		key[0] = rp;
- 		found = (bool) (bsearch((char *) key, (char *) uflag, (unsigned) usize,
- 		     sizeof(char *), strpcmp) != NIL(char));
- 		if (ids)
- 			*ids = c, rp = ids + 1;
- 		else
- 			break;
- 		while (isspace(*rp) || *rp == ',')
- 			rp++;
- 	}
- 	return found;
- }
   * see if the article has links, if so have we seen it?
--- 816,820 ----
*** 964,969 ****
  	register FILE	*f;
  	register int c;
! 	static char helppath[]	 = HELP;
  	if ((f = fopen(helppath, "r")) == NIL(FILE)) {
  		(void) printf("Can't open %s\n", helppath);
--- 862,868 ----
  	register FILE	*f;
  	register int c;
! 	register char *helppath;
+ 	helppath = ctlfile("readnews.help");
  	if ((f = fopen(helppath, "r")) == NIL(FILE)) {
  		(void) printf("Can't open %s\n", helppath);
*** 976,1003 ****
-  * cancel an article.
-  * inews does permission checking.
-  */
- cancelarticle(hp)
- header *hp;
- {
- 	char *argv[MAXARGV];
- 	argv[0] = strrchr(postnews, '/') + 1;
- 	argv[1] = "-c";		/* TODO: no such option in C news */
- 	argv[2] = newstr2("cancel ", hp->h_messageid);
- 	argv[3] = "-n";
- 	argv[4] = hp->h_newsgroups;
- 	if (hp->h_distribution) {
- 		argv[5] = "-d";
- 		argv[6] = hp->h_distribution;
- 		argv[7] = NIL(char);
- 	} else
- 		argv[5] = NIL(char);
- 	run(postnews, argv, true);
- 	free(argv[2]);
- }
- /*
   * reply to sender by mail
--- 875,878 ----
*** 1033,1065 ****
- /*
-  * mail to person
-  */
- /* ARGSUSED hp fname */
- mail(hp, fname, person)
- header *hp;
- char *fname, *person;
- {
- 	char *argv[MAXARGV];
- 	register int argc;
- 	argc = 0;
- 	argv[argc++] = "mail";
- #ifdef UNSWMAIL
- 	argv[argc++] = "-i";
- 	argv[argc++] = fname;
- 	argv[argc++] = "-s";
- 	argv[argc++] = hp->h_subject;
- #endif
- 	argv[argc++] = person;
- 	argv[argc++] = NIL(char);
- 	run(mailpath, argv, false);
- }
   * generate correct headers for a followup article
!  * then call inews.
  followup(hp, fname)
--- 908,915 ----
   * generate correct headers for a followup article
!  * then call postnews.
  followup(hp, fname)
*** 1067,1100 ****
  char *fname;
! 	register int argc;
! 	char *argv[10];
! 	argc = 0;
! 	argv[argc++] = strrchr(postnews, '/') + 1;
! 	argv[argc++] = "-i";		/* TODO: what's this in B news? */
! 	argv[argc++] = fname;
! 	argv[argc++] = "-r";
  	if (hp->h_references && hp->h_messageid)
! 		argv[argc++] = newstr3(hp->h_references, " ", hp->h_messageid);
  	else if (hp->h_messageid)
! 		argv[argc++] = newstr(hp->h_messageid);
! 	else
! 		argc--;
! 	argv[argc++] = "-s";
! 	if ((argv[argc++] = getsubject(hp)) == NIL(char))
! 		return;
! 	argv[argc++] = "-n";
! 	if (hp->h_followupto)
! 		argv[argc++] = hp->h_followupto;
! 	else
! 		argv[argc++] = hp->h_newsgroups;
! 	argv[argc++] = NIL(char);
! 	run(postnews, argv, false);
! 	if (argc == 10)
! 		free(argv[4]);
--- 917,946 ----
  char *fname;
! 	char tmpf[50];
! 	register FILE *fo;
! 	char *s = getsubject(hp);
! 	if (s == NULL)
! 		return;
! 	(void) strcpy(tmpf, "/tmp/rfXXXXXX");
! 	(void) mktemp(tmpf);
! 	fo = fopen(tmpf, "w");
! 	if (fo == NULL)
! 		error("can't create `%s'", tmpf);
! 	fprintf(fo, "Newsgroups: %s\n", (hp->h_followupto) ? hp->h_followupto :
! 							hp->h_newsgroups);
! 	fprintf(fo, "Subject: %s\n", s);
! 	free(s);
  	if (hp->h_references && hp->h_messageid)
! 		fprintf(fo, "References: %s %s\n", hp->h_references, hp->h_messageid);
  	else if (hp->h_messageid)
! 		fprintf(fo, "References: %s\n", hp->h_messageid);
! 	(void) fclose(fo);
! 	s = newstr3(binfile("inject/postnews"), " -h ", tmpf);
! 	system(s);
! 	free(s);
! 	(void) unlink(tmpf);
*** 1120,1124 ****
  		return newstr2("Re: ", hp->h_subject);
! 		return hp->h_subject;
--- 966,970 ----
  		return newstr2("Re: ", hp->h_subject);
! 		return newstr(hp->h_subject);
*** 1167,1180 ****
   * call postnews
! pnews(fname)
! char *fname;
! 	char *argv[MAXARGV];
! 	argv[0] = strrchr(postnews, '/') + 1;
! 	argv[1] = "-i";		/* TODO: what's this inews option? */
! 	argv[2] = fname;
! 	argv[3] = NIL(char);
! 	run(postnews, argv, false);
--- 1013,1022 ----
   * call postnews
! pnews(group)
! char *group;
! 	register char *s = newstr3(binfile("inject/postnews"), " ", group);
! 	system(s);
! 	free(s);
*** 1222,1225 ****
--- 1064,1068 ----
  	while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF)
  		(void) putc(c, sf);
+ 	(void) putc('\n', sf);
  	(void) fclose(sf);
  	fseek(f, pos, 0);
*** 1227,1263 ****
- /*
-  * unsubscribe from all followup articles
-  * on this topic
-  */
- unsubscribe(id)
- char *id;
- {
- 	register char *s, c;
- 	if (!id || !*id) {
- 		(void) printf("no references! (warning)\n");
- 		return;
- 	}
- 	while (*id) {
- 		if (s = strpbrk(id, " ,")) {
- 			c = *s;
- 			*s = '\0';
- 		}
- 		usize++;
- 		uflag = (uflag ? (char **) myrealloc((char *) uflag, (int) sizeof(char
- 		    *) * usize) : (char **) myalloc((int) sizeof(char *)));
- 		uflag[usize - 1] = newstr(id);
- 		if (s)
- 			*s = c, id = s + 1;
- 		else
- 			break;
- 		while (isspace(*id) || *id == ',')
- 			id++;
- 	}
- 	qsort((char *)uflag, (unsigned)usize, sizeof(char *), strpcmp);
- }
   * print an article, if it's long enough call page()
--- 1070,1074 ----
*** 1272,1280 ****
  	pos = ftell(f);
! 	if (!pflag
! 	    && hp->h_lines && atoi(hp->h_lines) >= PAGESIZE - 4
! #endif
! 	    )
--- 1083,1087 ----
  	pos = ftell(f);
! 	if (!pflag)
*** 1294,1309 ****
  	register unsigned lineno;
  	char lbuf[80];
- 	struct sgttyb ttybuf;
- #ifdef USG
- 	/* TODO: fill in USG code to turn off echo */
- #else
- 	gtty(fileno(stdin), &ttybuf);
- 	if (ttybuf.sg_flags & ECHO) {
- 		ttybuf.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
- 		stty(fileno(stdin), &ttybuf);
- 		ttybuf.sg_flags |= ECHO;
- 	}
- #endif
  	lineno = 1;
  	while (!interrupt) {
--- 1101,1105 ----
*** 1318,1324 ****
  		if (interrupt)
- #ifdef moremess
- 		(void) printf(moremess);
- #endif
  		if (fflush(stdout) == EOF)
--- 1114,1117 ----
*** 1325,1333 ****
  		if (read(fileno(stdin), lbuf, sizeof(lbuf)) <= 0)
- #ifdef moremess
- 		(void) printf("\r%*s\r", sizeof(moremess), " ");
- #else
- 		putchar('\n');
- #endif
  		lineno = 0;
--- 1118,1121 ----
*** 1335,1345 ****
  		(void) putchar('\n');
  	interrupt = false;
! fastexit:
! #ifdef USG
! 	;	/* TODO: fill in USG code to turn echo on */
! #else
! 	if (ttybuf.sg_flags & ECHO)
! 		stty(fileno(stdin), &ttybuf);
! #endif
--- 1123,1127 ----
  		(void) putchar('\n');
  	interrupt = false;
! fastexit:	;
*** 1351,1354 ****
--- 1133,1181 ----
  	(void) fprintf(stderr, s, a0, a1, a2, a3);
  	(void) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ 	fflush(stdout);		/* just on principle */
+ }
+ /*
+  - unprivileged - no-op needed to keep the pathname stuff happy
+  */
+ void
+ unprivileged(reason)
+ char *reason;
+ {
+ }
+ /*
+  - getctl - pick up control file for subscriptions etc.
+  */
+ getctl()
+ {
+ 	register FILE *f;
+ 	register char *fname;
+ 	char line[BUFLEN];
+ 	register char *p;
+ 	fname = ctlfile("readnews.ctl");
+ 	f = fopen(fname, "r");
+ 	if (f == NULL)
+ 		return;
+ 	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) != NULL) {
+ 		line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';	/* dispose of newline */
+ 		p = strchr(line, '\t');
+ 		if (p == NULL)
+ 			p = strchr(line, ' ');
+ 		if (line[0] != '#' && p != NULL) {
+ 			while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
+ 				*p++ = '\0';
+ 			if (strcmp(line, "defsub") == 0)
+ 				(void) strcpy(dfltsub, p);
+ 			else if (strcmp(line, "mustsub") == 0)
+ 				(void) strcpy(admsub, p);
+ 			else if (strcmp(line, "mailvia") == 0)
+ 				(void) strcpy(mailvia, p);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	(void) fclose(f);

Files that are new:

new rna/bsearch.c (patch can't create, so diff against null):
Index: rna/bsearch.c
*** cnpatch/old/rna/bsearch.c	Sat Dec  1 20:55:34 1990
--- rna/bsearch.c	Fri Sep 15 02:41:45 1989
*** 0 ****
--- 1,34 ----
+ /*
+  * Binary search algorithm, generalized from Knuth (6.2.1) Algorithm B.
+  *
+  * Written by J. S. Rugaber; rewritten by L. Rosler, Dept. 45175, August, 1981.
+  */
+ typedef char *POINTER;
+ bsearch(key, base, nel, width, compar)
+ POINTER	key;			/* Key to be located */
+ POINTER	base;			/* Beginning of table */
+ unsigned nel;			/* Number of elements in the table */
+ unsigned width;			/* Width of an element (bytes) */
+ int	(*compar)();		/* Comparison function */
+ {
+ 	int two_width = width + width;
+ 	POINTER last = base + width * (nel - 1); /* Last element in table */
+ 	while (last >= base) {
+ 		register POINTER p = base + width * ((last - base)/two_width);
+ 		register int res = (*compar)(key, p);
+ 		if (res == 0)
+ 			return (p);	/* Key found */
+ 		if (res < 0)
+ 			last = p - width;
+ 		else
+ 			base = p + width;
+ 	}
+ 	return ((POINTER) 0);		/* Key not found */
+ }

end of patch 1-Dec-1990
"The average pointer, statistically,    |Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
points somewhere in X." -Hugh Redelmeier| henry at zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry

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