Official patch #6 for faces v1.4 - please apply it.

Rich Burridge richb at sunaus.oz
Thu Jul 5 17:50:30 AEST 1990

This is official patch #6 to faces v1.4 - please apply it.

[**NOTE: faces v1.4 was posted to comp.sources.misc at patchlevel #5. **]

You should use the -p0 option to Larry Wall's patch program, to
allow the patches for the filters directory files to be correctly
applied. Then recompile, and reinstall. For example:

# Save this news item in a file called "patchfile"
cd faces_src
patch -p0 <patchfile
make xview                   # Or Sunview, X11 or NeWS.
make install                 # You might have to be super-user.

[Please note that I'm going to be overseas from the weekend until the
 first week in August, so if you send me any mail with bugs, fixes or
 enhancements, I probably won't reply until I return. Please don't let
 that stop you making a dent in the TODO list (which has grown again
 with this patch). :-) ]

This patch makes the following changes:

       * From Tony Landells <ahl at>
         Change all the .LP macros in the manual pages to .PP, since .PP is
         an alternative to .LP is newer versions of the manual pages, while
         it is the alternative to .P in older versions; but older versions
         don't have .LP and newer ones don't have .P.  Thus .PP seems to be
         the only universally accepted one.

       * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
         make_iconname() is broken with respect to multi-level domains. One
         symptom is that `unknown' will always come from misc.. The problem
         is that the for loops are nested backwards.

       * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
         Code to impliment simple NIS lookup for hosts not explicitly
         mentioned in the machines table. Note there is another definition
         at the front of the Makefile (NISLOOKUP), then should be uncommented
         to use this feature. The README file has been updated.

       * From Dave Glowacki <dglo at>
         From Steven M. Miller <miller at SCTC.COM>
         If the geometry has been set with -geometry you don't want to try
         and get the default. Additionally if no default is set XGetDefault
         returns NULL which crashes the faces program.
       * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh at>
         For system V and varients, there is no <strings.h>; it is <string.h>.
         I've added yet another definition (SYSV) to the Makefile, that
         should be uncommented, if this is the case for your machine. The
         README file has been updated.

       * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh at>
         Making rs2icon fails because my machine has no rasterfile.h
         include file. The #include <rasterfile.h> has been removed from
         this file, and the structure definition added to the source file.

       * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh at>
         ikon2icon in the filters directory uses index(), so you have to do
         the NOINDEX define stuff there too.

A copy of this patch has been sent to the moderator of comp.sources.misc,
for posting, and subsequent archiving.

------- main.c -------
*** /tmp/da18469	Thu Jul  5 16:57:42 1990
--- main.c	Thu Jul  5 15:49:42 1990
*** 17,28 ****
--- 17,38 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifdef SYSV
+ #include <string.h>
+ #else
  #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /*SYSV*/
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <netdb.h>
+ #ifdef NISLOOKUP
+ #include <rpcsvc/ypclnt.h>
+ #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
  #include "faces.h"
  unsigned short noface_image[] = {
  #include "noface.icon"
  } ;
*** 73,79 ****
  char face_user[MAXLINE] ;   /* Pointer to user name from the "From" line. */
  char facedir[MAXLINE] ;          /* Alternate face image directory. */
  char fname[MAXTYPES][MAXLINE] ;  /* Array of various face name types. */
! char geometry[MAXLINE] ;    /* X11 geometry information. */
  char hostname[MAXLINE] ;    /* Machine name to monitor. */
  char iconname[MAXLINE] ;    /* Name of the icon file for this person. */
  char line[MAXLINE] ;        /* Next line from users mail spool file. */
--- 83,90 ----
  char face_user[MAXLINE] ;   /* Pointer to user name from the "From" line. */
  char facedir[MAXLINE] ;          /* Alternate face image directory. */
  char fname[MAXTYPES][MAXLINE] ;  /* Array of various face name types. */
! char geometry[MAXLINE] ;         /* X11 geometry information. */
! char hostcommunity[MAXLINE] ;    /* The community of the host machine */
  char hostname[MAXLINE] ;    /* Machine name to monitor. */
  char iconname[MAXLINE] ;    /* Name of the icon file for this person. */
  char line[MAXLINE] ;        /* Next line from users mail spool file. */
*** 88,93 ****
--- 99,109 ----
  char *username ;            /* This users name. */
  char userprog[MAXLINE] ;    /* User supplied program to run. */
+ #ifdef NISLOOKUP
+ char *hostdomain ;               /* NIS domain of host machine */
+ char domaincommunity[MAXLINE] ;  /* Community for the current domain */
+ #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
  int beeps ;             /* Number of beeps for arrival of new mail. */
  int column ;            /* Column number for next icon. */
  int doing_xface = 0 ;   /* Set if we've started to process an X-Face: */
*** 199,204 ****
--- 215,258 ----
  #endif /*REVORDER*/
    make_area(DISP_ICON, imagewidth, imageheight) ;
+ /*  Initialize the host community to the official name of the current host
+  *  (or it's translation via the machines table.)
+  */
+   {
+     struct hostent *hp ;
+     char hostname[MAXLINE] ;
+     GETHOSTNAME(hostname, MAXLINE) ;
+     hp = gethostbyname (hostname) ;
+     if (hp != NULL) STRCPY(hostname, hp->h_name) ;
+     h_to_c(hostname, hostcommunity) ;
+   }
+ #ifdef NISLOOKUP
+   {
+     struct machinfo *temp ;
+     yp_get_default_domain (&hostdomain) ;
+     STRCPY(domaincommunity, hostdomain) ;
+ /*  We can't call h_to_c() to setup the default because it expects
+  *  it to be set already; so we grovel through the machine/community
+  *  association list directly.
+  */
+     for (temp = machines; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+       if (strcmp(temp->machine, domaincommunity) == 0)
+         {
+           STRCPY(domaincommunity, temp->community) ;
+           break ;
+         }
+     IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "main: domain community is `%s`\n",
+                       domaincommunity) ; )
+   }
+ #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
    make_icon() ;                 /* Create default faces icon. */
    make_frame(argc, argv) ;      /* Create faces window/icon. */
    do_check() ;                  /* Generate initial faces display. */
*** 300,323 ****
    struct hostent *hp ;
    struct machinfo *temp ;      /* Pointer to next machine record. */
!   temp = machines ;            /* Point to list of machine/communitys. */
    if (host[0] == '\0')
!       GETHOSTNAME(community, MAXLINE) ;
!       hp = gethostbyname(community) ;
!       if (hp != NULL) STRCPY(community, hp->h_name) ;
    else STRCPY(community, host) ;   /* Copied in case machine name not found. */
!   while (temp != NULL)
!       if (!strcmp(temp->machine, community))
!         {
!           STRCPY(community, temp->community) ;
!           return ;
!         }
!       temp = temp->next ;      /* Point to next record. */
--- 354,407 ----
    struct hostent *hp ;
    struct machinfo *temp ;      /* Pointer to next machine record. */
!   char *hostinfo ;             /* Info returned from yp_match */
!   int len ;                    /* Length of returned hostinfo */
!   int yp_err ;                 /* Result from yp_match() */
    if (host[0] == '\0')
! /* Host not specified means use current host - return cached community. */
!       STRCPY(community, hostcommunity) ;
!       return ;
    else STRCPY(community, host) ;   /* Copied in case machine name not found. */
! /* Grovel through the machine/community association list. */
!   for (temp = machines; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
!     if (strcmp(temp->machine, community) == 0)
!       {
!         STRCPY(community, temp->community) ;
!         IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr,
!                           "h_to_c(): machine `%s` found in community '%s'\n",
!                           temp->machine, community) ; )
!         return ;
!       }
! #ifdef NISLOOKUP
! /*  yp_match() returns zero on success. We will treat any failure as
!  *  a simple `no match' condition.
!  */
!   yp_err = yp_match(hostdomain, "hosts.byname",
!                     host, strlen(host), &hostinfo, &len) ;
!   if (yp_err == 0)
! /* We aren't interested in the value returned, only whether the key
!  * was found...
!  */
!       STRCPY(community, domaincommunity) ;
!       IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "NISlookup: found %s\n", host) ; )
+   IF_DEBUG( else FPRINTF(stderr, "NISlookup: Error %d\n", yp_err) ; )
+   IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "h_to_c(): community = '%s'\n", community) ; )
+ #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
*** 346,354 ****
    old_style = 0 ;     /* Reset before checking this face. */
    if (strlen(facedir))
!     for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
!       for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
            if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
            if (i < 0)
--- 430,440 ----
    old_style = 0 ;     /* Reset before checking this face. */
+   IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "make_iconname: %s[%s] ", community, user) ; )
    if (strlen(facedir))
!     for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
!       for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
            if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
            if (i < 0)
*** 358,363 ****
--- 444,450 ----
                if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
                    old_style = 1 ;
+                   IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                    return 1 ;
*** 364,376 ****
                SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", facedir, cptr, user, fname[i]) ;
!               if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1) return 1 ;
!   for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
!     for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
          if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
          if (i < 0)
--- 451,467 ----
                SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", facedir, cptr, user, fname[i]) ;
!               if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!                 {
!                   IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
!                   return 1 ;
!                 }
!   for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
!     for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
          if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
          if (i < 0)
*** 379,384 ****
--- 470,476 ----
              if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi2 ;
              if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+                 IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                  old_style = 1 ;
                  return 1 ;
*** 386,392 ****
              SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", defdir, cptr, user, fname[i]) ;
!             if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1) return 1 ;
--- 478,488 ----
              SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", defdir, cptr, user, fname[i]) ;
!             if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
!               {
!                 IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
!                 return 1 ;
!               }
*** 399,404 ****
--- 495,501 ----
            if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi3 ;
            if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+               IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                old_style = 1 ;
                return 1 ;
*** 409,414 ****
--- 506,512 ----
            if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
                if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
+               IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                return 1 ;
*** 421,426 ****
--- 519,525 ----
          if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi4 ;
          if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+             IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
              old_style = 1 ;
              return 1 ;
*** 430,435 ****
--- 529,535 ----
          SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./%s/%s", defdir, user, fname[i]) ;
          if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
+             IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
              if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
              return 1 ;
*** 437,444 ****
    if (strlen(facedir))
!     for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
!       for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
            if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
            if (i < 0)
--- 537,544 ----
    if (strlen(facedir))
!     for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
!       for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
            if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
            if (i < 0)
*** 447,452 ****
--- 547,553 ----
                if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi5 ;
                if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+                   IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                    old_style = 1 ;
                    return 1 ;
*** 456,461 ****
--- 557,563 ----
                SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown/%s", facedir, cptr, fname[i]) ;
                if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
+                   IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                    if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
                    return 1 ;
*** 463,470 ****
!   for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
!     for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
          if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
          if (i < 0)
--- 565,572 ----
!   for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
!     for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
          if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
          if (i < 0)
*** 473,478 ****
--- 575,581 ----
              if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi6 ;
              if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+                 IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                  old_style = 1 ;
                  return 1 ;
*** 482,487 ****
--- 585,591 ----
              SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown/%s", defdir, cptr, fname[i]) ;
              if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
+                 IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                  if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
                  return 1 ;
*** 497,502 ****
--- 601,607 ----
            if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi7 ;
            if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+               IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                old_style = 1 ;
                return 1 ;
*** 506,511 ****
--- 611,617 ----
            SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown/%s", facedir, fname[i]) ;
            if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
+               IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
                if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
                if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
                return 1 ;
*** 520,525 ****
--- 626,632 ----
          if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) return 0 ;
          if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+             IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
              old_style = 1 ;
              return 1 ;
*** 529,534 ****
--- 636,642 ----
          SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown/%s", defdir, fname[i]) ;
          if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
+             IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
              if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
              if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
              return 1 ;

------- mon.c -------
*** /tmp/da18472	Thu Jul  5 16:57:44 1990
--- mon.c	Thu Jul  5 15:50:52 1990
*** 15,21 ****
--- 15,25 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifdef SYSV
+ #include <string.h>
+ #else
  #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /*SYSV*/
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <sys/time.h>

------- rec.c -------
*** /tmp/da18475	Thu Jul  5 16:57:45 1990
--- rec.c	Thu Jul  5 15:57:19 1990
*** 15,21 ****
--- 15,25 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifdef SYSV
+ #include <string.h>
+ #else
  #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /*SYSV*/
  #include "faces.h"
  #include "extern.h"

------- faces.h -------
*** /tmp/da18478	Thu Jul  5 16:57:46 1990
--- faces.h	Thu Jul  5 13:20:44 1990
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,25 ----
   *  reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ #define  IF_DEBUG(stmt)  stmt
+ #else
+ #define  IF_DEBUG(stmt)
+ #endif /*DEBUG*/
  #define  FCLOSE        (void) fclose      /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  FFLUSH        (void) fflush
  #define  FGETS         (void) fgets

------- patchlevel.h -------
*** /tmp/da18482	Thu Jul  5 16:57:47 1990
--- patchlevel.h	Thu Jul  5 12:46:00 1990
*** 14,17 ****
   *  reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  5
--- 14,17 ----
   *  reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  6

------- README -------
*** /tmp/da18485	Thu Jul  5 16:57:48 1990
--- README	Thu Jul  5 16:46:35 1990
*** 109,114 ****
--- 109,115 ----
  INVERT        - inverse video.
  NEWSINCDIR    - NeWS only: location of the NeWS #include files.
  NEWSLIBDIR    - NeWS only: location of the NeWS libraries.
+ NISLOOKUP     - uncomment to use Sun NIS (formerly YP) to look for hosts.
  NODOMAINS     - uncomment if you don't want full host domain names.
  NOINDEX       - uncomment if you don't have the index() function.
  PERIOD        - alternate period in seconds before recheck.
*** 115,120 ****
--- 116,122 ----
  REVORDER      - byte reversal for little-endian machines.
  SELTYPE       - uncomment for old select(2) calls.
  SPOOLFILE     - alternate default spoolfile to monitor.
+ SYSV          - uncomment if you are running Unix System V.
  TTEXT         - SunView only: uncomment on SunOS v3.x systems.
  UPDATE        - alternate mail alias for faces database updating.
  X11INCDIR     - X11 only: location of the X11 #include files.
*** 249,255 ****
  James Ashton for the mail header face compression / uncompression code.
  Pat Lashley for fixing up the NeWS version; modifying it to use cps, and
! improving the quality of the NeWS code.
  Chris Maltby for the parsefrom routine used to extract the username and
  hostname from the "From " and "From:"lines. Chris also supplied a shell
--- 251,258 ----
  James Ashton for the mail header face compression / uncompression code.
  Pat Lashley for fixing up the NeWS version; modifying it to use cps, and
! improving the quality of the NeWS code. Pat also added the ability to use
! the Sun NIS, to look for hosts not found in the file.
  Chris Maltby for the parsefrom routine used to extract the username and
  hostname from the "From " and "From:"lines. Chris also supplied a shell
*** 282,288 ****
  Dave Cohrs for several fixes and enhancements, the addition of X11 bitmap
! support, and generally sorting out most of the problems with the X11 version.
  Greg Dudek for an alternative version of "on-the-fly" X-Face imaging which
  hasn't been used.
--- 285,292 ----
  Dave Cohrs for several fixes and enhancements, the addition of X11 bitmap
! support, and generally sorting out most of the problems with the previous
! X11 version.
  Greg Dudek for an alternative version of "on-the-fly" X-Face imaging which
  hasn't been used.
*** 289,296 ****
  Also thanks to Jeremy Cook, John Machin, Neil Crellin, Mark Andrews, Sjoerd
  Mullender, Cameron Humphries, Rick Gunderson, Rich McAllister, Hakon Lie,
! John Fong, Chris Maltby, Darryl K. Ramm, Steve Piette, Tony Landells and
! Pat Lashley for various bug reports, fixes and suggestions for improvement.
--- 293,301 ----
  Also thanks to Jeremy Cook, John Machin, Neil Crellin, Mark Andrews, Sjoerd
  Mullender, Cameron Humphries, Rick Gunderson, Rich McAllister, Hakon Lie,
! John Fong, Chris Maltby, Darryl K. Ramm, Steve Piette, Tony Landells, Pat
! Lashley, Dave Glowacki, Chris Steinbroner and Steven M. Miller for various
! bug reports, fixes and suggestions for improvement.

------- faces.1 -------
*** /tmp/da18488	Thu Jul  5 16:57:49 1990
--- faces.1	Thu Jul  5 12:54:32 1990
*** 94,100 ****
  monitor mail, print queues or users on a system.. It contains graphical
  interfaces for NeWS, SunView, XView and X11. It has five different modes of
! .LP
  The default (no
  .BR -a ,
  .BR -H ,
--- 94,100 ----
  monitor mail, print queues or users on a system.. It contains graphical
  interfaces for NeWS, SunView, XView and X11. It has five different modes of
! .PP
  The default (no
  .BR -a ,
  .BR -H ,
*** 108,114 ****
  or the time the mail message arrived. You can clear this area to the
  background pattern by hitting the Delete key. The icon shows the image
  of the last message to arrive.
! .LP
  The second choice
  .RB ( -a )
  is to monitor the whole of a mail file. The open window will
--- 108,114 ----
  or the time the mail message arrived. You can clear this area to the
  background pattern by hitting the Delete key. The icon shows the image
  of the last message to arrive.
! .PP
  The second choice
  .RB ( -a )
  is to monitor the whole of a mail file. The open window will
*** 117,123 ****
  message from that user. The icon will display the image of the last
  message, and a count of the total number of messages in the spool
  file or mail folder.
! .LP
  The third option
  .RB ( -P )
  allows this program to monitor a given print queue.
--- 117,123 ----
  message from that user. The icon will display the image of the last
  message, and a count of the total number of messages in the spool
  file or mail folder.
! .PP
  The third option
  .RB ( -P )
  allows this program to monitor a given print queue.
*** 126,138 ****
  number of jobs to be printed. Opening the window will show images of all
  the jobs in the queue. The text on each image can be toggled, choices
  being the owners' name and the size of the job in bytes.
! .LP
  With the fourth mode
  .RB ( -H ),
  you can monitor who is logged in a machine.
  For each user, a face image is displayed. Text can be either the username
  or the time they logged on. The iconic form displays the total number of users.
! .LP
  you can specify a program or shell script to run
  .RB ( -e ).
--- 126,138 ----
  number of jobs to be printed. Opening the window will show images of all
  the jobs in the queue. The text on each image can be toggled, choices
  being the owners' name and the size of the job in bytes.
! .PP
  With the fourth mode
  .RB ( -H ),
  you can monitor who is logged in a machine.
  For each user, a face image is displayed. Text can be either the username
  or the time they logged on. The iconic form displays the total number of users.
! .PP
  you can specify a program or shell script to run
  .RB ( -e ).
*** 140,146 ****
  from this program will be read by the faces program, and the appropriate faces
  displayed using the information provided. The format of this face information
  is given in the faces manual page.
! .LP
  There are special displays for no mail, no faces found, no print jobs,
  no paper in the printer, and no users logged into a machine.
--- 140,146 ----
  from this program will be read by the faces program, and the appropriate faces
  displayed using the information provided. The format of this face information
  is given in the faces manual page.
! .PP
  There are special displays for no mail, no faces found, no print jobs,
  no paper in the printer, and no users logged into a machine.
*** 290,296 ****
  .I username
  level is a plain file (not a directory) it is assumed to be a
  Blit icon.
! .LP
  To access the face for the mail name
  .I machine!uid
  take the result of the first successful open from the following list of files:
--- 290,296 ----
  .I username
  level is a plain file (not a directory) it is assumed to be a
  Blit icon.
! .PP
  To access the face for the mail name
  .I machine!uid
  take the result of the first successful open from the following list of files:
*** 332,338 ****
  .I uucp.
  If the faces directory hierarchy is not found, then a blank face image
  will be used.
! .LP
  Faces information is administered by a pair of ASCII files in the faces
  directory that associate related machines and faces. The machine table
--- 332,338 ----
  .I uucp.
  If the faces directory hierarchy is not found, then a blank face image
  will be used.
! .PP
  Faces information is administered by a pair of ASCII files in the faces
  directory that associate related machines and faces. The machine table
*** 354,360 ****
  .I richb
  for the community
  .I sunaus
! .LP
  Note that you still need to use
  .I mailtool
  or some other mail reading utility to actually read the mail that this program
--- 354,360 ----
  .I richb
  for the community
  .I sunaus
! .PP
  Note that you still need to use
  .I mailtool
  or some other mail reading utility to actually read the mail that this program
*** 361,367 ****
  .I faces
  simply displays who the mail is from.
! .LP
  When new mail arrives,
  .B faces
  will beep and flash appropriately, depending upon the set parameters in
--- 361,367 ----
  .I faces
  simply displays who the mail is from.
! .PP
  When new mail arrives,
  .B faces
  will beep and flash appropriately, depending upon the set parameters in
*** 368,374 ****
  the users
  .I .mailrc
! .LP
  If you are using the NeWS version and creating face images of the
  form, then the following points should be noted:
--- 368,374 ----
  the users
  .I .mailrc
! .PP
  If you are using the NeWS version and creating face images of the
  form, then the following points should be noted:
*** 375,381 ****
  All graphics operations should be performed on the unit square; and
  the final image will be translated to a 64 x 64 square image at
  the appropriate position in the faces display.
! .LP
  If you are using the
  .B \-e
  option, then the user program or shell script should firstly generate a
--- 375,381 ----
  All graphics operations should be performed on the unit square; and
  the final image will be translated to a 64 x 64 square image at
  the appropriate position in the faces display.
! .PP
  If you are using the
  .B \-e
  option, then the user program or shell script should firstly generate a
*** 385,391 ****
  where mm is the size in columns for the faces window and icon, and
  nn is the size in rows. A window will be generated with these dimensions.
! .LP
  This record is followed by the face information records, which are again
  in fixed format. As well as providing the username and hostname, there are
  four other fields which can be filled in, which denote what is displayed
--- 385,391 ----
  where mm is the size in columns for the faces window and icon, and
  nn is the size in rows. A window will be generated with these dimensions.
! .PP
  This record is followed by the face information records, which are again
  in fixed format. As well as providing the username and hostname, there are
  four other fields which can be filled in, which denote what is displayed
*** 404,410 ****
  icon left  	61	10
  icon right	71	10
! .LP
  Any of these fields may be left blank. There are also four special usernames,
  which will display the appropriate standard icons. These are
--- 404,410 ----
  icon left  	61	10
  icon right	71	10
! .PP
  Any of these fields may be left blank. There are also four special usernames,
  which will display the appropriate standard icons. These are

------- Makefile -------
*** /tmp/da18491	Thu Jul  5 16:57:51 1990
--- Makefile	Thu Jul  5 16:50:21 1990
*** 72,77 ****
--- 72,83 ----
+ #  Uncomment the following two lines to use the Sun Network Information
+ #  Services (NIS, formerly YP) to look for hosts which do not explicitly
+ #  appear in the file.
+ #
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #  If you don't want faces to use full domain names for extracting face
  #  icons, then you should uncomment the NODOMAINS definition below.
*** 109,115 ****
  #  appropriately.
  #SPOOLFILE       = -DSPOOLFILE=\"/usr/richb/Mail/pending\"
! #------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #  If you are running SunOS v3.x, then pr_ttext doesn't exist, and
  #  you must uncomment this definition.
--- 115,126 ----
  #  appropriately.
  #SPOOLFILE       = -DSPOOLFILE=\"/usr/richb/Mail/pending\"
! #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
! #  If you are running on a Unix System V machine, then you should uncomment
! #  the next definition.
! #
! #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #  If you are running SunOS v3.x, then pr_ttext doesn't exist, and
  #  you must uncomment this definition.
*** 150,165 ****
  #  Options for submakes
  #  Compilation flags and standard macro definitions.
  CCOMP		= -g
--- 161,183 ----
  #  Options for submakes
+ # Override DEBUG on the command line as `DEBUG=-DDEBUG' to enable various
+ # additional checking diagnostic output options.
+ #
+ DEBUG		=
+ #
  #  Compilation flags and standard macro definitions.
  CCOMP		= -g

------- x11.c -------
*** /tmp/da18494	Thu Jul  5 16:57:52 1990
--- x11.c	Thu Jul  5 15:24:04 1990
*** 164,169 ****
--- 164,170 ----
  int argc ;
  char *argv[] ;
+   char *def_geom ;
    int i, j ;
    unsigned short buf[256] ;
*** 184,191 ****
    screen = DefaultScreen(dpy) ;
    root = RootWindow(dpy, screen) ;
!   if (geometry[0] != '\0')
!     STRCPY(geometry, XGetDefault(dpy, progname, "Geometry")) ;
    foregnd = BlackPixel(dpy, screen) ;
    backgnd = WhitePixel(dpy, screen) ;
--- 185,193 ----
    screen = DefaultScreen(dpy) ;
    root = RootWindow(dpy, screen) ;
!   if (geometry[0] == '\0' &&
!       (def_geom = XGetDefault(dpy, progname, "Geometry")) != NULL)
!     STRCPY(geometry, def_geom) ;
    foregnd = BlackPixel(dpy, screen) ;
    backgnd = WhitePixel(dpy, screen) ;

------- TODO -------
*** /tmp/da18497	Thu Jul  5 16:57:53 1990
--- TODO	Thu Jul  5 15:32:25 1990
*** 57,62 ****
--- 57,67 ----
      to update the wrong face in the faces database. The only clean solution
      to this, is if faces only recognises X-Face lines in the mail header.
+     From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
+     The problem with finding an X-Face: entry in an included message can be
+     resolved by a flag which would restrict X-Face: recognition to the header
+     or the first non-blank line of the body.
  12/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
      An entry of the form `+domainname=community' in the file to
      indicate that if a hostname is found without domain specifier, and it
*** 94,97 ****
  19/ Add an option to disable flashing and beeping when new mail arrives.
! 20/ Optimise.
--- 99,127 ----
  19/ Add an option to disable flashing and beeping when new mail arrives.
! 20/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
!     Change window header to show what is being monitored (mail, lp1, users,
!     etc.)
! 21/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
!     A mixed-mode version which would use xview for the basic windowing and
!     property sheets; but use NeWS for the rendering. It is, of course,
!     dependant upon having the X/NeWS server, but there may be some way to
!     determine at run-time whether the NeWS operations are available, or
!     whether to stick to XView/X11 mechanisms.
! 22/ From Steven M. Miller <miller at SCTC.COM>
!     I would like to use -iconic to specify iconic mode for X. This would
!     require change -i to -I for inverse in get.c and having -i to set iconic=1.
! 23/ From Steven M. Miller <miller at SCTC.COM>
!     Under X, when faces is started up in iconic mode nothing is displayed in
!     the icon until the icon is clicked on and opened and then closed again.
! 24/ From Kee Hinckley <nazgul at>
!     Any possibility of changing that header to an RFC1154 (I think that's
!     the number) conformant form?  Namely an encoding field in the
!     header (presumbably with a new name for the faces format, or using
!     one of the existing ones (G3Fax uuencode would probably be good)).
! 25/ Optimise.

------- CHANGES -------
*** /tmp/da18500	Thu Jul  5 16:57:53 1990
--- CHANGES	Thu Jul  5 16:46:04 1990
*** 140,142 ****
--- 140,183 ----
           The definition for MANDIR in the main Makefile is incorrect.
         [Posted to comp.sources.misc]
+ v1.4 - patchlevel 6 - 5th July 1990.
+        * From Tony Landells <ahl at>
+          Change all the .LP macros in the manual pages to .PP, since .PP is
+          an alternative to .LP is newer versions of the manual pages, while
+          it is the alternative to .P in older versions; but older versions
+          don't have .LP and newer ones don't have .P.  Thus .PP seems to be
+          the only universally accepted one.
+        * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
+          make_iconname() is broken with respect to multi-level domains. One
+          symptom is that `unknown' will always come from misc.. The problem
+          is that the for loops are nested backwards.
+        * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
+          Code to impliment simple NIS lookup for hosts not explicitly
+          mentioned in the machines table. Note there is another definition
+          at the front of the Makefile (NISLOOKUP), then should be uncommented
+          to use this feature. The README file has been updated.
+        * From Dave Glowacki <dglo at>
+          From Steven M. Miller <miller at SCTC.COM>
+          If the geometry has been set with -geometry you don't want to try
+          and get the default. Additionally if no default is set XGetDefault
+          returns NULL which crashes the faces program.
+        * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh at>
+          For system V and varients, there is no <strings.h>; it is <string.h>.
+          I've added yet another definition (SYSV) to the Makefile, that
+          should be uncommented, if this is the case for your machine. The
+          README file has been updated.
+        * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh at>
+          Making rs2icon fails because my machine has no rasterfile.h
+          include file. The #include <rasterfile.h> has been removed from
+          this file, and the structure definition added to the source file.
+        * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh at>
+          ikon2icon in the filters directory uses index(), so you have to do
+          the NOINDEX define stuff there too.

------- parsefrom.c -------
*** /tmp/da18503	Thu Jul  5 16:57:54 1990
--- parsefrom.c	Thu Jul  5 16:52:06 1990
*** 15,21 ****
--- 15,25 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifdef SYSV
+ #include <string.h>
+ #else
  #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /*SYSV*/
  #include "faces.h"

------- filters/ikon2icon.c -------
*** /tmp/da18598	Thu Jul  5 17:00:10 1990
--- filters/ikon2icon.c	Thu Jul  5 16:48:44 1990
*** 16,27 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  0
  #define  GETS        (void) gets     /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  PRINTF      (void) printf
  #define  SPRINTF     (void) sprintf
  #define  SSCANF      (void) sscanf
  #define  BLITHEIGHT  48       /* Maximum number of lines in a blit icon. */
  #define  MAXLINE     80       /* Maximum length for character strings. */
--- 16,31 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  1
  #define  GETS        (void) gets     /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  PRINTF      (void) printf
  #define  SPRINTF     (void) sprintf
  #define  SSCANF      (void) sscanf
+ #ifdef  NOINDEX
+ #define  index        strchr
+ #endif /*NOINDEX*/
  #define  BLITHEIGHT  48       /* Maximum number of lines in a blit icon. */
  #define  MAXLINE     80       /* Maximum length for character strings. */

------- filters/rs2icon.c -------
*** /tmp/da18601	Thu Jul  5 17:00:11 1990
--- filters/rs2icon.c	Thu Jul  5 16:27:04 1990
*** 21,30 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
! #include <rasterfile.h>
  #include <strings.h>
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  0
  #define  FPRINTF     (void) fprintf  /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  FREAD       (void) fread
--- 21,47 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
! #ifdef SYSV
! #include <string.h>
! #else
  #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /*SYSV*/
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  1
! /* Taken from: @(#)rasterfile.h 1.11 89/08/21 SMI. */
! struct rasterfile {
!         int     ras_magic;              /* magic number */
!         int     ras_width;              /* width (pixels) of image */
!         int     ras_height;             /* height (pixels) of image */
!         int     ras_depth;              /* depth (1, 8, or 24 bits) of pixel */
!         int     ras_length;             /* length (bytes) of image */
!         int     ras_type;               /* type of file; see RT_* below */
!         int     ras_maptype;            /* type of colormap; see RMT_* below */
!         int     ras_maplength;          /* length (bytes) of following map */
!         /* color map follows for ras_maplength bytes, followed by image */
! };
  #define  FPRINTF     (void) fprintf  /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  FREAD       (void) fread

------- filters/Makefile -------
*** /tmp/da18604	Thu Jul  5 17:00:11 1990
--- filters/Makefile	Thu Jul  5 16:45:35 1990
*** 12,25 ****
  #  to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
  #  to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! # BINDIR is expected to be overridden by the calling Makefile
  BINDIR		= /usr/local/bin
! BINARIES	= icon2ikon ikon2icon rs2icon 
  CC		= cc
! CFLAGS		= -g
  all:		$(BINARIES)
--- 12,35 ----
  #  to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
  #  to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! # BINDIR and NOINDEX are expected to be overridden by the calling Makefile
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  BINDIR		= /usr/local/bin
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #  Not all machines have the index() string library function. If you
+ #  don't have this function then you should uncomment the NOINDEX
+ #  definition below.
+ #
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
! BINARIES	= icon2ikon ikon2icon rs2icon
  CC		= cc
! CCOMP		= -g
  all:		$(BINARIES)

------- filters/icon2ikon.c -------
*** /tmp/da18607	Thu Jul  5 17:00:12 1990
--- filters/icon2ikon.c	Thu Jul  5 16:27:20 1990
*** 17,25 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <string.h>
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  0
  #define  FPRINTF     (void) fprintf     /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  PRINTF      (void) printf
--- 17,29 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #ifdef SYSV
  #include <string.h>
+ #else
+ #include <strings.h>
+ #endif /*SYSV*/
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  1
  #define  FPRINTF     (void) fprintf     /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  PRINTF      (void) printf

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