Calentool V2.1p6 bug.

Liz Allen-Mitchell liz at
Sat Feb 24 07:38:55 AEST 1990

indra at (Indra Singhal) writes:

>I have been running Calentool V2.1p6 on a Sun 3/60 running SunOS 4.0.3 for
>some time. Lately I notice that certain appointments do not show up on the
>daily view. However, if the pointer is moved to the slot which should have
>the reminder, the triangular cursor appears at the end of the text and not
>in col 1.

>Anyone seen these problems before?

Yes -- at least in the notes section.  It seems to happen when you
delete (for the day) one of your other notes.  Calentool gets confused
somehow.  I have avoided the problem by simply not using delete, at
least for notes.
		- Liz Allen-Mitchell	liz at
"God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." -- 1 John 1:5b

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