Comments on continuing to provide support for RN/RRN

G. Roderick Singleton gerry at
Tue Dec 25 02:02:31 AEST 1990

In article <111558 at> tchrist at convex.COM (Tom Christiansen) writes:
>I can't explain why you have problems with mthreads, nor why
>you can't get mail to the author, as I've neither of these
>problems, but let me explain the crosspost thing.  When you 

 [cross-post explanation deleted]


>From your comment about mthreads I gather there's at least one other
with problems making mthreads behave, at least ,other than myself.
Like this other person, I've also had trouble reaching Wayne, basically
for the same reason (i.e. mail gets bounced).

I would appreciate your help in obtaining an answer/solution to my
specific problem by forwarding this to Wayne and perhaps having a look
yourself since you're having success using the trn package complete with

Here's my complaint:  mthreads periodically behaves in bizarre manner and
completely fills the disk partition where the error log resides.  As you
can imagine this causes a great deal of consternation at my site.  Further
whilst exhibiting its strange behaviour, mthreads seems to be generating
interrupts of its own which furthers exacerbates the problem.

I gave a slightly more detail in my original message, an excerpt from
the log file, but I was obliged to remove all the trn/mtrheads logs
when I switched back to rn.

Now for the rest of you, while this message may appears to explicitly
address Tom, it is really general a cry for help from any that can
offer assistance.  Please e-mail me and I will summarize any/all
responses that specifically offer a solution.

Thanks Tom for helping and Wayne for providing a basically decent
replacement for rn.

G. Roderick Singleton, System and Network Manager, JTS Computers 
{yunexus | uunet | geac | torsqnt}!gerry at

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