bug in the 'ro' text formatter

Keith Gabryelski ag at amix.commodore.com
Wed Feb 28 09:53:47 AEST 1990

In article <1126 at laas.laas.fr> rlacoste at kebra.laas.fr (Robert Lacoste) writes:
>	Problem:
>		In ro_macr.c, line 170, a call to strlen is made
>		with an argument that can be NULL, giving a bus error
>		on a SUN 3...
>	Proposed correction:
>		Replacement of all strlen calls by mystrlen, with the
>		following definition:
>			int mystrlen(s)
>			char *s;
>			{
>			  if (s==NULL) return (0);
>			  else return(strlen(s));
>			}


>	Any comment ?

Yeah, add this to main():

		int fd = open("/dev/zero", 0);
		mmap(0, 2048, 0x01, 0x11, fd, 0);

Or fix the null pointer bugs.

Pax, Keith

Ps, :-(
ag at amix.commodore.com        Keith Gabryelski          ...!cbmvax!amix!ag

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