lots of trn problems

Stan Barber sob at tmc.edu
Mon Dec 31 18:43:16 AEST 1990

In article <1990Dec17.101920.11244 at kithrup.COM> sef at kithrup.com (Sean Eric Fagan) writes:
>Also, the author should be responsive towards email, assuming he
>gets it.  If he's not getting it, then he should do something about *that*.

As announced about two months ago, Wayne was in an auto accident and was in
a bad way for awhile. I have seen mail from him, but it make still be the
case that he is not close to his mail.

Also, if SCO were providing this package, your expectations would be reasonable
but trn (like rn) is free and the author may have to do something to make
a living that make make it impossible to respond. In this particular case, he
may need to do something to get well.

I don't know what Wayne's current state is, but let's not get into another
mud slinging frenzy like the c.s.u. flame war.

Stan           internet: sob at bcm.tmc.edu         Director, Networking 
Olan           uucp: {rutgers,mailrus}!bcm!sob   and Systems Support
Barber         Opinions expressed are only mine. Baylor College of Medicine

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