Official Patch #2 for Mush 7.1

J. William Claypool jwc at Unify.Com
Fri Jul 13 01:19:07 AEST 1990

In article <10491 at> schaefer at (Barton E. Schaefer) writes:

>    For SunView users, walking menus are now used for the file names
>    displayed under the <Folder> and <Save> items.  This neatens up
>    display of nested directory structures and avoids the menu size
>    limits of SunView in most cases.  Thanks to J. William Claypool
>    <unify!jwc at Sun.COM> for contributing 99% of this.  If you run into
>    any problems with this, compilation with -DNO_WALK_MENUS will
>    revert to the previous menu format.

I'm flattered.  But, Duane R. Gibson <drg at Unify.Com> actually did the
work.  I just encouraged him to do it and send it in.

Bill Claypool +1 916 920 1830 x341| I know what I know if you know what I mean
jwc at Unify.Com                     |--------------------------------------------
   ...!{csusac,pyramid}!unify!jwc |   SCCA SFR Solo II   74 es  1984 CRX 1.5

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